"I don't know anything about the things my dad and my brother did, and you should know this too."

"After all, I've been with you day and night over the years, and I haven't often gone back to that home. In fact, this time I'm a little surprised as to why the old man is so serious."

Just because her belly was not good enough, she gave birth to a daughter.

Whether in the Lu family or in her parents' family, she has always been a bit unable to hold her head high, and even felt ashamed of the Lu family.

Even before that, when she took her daughter back to her parents' home, Mr. Lin only paid lip service to Lu Shiyao.

She wasn't as caring as her two brothers' sons, but Shiyao always had her as her mother wherever she was.

It was a kind of care that no one else could give. As a mother, she devoted all her thoughts to her daughter.

So on a certain level, Lu Shiyao was much happier than others.

At the same time, Lou Yuejiao and Lu Yanci were lying in the bedroom chatting.

Because Lou Yuejiao is now pregnant, even if Lu Yanci has some thoughts, he can only suppress them and cannot take any measures against her.

At the end of the day, some things finally cleared up, but I still couldn't figure out why these things were targeted at them.

Moreover, there are many families that are among the best in this city.

Could it be that the Lin family knew the weakness of the Lu family and chose this method.

"Will the second uncle tell the second aunt about this?" Lou Yuejiao asked.

Lu Yanci shook his head: "I don't know, I don't know either. It's the second uncle's right to say it or not."

"I think even if he wants to say it, he will find a suitable opportunity to say it in the future. It is impossible now."

"Having just experienced my daughter's serious injury, my second aunt should not have enough strength to accept such a reality."

Lou Yuejiao suddenly stood up, looked at Lu Yanci very seriously, and said, "Then what are you going to do next? Can I help?"

Lu Yanci smiled fondly and helped Lou Yuejiao gather the broken hair on his forehead.

"No, you can just relax and raise your baby at home. Your husband will take care of these trivial matters."

With Lu Yanci's words, Lou Yuejiao naturally no longer worried about anything.

"Anyway, I'll let my second uncle handle this matter first. If he can't handle you and then get involved, I guess the Lin family will also receive some news after tonight."

"I think it's time to return the hotel room and stop wasting money."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yanci's nervous mood suddenly relaxed at this moment. He really didn't want to go back to the hotel to spend his time, so it would be better to go home.

Sure enough, in the following days, the Lin family never came to the Lu family to make trouble again, and they didn't even get a single phone call.

Lu Yanci was finally able to have a good rest at home, and even spent a lot of time with Lou Yuejiao to raise her baby at home.

In order to make my child have a brighter moon like Lou when he is born in the future.

Lu Yanci also went to the video store to buy some famous songs, hoping to wait until he was a month old so that he could have prenatal care.

All these actions were seen by Lou Yuejiao, and she was helpless.

This child probably hasn't grown his hands and feet yet, so what's the use of rushing to buy these things...

However, seeing Lu Yanci immersed in these things and enjoying it endlessly, Lou Yuejiao did not stop him.

Until one day, the assistant suddenly came to the house and said that the company was encountering some problems.

Only then did Lu Yanci remember that he had another identity, that of the young boss of the Lu Group.

He asked Lou Yuejiao for a temporary leave and followed his assistant back to the company to handle important matters.As a result, no one was seen for three days. Lou Yuejiao was so anxious at home that she made several phone calls but no one answered.

Lou Yuejiao would have been worried to death if he hadn't dialed his secretary's number.

I learned from the secretary that Lu Yanci basically never left the office or conference room in the past two days.

The company's top management had held more than a dozen meetings. As for the issues discussed, he, a secretary, was unable to enter the meeting room, so he didn't know.

But it is not difficult to see that the matter is very serious.

Such a serious matter must not be ignored by Grandpa, so Lou Yuejiao went directly to find Grandpa.

I hope to get some clues from Grandpa, but Mr. Lu never mentioned this matter.

I just want to say that although this matter seems serious, it is actually not as difficult to deal with as imagined and she does not need to worry about it.

Despite what he said, Lou Yuejiao was not a fool. After waiting at home for two more days, Lu Yanci did not come back.

So while grandpa was taking a nap, he quietly drove to the company.

As soon as I arrived at the company, I saw a lot of people gathered in front of the company, and everyone was holding banners written on white cloth.

The red words are very dazzling!
Lou Yuejiao parked the car on the side of the road and did not rush to get out of the car. Even from a distance, she could feel the excitement of those people.

I vaguely saw something written on those strips of paper to compensate me for my hard-earned money.

Lou Yuejiao thought of something and took out her mobile phone to check.

It was discovered that Lu Group's stock was falling.

No wonder so many people went to protest downstairs of the company. They probably spent all their money buying Lu Group's stocks.

As a result, all their money was lost because the stock price fell.

It's no wonder that during this period, Lu Yanci has been at the company and never returned home.

In order not to expand the impact, Lou Yuejiao quietly drove the car to the back door of the company.

Entering the company from here, you can bypass the protesting crowd and take Lu Yanci's dedicated elevator directly to the upper floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened, I heard a group of people making noise in the corridor.

"If this doesn't work, is there any other way? Haven't you seen those people downstairs? They all bought our stocks because they trust the Lu Group."

"Furthermore, a lot of Lu's Group's stocks have been swept away in the past two days. Someone must be deliberately looking for trouble for the group."

"If the Lu Group cannot survive this time safely, it's time for us people to pack up and run away."

"We can't advance and retreat together with this company."

"What are you talking about? I haven't treated you badly in the Lu Group these years. Your house, car, wife and children were all raised by the Lu Group for you. Do you still have the heart?"

Lou Yuejiao hesitated to get out of the elevator, but finally got out before the elevator door closed again.

Those people gathered in the corridor subconsciously glanced sideways when they saw someone coming out of the elevator.

After all, only Lu Yanci can use that elevator, but they all know that Mr. Lu is in the office now and it is impossible to use that elevator.

I was even more curious about who was coming out of the elevator, but when I looked at it, I found that the person who came was actually Lou Yuejiao.

Now, the relationship between Mr. Lu and the famous star Lou Yuejiao is no longer a secret, but it is still a bit surprising to see her appearing here so openly.

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