Although Lu Yanci did not respond directly, his expression was enough to express his thoughts, and that was indeed what he meant.

If the friends Lu Shiyao made were from the right background, how could she be lying in the intensive care unit?

They must have provoked some people who shouldn't be provoked outside and made them murderous, but those people were really courageous.

Don't you know that Lu Shiyao is a member of the Lu family, so aren't you afraid that if you hurt her, the Lu family will kill them all?

"Second Aunt, I'm just giving you a suggestion. If you don't want to think so, just pretend that I didn't say that my coming here was ordered by grandpa."

"I've been here now, and I know that my cousin's condition is not very good, so I won't continue to disturb you here, so as not to make you upset when you see me."

Lu Yanci left the hospital wisely and went directly to the traffic police brigade instead of rushing home.

When he came here, he saw his second uncle's car parked outside. He simply turned off the engine and got out of the car.

As soon as he walked into the yard, he saw his second uncle walking out of it angrily.

"How's the second uncle? The murderer has been found?"

"Found it, but that bastard didn't say anything. He just insisted that he was drunk yesterday and mistakenly pressed the brake for the accelerator, which is why he hit Shi Yao."

"But you know that the sentence for drunk driving is not long, but the sentence for intentional homicide is not necessarily long."

Lu Yanci was not surprised by this result, it was expected.

"Who is that person? Do you want me to help find out the details? In this way, we can always find the mastermind behind it."

Lu Zhengbang took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one and took a puff: "I think so too. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the driver is just a minor character."

"I have contacted Shiyao's friends and want to know from them some of the things she has been doing recently. It is because I, as a father, am not responsible enough. I don't even know what my daughter is doing outside or who she has met. , so damned.”

Seeing his second uncle blaming himself like this, Lu Yanci felt a little moved and couldn't help but think of himself in the future.

Once he becomes a father, he will definitely worry about his child's movements, if Lou Yuejiao gives birth to a daughter.

If his daughter met some shady friends outside, he would definitely be angry if he knew about it.

Although he can't fully understand his second uncle's mood, he can at least understand why he is so melancholy now.

"Do you have a photo of the driver? I can arrange for my people to keep an eye on it for my second uncle."

Lu Zhengbang did not hesitate, took out his mobile phone and sent the photo to Lu Yanci.

"It's this kid. When I came out, he was still very excited. He kept shouting that he would be sentenced to drunk driving. It looked like he had already received the settlement fee and didn't care about his life after having a criminal record."

Lu Yanci looked at the driver's photo and said, "Generally, in this case, my wife and children would have received a large sum of money."

"Don't worry about the rest of your life, let's start checking from his family."

Lu Yanci forwarded the photo to his assistant, who was ostensibly his assistant in work and life.

But more often than not, he is an assistant who helps Lu Yanci handle some chores.

After receiving the picture, the assistant immediately arranged for people to spread the word, and soon found some information about the driver.

Lu Zhengbang called Lin Lin and told her that she still had things to deal with and might not return to the hospital tonight.

Lu Yanci forwarded the information found by his assistant to Lu Zhengbang. "Second uncle, you have to investigate this matter yourself. If you need my help, please come to me at any time."

Lu Zhengbang took a long puff of cigarette, exhaled a large puff of smoke, nodded, and said nothing more.

But before getting into the car, he still added: "Yanci, I really want to thank you for this. He harmed my daughter, so I will abolish his son. It's fair."

Although Lu Yanci did not support his second uncle's approach, in today's world, once you have done it, don't be afraid of revenge.

The driver who caused the hit-and-run accident must have thought that his goal was very small, and the person who asked him to do it must be able to help him hide it.

But he never expected that the person he hurt this time had an even more complicated background.

Lu Yanci watched his second uncle leave at the door of the traffic police brigade. On the way back, he received a call from Lou Yuejiao.

People from the Lin family came again, especially the second elder from the next door family. Knowing that their granddaughter almost died, after thinking about it all night, they decided to ask Lu Yanci for an explanation.

If Lu Yanci hadn't quarreled with Lu Shiyao with a blushing face like last night,
Then their granddaughter will definitely not run out. The source of all these troubles lies with Lu Yanci.

The purpose of Lou Yuejiao's call was to remind Lu Yanci not to come back, lest he bump into that family.

But when Lu Yanci thought about Lou Yuejiao facing those people alone at home, he naturally felt sorry.

But Lou Yuejiao said with a smile: "What can they do to me? I am a pregnant woman now. If there is anything wrong with the child in my belly, they will not be able to eat it and carry it around."

"Anyway, don't come back yet. Just find a hotel to stay at and send me your room number. Once the things here are done, I'll go find you. Just listen to me and don't come back."

This was the first time Lu Yanci saw Lou Yuejiao being so tough, thinking that she, a woman, might have some tricks up her sleeve.

Besides, grandpa is still at home, so he can take a break for a while.

Lu Yanci returned to the car and followed Lou Yuejiao's instructions, found a hotel and opened a suite.

As soon as he entered the house, he sent his address, but Lou Yuejiao did not reply immediately. Instead, he replied after a while.

"We won the first battle. Everyone in the Lin family has gone back. I will pack up my things and send them to you."

After waiting for another hour, Lou Yuejiao arrived in front of Lu Yanci, carrying large and small bags of things.

I saw that she had brought all her clothes and toiletries over, as if she was going to fight a protracted war.

"Grandpa said that the people next door won't let it go, so you should stay here during this period. I'll get all your things for you."

When he thought about his wife having to face those fierce people, Lu Yanci suddenly felt very unmanly.

"This kind of thing should be faced by me, but now it's painful for you. In fact, I can explain it to the Lin family in front of them without you having to step forward."

However, Lou Yuejiao rejected Lu Yanci's idea.

"It's not that I want to stand up for you, but it's much better for me to solve this matter than for you to stand up for me."

"Don't worry, I will take care of this matter and I will definitely handle it for you."

Seeing his wife say this, Lu Yanci was deeply moved, which made him, a grown man, cry.

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