The actor also did not forget to thank Lou Yuejiao for saving his life. If she had not stopped suddenly, she would probably have acted like an extra.

An unexpected accident occurred and the crew was dumbfounded.

The most difficult thing was the prop master. Before the shooting started, he and his team carefully checked to make sure there were no real bombs on site.

Then where did this bomb come from?

The frightened director finally came to his senses and immediately asked the prop master to check if there were any omissions.

But when the prop master took out the bombs and counted them, he found that the number was correct.

When the director proposed to use real ones, the prop master knew that this was his job, but when it came to weapons and ammunition, they were not available on the market at all.

Even if you buy it on the black market, the price is quite good, so in the end the prop master decided to find someone to get some gunpowder to make his own.

This person makes fireworks and firecrackers. He only needs to change the proportions and the firecrackers can turn into bombs.

However, we only made less than ten of them, and no one knew about these little things before filming this scene.

Since the number of homemade bombs is correct now, it means that the one that exploded on the set was not placed by them.

And through comparison of fragments of shrapnel, it was also confirmed that they were not the same.

This result at least gave the prop master a sigh of relief, so he grabbed this life-saving straw and extended the problem.

"Director, could someone want to harm Miss Lou?"

If Lou Yuejiao hadn't stopped, she would have run to that location, and an unexpected big explosion would have occurred.

"Then let's see who has stopped here before the official filming begins. We would rather kill them by mistake than let them go."

Lu Yanci has clearly expressed his attitude, and the director and other staff are also trembling.

There are so many people coming and going in this film and television base. If you want to find the murderer, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But Lu Yanci is right in front of him, if he, as the director, doesn't show his attitude first at this time.

Then don't think about continuing to hang out in this circle.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, we will definitely find this person. Before that, we hope you can help us think of a solution."

As a young director, Qi Tian might not be able to make a qualitative breakthrough in this matter in a short time even if he tried his best.

However, it would be a big difference if Lu Yanci was willing to help.

Looking at his shocked wife in his arms, Lu Yanci felt deeply that this matter was indeed directed at Lou Yuejiao.

If he doesn't pursue it to the end this time, there will be a second and third time soon. Who can guarantee that Lou Yuejiao will always have such good luck and escape from death again and again.

"I'll listen to what you say. I want to see how you plan to investigate."

The director was silent for a moment. In fact, he had already thought of a countermeasure on how to investigate.

His decision to film it with a real bomb or someone would find out.

That person was trying to mix the real ones he brought with the bombs made by the prop master.

As long as we find someone who may reveal the information, we can continue the investigation.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that all this is a coincidence.

Moreover, the filming scene for this scene was set up starting last night.

Finding suspicious persons is not as difficult as imagined.

But when Lou Yuejiao and Lu Yanci returned to the hotel room, this news already appeared on the Internet.

After seeing those comments on the Internet, I really feel like I will die before I start.

Fortunately, Lu Yanci was by his side, which more or less made Lou Yuejiao feel so panicked.After looking at it, I found that the public opinions on the Internet had somehow turned the trend towards Lou Yuejiao.

Some so-called insiders even revealed that the reason why the injured extras were injured was because Lou Yuejiao did not move as planned.

If it weren't for her sudden change, the extras would never have stepped on the explosives.

Suddenly, the voice of condemnation of Lou Yuejiao on the Internet was very loud, and she was suddenly plunged into a whirlpool.

Later, Zhang Tu also tried his best to deal with this incident. It was obvious that Lou Yuejiao was the victim of the whole incident.

But now, she looks more like a perpetrator.

Lu Yanci was somewhat worried about his wife's mood, but she saw that she closed the web page calmly.

There wasn't much change in his expression, but he still needed to be comforted.

"It seems that what happened today was intentional. Did you offend anyone at the film and television base during this time?" Lu Yanci asked.

In terms of not offending anyone, Lou Yuejiao really thought about it in his mind.

But from her point of view, she didn't offend anyone.

Even apart from work, I spent the rest of my time alone in my hotel room.

The only people who can contact her are either the director, the crew, or the hotel service staff.

But what reason did these people have to harm her?

Lu Yanci also felt that it was impossible for these people, but he couldn't just ignore them.

"Whether it's possible or not, we have to investigate carefully. Even if he doesn't take the initiative to harm you, he might be doing it for someone else."

"If you feel upset, then take advantage of these two days to rest and let's change somewhere to relax."

Lou Yuejiao put down her phone and took a deep breath. She had been in the industry for so long. Although she didn't dare to say what storms she had experienced, she had never experienced a situation like this before.

So for her, this little thing won't affect her status.

"I'm fine, and I don't need to go to far away places to relax. Anyway, I believe that everything will become clearer by itself and dirty by itself. No matter who it is, since he can do it, don't blame me for not being able to tolerate it."

Lu Yanci stared at Lou Yuejiao, the corners of his mouth slightly raised in a suitable arc.

"What are you going to do if you find that person?"

Lou Yuejiao really thought about it seriously. She was a reasonable person and obeyed the law.

Therefore, as long as she finds that person, she will fight back in the most correct way.

Because the extra actor was injured, the entire crew was forced to stop work.

The director also took advantage of the downtime to start checking people inside and outside.

The homemade bombs were cleared before filming officially began.

But the one that exploded looked very similar to a prop bomb.

So it is very possible that he made a mistake during the investigation. I have to say that the person who planted this bomb was indeed very smart.
It seemed like he had anticipated everything that would happen next.

And judging from the current situation, his caution is correct.

The director had to start investigating from last night.

In short, you can't just let go of even a fly, otherwise you won't be able to explain it to the entire crew.

At the same time, Lou Yuejiao and Lu Yanci came to have dinner at a century-old restaurant outside the film and television base.

During the meal, I unexpectedly received a call from Huo Ting.

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