Chapter 117
The news of the separation of the Lu family spread like wildfire, and it was even reported that the old man became seriously ill because of the separation.

The Lu Group is said to be powerful on the outside and powerful on the inside. It is no longer as powerful as the dominant force in the past.

Some people believe it, some people don't.

When Mr. Lu faced these nonsense, he just laughed it off.

He is getting old and wants to live a peaceful life. He doesn't want to get involved in business matters anymore.

What's more, such a large family business has now been given to the grandson, doesn't it prove anything?

There were still three days left before joining the group. Lou Yuejiao bought a lot of things and planned to go back to his old house to visit his grandfather after get off work.

Otherwise, it will take two or three months to think about it again.

When I got there, I realized that the old man had already left. I bought a plane ticket yesterday and caught the morning flight to go to an unknown island to relax and not care about the world.

After hearing the news, Lou Yuejiao still didn't believe it. After searching around the mansion and making sure that there was no trace of his grandfather, he accepted the reality.

I was still worried that Lu Yanci knew the news, so I told him immediately when I saw him in the evening.

But Lou Yuejiao noticed the change in Lu Yanci's expression. When he heard that his grandfather had gone elsewhere to enjoy his leisure, there was no trace of surprise on his face.

"It seems that you already knew this reaction, so why didn't you tell me earlier?" Lou Yuejiao said with dissatisfaction in her tone.

"This is grandpa's wish. When he was young, he said that when the Lu family no longer needs him, he would find a quiet place to live out his life."

Of course, Lou Yuejiao didn't know anything about this matter, otherwise she wouldn't have doubted it today, and she would have spent so much effort searching around the big house.

After peeling the apple on his hand, Lu Yanci cut it horizontally and vertically with a fruit knife and divided it into several segments.

"The apples I bought today are of good quality. I can already smell the fragrance before I eat them. Try them."

Lou Yuejiao felt that the things she said were very serious, but Lu Yanci's attitude was obviously not serious.

"Grandpa is already very old. How can he live alone on a small island?"

Lu Yanci pinched a piece of apple with his hand and brought it to Lou Yuejiao's mouth: "Don't worry, I have already made arrangements there."

"We have housekeepers and nannies to take care of us in our daily life, and we have private doctors and nurses for our health. Grandpa also keeps us occupied."

In fact, Lou Yuejiao didn't know that the old man couldn't bear to see the Lu family killing each other.

The second uncle's family will definitely not be happy if they get such a small share, and they will definitely try their best to cause some trouble for the group company in the days to come.

With Lu Yanci's temper, he would definitely not give up.

But this second uncle had no other skills. He was very good at complaining. Once grandpa showed mercy, Lu Yanci had no choice but to swallow his words.

In order to prevent this from happening, the old man immediately found a place where no one else knew about him, so that his ears would be quiet.

"Did grandpa say when he would be back?" Lou Yuejiao asked.

"I came back during the Chinese New Year." Lu Yanci replied calmly.

It was quite a big apple, and the two of them ate it separately. Lu Yanci skipped dinner and went to the study with the freshly brewed coffee.

Lou Yuejiao didn't move, still lazily leaning on the sofa, picking up her tablet and looking for a TV series to pass the time.

Before the prelude music ended, the screen of the mobile phone placed aside suddenly lit up.

Out of the corner of his eye, he picked it up and took a look. After unlocking the screen, he found that it was a text message from an unknown number.

When I clicked on it, there was only an address and a sentence: I have a secret that I want to tell you.Lou Yuejiao looked at the inexplicable text message, frowned slightly, copied the phone number and searched for it in WeChat.

After searching, there were no results, so I dialed directly and it immediately prompted that the phone was turned off.

Lou Yuejiao was just curious about such a show-off for a few seconds, deleted the text message, blocked the number, took the phone from somewhere and put it back.

I double-clicked the tablet screen and continued to watch the TV series. This TV series has been around for some years. I have watched it over and over so many times that I can memorize the lines in it.

Whenever she doesn't know what to do, Lou Yuejiao will look for this TV series to pass the time.

The content of the TV series had only been broadcast for less than 10 minutes, and the mobile phone screen that had been black suddenly lit up again.

An ambiguous message was still sent from an unfamiliar number, which also asked why Lou Yuejiao blocked the number.

At the same time, he also ridiculed whether he was afraid to come. If he didn't come, the secret would appear on the front pages of major media tomorrow.

Let Lou Yuejiao experience for herself what hot search is.

After reading the message carefully, Lou Yuejiao thought about whether he had done anything shameful in the circle since he entered the industry until now.

After thinking about it from head to toe, I really can't remember that I have harmed anyone. The only one who didn't tell the truth was probably my relationship with Lu Yanci.

But she has been hiding this matter very well.

Two messages one after another reminded Lou Yuejiao that someone knew her secret.

She could have ignored it at first, but now it made her a little worried.

I couldn't watch the TV series for a while, and kept tapping on the screen with my fingertips, sending a message back to the other party.

"What on earth do you know? There is no grievance or enmity between us. What good does it do you to threaten me like this? If there is something you cannot say openly, you have to use this shady method."

Lou Yuejiao pretended that she really had a secret that was known, and replied with such a message.

Seeing that the message was successfully delivered, I started to feel uncontrollably anxious, wondering what the other party would reply to later.

Five minutes later, the phone lit up again, and the other party replied with three words - Lu Yanci.

Seeing these three words, Lou Yuejiao's whole body was filled with chills, thinking that Lu Yanci was in the study upstairs at this moment, dealing with important work matters.

Here she received another threatening text message from a stranger. The two things were intertwined, causing Lou Yuejiao to feel a little upset.

The aunt who had finished her work in the kitchen came out and asked Lou Yuejiao if she needed anything else.

Walking up to take a look, he found that Lou Yuejiao looked restless.

"Ma'am, what's wrong with you? There's something wrong with your face."

Lou Yuejiao came back to her senses, forced out a smile and said, "I have to go out for a while because of something urgent. When Yan Ci comes down, tell him and I will be back soon."

Lou Yuejiao stood up in a hurry, took the car keys and left the house.

The aunt stood there blankly. When she realized what she was doing, she found that the car had already driven away.

Lu Yanci, who was upstairs, was completely unaware of this and was still busy dealing with some minor troubles he encountered at work.

As expected from the beginning, the second uncle also used the name of the Lu Group to cause trouble outside and left a lot of mess, so he was asked to help wipe the mess.

(End of this chapter)

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