While Lou Yuejiao watched, she took out the snacks she brought with her from her bag. Maybe she knew she was pregnant.

From time to time, I feel a little hungry, so I carry some candies, chocolates, nuts, and even fruits with me.

She was eating here, and Lu Yanci was studying carefully there. After one class, he felt it was more difficult than reviewing a hundred documents.

Sure enough, being a parent is not an easy task. Fortunately, Lu Yanci did not resist learning these things.

At noon, the two of them had a simple meal in the canteen of the center. Lu Yanci thought that he could arrange his time freely in the afternoon.

The result was not what he expected, and there were still courses waiting for him.

He has already learned a lot about how to coax a child, but how to change a child's diaper, how to prepare milk powder, and how to judge whether a child is hungry or crying for no reason all need to be mastered by him.

As a result, the time suddenly reached evening, and there were two parents in the middle of the class. It seemed that they couldn't stand such a class.

Halfway through, he excused himself to smoke and ran away. In the end, only Lu Yanci was left holding on.

Seeing that he really wanted to learn this, Lou Yuejiao gradually felt very comfortable.

Pregnancy will not help her career in any way. On the contrary, it will make her retreat rapidly during the period when she was originally on the rise.

Who knows what the entertainment industry will look like in a few months, even if she has Jiaoyang Pictures supporting her.

By then her influence may not be higher than it is now. Is it possible that she really wants to be a housewife in a down-to-earth manner?
Lou Yuejiao shook her head and wanted to get rid of this idea. She didn't want to be a housewife.

When the teacher said get out of class was over, Lu Yanci breathed a sigh of relief.

Lou Yuejiao looked at the snacks she had brought in her bag and saw that there was nothing left, so she was about to go home.

"How is it? Is this day fulfilling enough?" Lou Yuejiao asked.

Lu Yanci was too tired to talk. Although he was only in the training room that day, he didn't go anywhere.

But the level of fatigue is no less than when he goes on a business trip.

Moreover, his overall mental state is not very good, and he is not made of iron.

However, he still discovered a problem. There were two training rooms for men and women in this childcare center.

Then why was he the only one who participated in the study today, and Lou Yuejiao did not? Maybe it was because Grandpa was distressed that Lou Yuejiao had given birth to a child, and his vitality was severely damaged.

Therefore, there is no intention for her to devote more attention to raising children in her future life.

If this is really the case, then grandpa is really cunning.

In fact, Lu Yanci could also understand that the child Lou Yuejiao was carrying was very hard.

Naturally, there was no reason for her to devote herself to taking care of her children day and night.

Besides, it's not like he, Lu Yanci, has no money and can't afford a confinement nanny. Even if he doesn't hire a confinement nanny, all the aunts at home have taken care of children, so it's not difficult to ask the aunt to help with the care.

After Aunt Kuang found out that Lou Yuejiao was pregnant, she also looked forward to the healthy birth of her child.

"Although grandpa has prepared this day's arrangements for you, I know you will understand his good intentions. After all, this child is not mine alone."

"He is half of you, and he also bleeds the blood of the Lu family. He will be the heir of the Lu family in the future, so what kind of person he will become depends on how we, as parents, guide him." "If I say I don’t want him to become a dragon or a phoenix, I just want him to be an ordinary happy person. Do you think I have no ambition?”

Lu Yanci shook his head and held Lou Yuejiao in his arms: "I also hope that our children can live a happy life in the future. As long as I have it, I will give it to him."

"But I know very well that in the end, the only person who can accompany me through this life is you. Children have their own lives."

When Lou Yuejiao heard what he said, her nose felt sour and tears just rolled in her eyes. She put her hands on Lu Yanci's chest and complained in a low voice: "What are you talking about? We are still young and have a long time." It’s been a long time together.”

After leaving the childcare center, Lu Yanci drove and took Lou Yuejiao to a high-end restaurant.

He gained a lot today, so he wanted to take the opportunity to celebrate.

Lou Yuejiao naturally did not disappoint him and followed him to a French restaurant. The decoration in the restaurant was very beautiful and luxurious everywhere.

I found a seat by the window so that I could not only enjoy the scenery outside, but also broaden my horizons.

Lou Yuejiao ordered a steak and salad. Lu Yanci originally wanted to drink, but when he thought about having to drive back later, he gave up the idea and drank instead.

Although this is somewhat inconsistent with French dining rules, who can stop Lu Yanci from doing this.

While the two were eating, Lou Yuejiao suddenly felt an urgency to urinate, so he got up and left to deal with it.

When I came to the bathroom, I suddenly heard someone talking next door.

"Guess who I just saw? It's the young boss of the Lu Group, and his wife Lou Yuejiao."

"The two of them are actually eating here. I thought I was dazzled. Do you think I should take some secret photos to write a news story?"

"But recently, Lou Yuejiao's hot searches have been one after another. Should we change our focus?"

Lou Yuejiao tensed up her ears, wanting to hear who the other party was, but from what he said, he probably didn't come here intentionally to stay, it was largely a coincidence.

But these paparazzi's noses are very sensitive. If there is any trouble, they can turn everything around as long as they tap the keyboard.

I heard a man's voice coming from the other side, but the voice seemed to come from the receiver.

"Replacement, who can have as much influence as her? I remember this Miss Lou, didn't she participate in the filming of a drama about the Republic of China?"

"The crew had some accidents yesterday, why don't we just make a fuss about it."

Lou Yuejiao knew that these media could not smear her for no reason. There must be other reasons behind it.

So I didn't say anything and continued to listen to everything the person next door said.

"Editor-in-Chief, this is not good. I actually just wanted to write a story about Lou Yuejiao and Lu Yanci having a late-night date."

"After all, everyone now knows that the two of them are legal, and it is not an underground love affair. But if you do this, we will be held responsible if something happens."

Lou Yuejiao never expected that the young reporter next door would actually have professional ethics, but the same could not be said for the editor-in-chief.

"Xiao Jia, don't forget, you are still a trainee reporter. If you want to graduate successfully, you must listen to me, otherwise I will tell you to go back to school."

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