Chapter 123 Going Astray

Those regulations are all provided by the corresponding departments and provide a reasonable treatment.

After learning about this incident, Lu Yanci did not take any action.

I thought about asking the department manager to handle the matter first. If the manager can't handle it well, I would come back to him.

If the department manager can't handle even this small matter and you still need to trouble him, then simply don't hold this position.

He also told the secretary not to bother him with small things like this in the future. For a company as big as the Lu Group, he didn't need to know everything in detail.

As soon as I put down the phone, a video invitation popped up on the computer screen. The person who sent the video invitation was Zhang Tu.

Lu Yanci accepted the video without any hesitation. When the picture was transmitted, he saw Lou Yuejiao in the picture.

Zhang Tu said to Lu Yanci in a very low voice: "Ms. Lou will have an interview show this afternoon, but this interview will not be broadcast until next week. I happen to be at the scene to give you a sneak peek."

The video picture is a bit shaky, and the location of the picture is not very good. Only the profile of Lou Yuejiao can be seen.

Moreover, there were other staff members walking back and forth in front of their mobile phones. Not only the picture was messy, but also the on-site dispatching sound was interfering. It was impossible to hear what Lou Yuejiao was saying.

However, in interviews like this, the questions asked are not particularly profound, and sometimes they can make the person being interviewed very embarrassed.

"Why don't you say anything? Although I don't know what the relationship between you and Miss Lou is, the fact that you sent her to work today is beyond my expectation."

"And even if you don't tell me directly, it's hard not to make me wonder if there is some shady deal between you?"

Zhang Tu could only think of saying something like a joke in front of Lu Yanci. If it were anyone else, he wouldn't be too lazy to say anything other than work.

Lu Yanci suddenly laughed and said, "This is a secret. I won't tell it, and she won't tell it either. Just take your time and guess."

Before he finished speaking, the video screen suddenly went black, and Zhang Tu hung up the video without warning.

Lu Yanci didn't show any signs of movement, and at the same time he closed the chat box between the two of them.

Then devote all the remaining time and energy to work.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Lu Yanci drove downstairs of the company, and Lou Yuejiao's work was also completed successfully.

Just when he came out of the company, he saw his car. When no one was paying attention, he ran towards the car door quickly.

Open the door, get in the car, close the door, all in one smooth movement.

Fortunately, Lu Yanci's car window had been treated, so he couldn't see anyone inside.

"Hurry, hurry up, drive quickly and wait for my makeup artist and other employees to come out."

Under Lou Yuejiao's urging, Lu Yanci stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

Even so, Lou Yuejiao was still very nervous.

"Did you tell Zhang Tu about our relationship? He said he called you, and then you asked me to answer his question on the phone. You are really good at passing the blame."

"I didn't say it. It was you who took the lead in this matter. If he has questions, he will naturally ask you clearly. How can I answer clearly?"

Lou Yuejiao gently rubbed her temples with her hands a few times. As for the relationship between the two of them, she felt that the more she kept hiding it like this, the more it felt like there was no 300 taels of silver in this place.

Seeing her like this, Lu Yanci immediately changed the subject: "Let's eat out tonight. An old friend of mine has agreed to have dinner together tonight."

Lou Yuejiao didn't think too much and agreed casually.

Then the two came to the hospital and waited in the parking lot for a long time before they saw Jiang Ke coming out of the back door of the hospital.

After changing into his white coat, he was now a young man of 27 or [-] years old, with very thick hair.

However, he had graduated with a doctoral degree and had made some achievements in the medical field. Otherwise, Lu Yanci would not have trusted Jiang Ke to diagnose Lou Yuejiao's condition.Jiang Ke opened the door and got into the car. When he saw someone sitting in the passenger seat, he was inevitably a little curious.

When Lou Yuejiao turned around, Jiang Ke realized that the person sitting in front of him was actually the patient he took over last night.

"Hello, my name is Jiang Ke, do you remember me?"

Lou Yuejiao nodded, of course she remembered, they had just met a few hours ago.

"Hello, my name is Lou Yuejiao, and I am Lu Yanci's good friend."

With a faint smile on his face, Jiang Ke shook hands with Lou Yuejiao politely without asking any questions.

"Yanci, let's go to the small restaurant we used to go to. We've been busy all day and haven't had time to eat. We're starving to death."

Jiang Ke said, putting his backpack on the seat and leaning back.

There is no image at all, and there is no trace of the handsome, graceful and handsome look he had just now.

Lu Yanci drove the car and arrived at the small restaurant Jiang Ke mentioned in just a few minutes.

This is not a five-star restaurant, just a small restaurant that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

Precisely because it can be seen everywhere, Lu Yanci's luxury car attracted too much attention from passers-by when it appeared here.

Just as Lou Yuejiao was about to open the door and get out of the car, Lu Yanci handed over a black mask and hat.

"Get out of the way. A big star like you will definitely cause traffic jams if he appears here."

Lou Yuejiao said oh, put on a mask and hat, and kept her head down the whole time after getting off the car to ensure that she would not attract the attention of passers-by.

The three people quickly walked into the small restaurant and chose a small private room.

Jiang Ke picked up the menu on the table unceremoniously and ordered several dishes of this, that, and that, and then Lu Yanci.

However, the dishes Lu Yanci ordered were all Lou Yuejiao's favorites.

"You don't have to be on duty at night, can you drink?" Lu Yanci asked.

Jiang Ke shook his head and said: "You can't drink alcohol, otherwise it will affect the accuracy of my hands. If you are a patient's family member, you don't want the surgeon to be an alcoholic in private."

Lu Yanci couldn't refute these words. Since he couldn't drink, let's have some drinks. This should be fine.

After ordering the food, the small private room became quiet, but Lu Yanci had one more thing he wanted to confirm.

Lu Yanci took out the syringe in a sealed bag from his pocket.

"If almost one milliliter of animal anesthetic is injected through the artery, will a person die?"

After Jiang Ke listened, he didn't say a word for a long time. He just used his thumb to rub the syringe inside through the sealed bag.

"Arterial injection, you know what you're talking about."

Lu Yanci chuckled and said, "Just tell me whether people will die, and what will happen to them if they don't die."

Jiang Ke hesitated for a while, thinking about his career and the relationship between the two.

In an instant, he corrected his attitude: "If you want to harm others, I will call the police now. I can't watch you go astray."

Lu Yanci remained silent, and the atmosphere between the two people suddenly became tense.

(End of this chapter)

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