She spent all her savings on Lu's Group's stocks. As a result, overnight, not only did she not make any money, she lost everything, and she also owed a lot.

How will she live her life in the future? Originally, the money was intended to be used to buy a wedding house for her son's wife.

Now the wedding house is gone, the daughter-in-law is gone, and the whole family is living in a trough, thinking all day about how to end their lives early.

Shen Zhou got out of the car and came to Lou Yuejiao.

As a result, I don’t know who spread the news that Lou Yuejiao was here, and a few more people showed up.

Moreover, those people were very excited, and they were immediately surrounded by water.

"Why do you people who are big businessmen always have trouble with us ordinary people? The money you make in a day is something we will never make in a lifetime."

"If you have the ability, go make money from the rich. Why are you always looking at the three melons and two dates in our pockets? We are old and young, and we all rely on this money to survive."

"If we didn't trust the Lu Group, we wouldn't buy your stocks. As a result, everyone in the family blames me, and I have become a sinner for the ages."

Lou Yuejiao watched those people crying and complaining in front of him, and suddenly remembered what Shen Zhou had just said in the car.

The power of the masses cannot be underestimated, so it is necessary to appease these people first.

But before appeasing them, they must also confirm whether they have actually bought Lu Group's shares.

"You keep saying that you lost a lot of money because of the decline in Lu's Group's stock. Then I want to know how big your stock account is and how many group stocks you bought, which caused you such a big loss."

As soon as these words came out, the person who was still very excited just looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what to say.

"You came here to make trouble, but you can't produce an account to buy Lu Group's stocks. Oh my, it's hard not to make people wonder what your intentions are."

As a result, the woman started to act rude: "Anyway, we only lost money because we bought the Lu Group's stocks."

"No matter what, you are the wife of the young master of the Lu Group, so you must give us an explanation."

"If you can't give it, then let Lu Yanci give us an explanation. Even half of the money can be returned to us."

Lou Yuejiao took out her cell phone and dialed the secretary's number, asking him to come down and handle the matter.

Register the stock accounts of these people at the same time.

As long as they are sure that they have bought Lu Group's shares, they will definitely be given an explanation.

If there is no Lu Group in their stock accounts, then they will be held accountable for deliberately causing trouble in front of the group.

He and Shen Zhou came to Lu Yanci's office. Lu Yanci was a little surprised when he saw his old friend coming straight to the place.

"Didn't I ask Lou Yuejiao to take you to the hotel first? Why did you come all the way here? I'm so embarrassed to let you see this side of the company."

As a result, Shen Zhou waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "What's the point? Besides, I'm not here to watch a show."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Zhou took out the information he had checked in advance from his backpack.

"Take a look at these. I think it should be of some help to your company. Maybe it can help you get through this difficult time."

After Shen Zhou finished speaking, he asked Lu Yanci to read the information on his own, while he browsed by himself in this spacious office.

Finally, Shen Zhou went to the wine cabinet, opened the door, and took out a bottle of old red wine.

Without saying a word, he stuffed it into his bag. Lu Yanci glanced at it without stopping him, and Lou Yuejiao didn't say anything when he saw this.

Instead, he took the cup and went to the tea room to make a cup of tea for Shen Zhou and bring it over.As a result, Shen Zhou was greatly surprised: "Oh, how can I let a big star serve me tea and water in person? It's really ruining my life."

Lou Yuejiao didn't agree with this. It's impossible for people next to this office to just come in anyway.

At this time, she could do something within her power and pass the time.

By this time, Lu Yanci had already read the information that Shen Zhou had brought.

"Everything written here is true."

Shen Zhou curled his lips: "When did I lie to you? Originally, I wanted to sell my old house when I came back this time and never come back again."

"It turned out that just before I came back I attended a business forum, where I overheard some inside information."

"But those people didn't ask me to have a relationship with you, so they told me a lot, but I should have told you earlier."

"But I didn't expect them to take action so quickly, and your group doesn't even have the ability to respond like this. It really makes me extremely disappointed."

Lu Yanci took the information and read it over and over. At first, during the meeting, he suspected that this hedging was done deliberately.

It had already been planned long ago, just waiting for the Lu Group to be caught off guard.

However, at that time, this speculation was just speculation without conclusive evidence.

Now there is information about Shen Zhou, and this information can also prove that their initial guess is indeed true.

"You are really my timely rain. With this information of yours, I will know who wants to mess with me behind my back."

"In this case, should you treat me to a meal? You already owe me two meals." Shen Zhou did not forget to emphasize.

Whether he owed one meal or two meals, it didn't matter to Lu Yanci.

"I have made arrangements, let's go there now."

When we arrived at the place, the chef had already started working overtime to prepare the dishes.

After just a few words of conversation, the food was already on the table.

"These are what you like to eat. It is probably difficult to eat such authentic hometown dishes over there."

Shen Zhou picked up the chopsticks without politeness, took a bite and put it into his mouth.

"I just like the smell. God knows how long I was thinking about it."

Lou Yuejiao suddenly said: "Then why does Mr. Shen still want to settle abroad? If it is just to treat my aunt, I think you will come back sooner or later."

Shen Zhou sighed and put down his chopsticks. He knew what Lou Yuejiao didn't say clearly.

"My mother's health is good or bad. If I wait until she closes her eyes, I will be 60 or [-] years old. It won't be interesting to come back at that time."

"But I have been away from China for a long time and I don't know the current housing prices. Why don't you help me find a better intermediary?"

"I can put my old house up for sale for more or less. Otherwise, people will always call me and ask me if I want to rent it out. How could I have the heart to worry about those things every day when the emperor was far away that day."

Lou Yuejiao shook her head helplessly, suddenly feeling that Shen Zhou was quite interesting.

On the surface, he looks like a playboy, but in fact he still has a certain sense of responsibility.

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