By this time, Lou Yuejiao suddenly understood why Lu Yanci wanted Shen Zhou to complete this task.

Sure enough, it was because he did not often appear in the country. Even if he caused such a big trouble, it would be impossible for those people to find some of his identity information and clues.

And it just so happened that Shenzhou didn't plan to come back again this time, so he got out of this trouble.

Those people can only ask for trouble, and it is impossible to find Shen Zhou and ask him to apologize and compensate in any way.

After hanging up the phone, Lou Yuejiao lay down, put the phone next to the pillow, and closed her eyes.

At the same time, Lu Yanci rushed to the auction site with his secretary before dark.

All of them were blond and blue-eyed and spoke incomprehensible words, but Lu Yanci was a top student in finance.

He could understand what they were talking about, but his mind was not on those people at all.

I just want to wait and buy my favorite lot and take it back.

"Mr. Lu, this lot seems to be very popular. Do we have a chance to get it?" the secretary said.

Lu Yanci smiled and said, "Of course we have a chance to get it. The market should be closed now."

"Call me and ask how the sweep is going. I don't believe that a billion dollars can't buy a company."

The secretary responded, turned around and went to make a call. Within a few minutes, he ran over and said happily.

"Mr. Lu is done."

As the conversation continued, the auction officially began, and Lu Yanci also walked into the scene with his secretary.

As the auction items were presented one after another, Lu Yanci was not moved at all. It was not until the necklace appeared in front of his eyes that he raised his placard for the first time.

With one move, he more than tripled the reserve price.

The auctioneer was surprised by the price, but what the auctioneer didn't expect was that someone would continue to raise the price above this price.

Every time, Lu Yanci added an extra 100 million to the previous bid. After several rounds, no one dared to raise a placard easily.

Although this necklace also fell into Lu Yanci's hands.

Looking at this necklace, Lu Yanci could even imagine the scene when he personally put it on Lou Yuejiao's neck.

In fact, there is nothing special about this necklace, but the round pearls are very beautiful, and they can bring out Lou Yuejiao's fairer skin than snow.

Just when the two of them were about to go back to the hotel to rest, Shen Zhou called.

"The country is already in chaos. When will you come back?"

Lu Yanci did not speak in a hurry, but thought carefully and said, "There is no rush, let there be chaos in the country again."

"When they dealt with me, they should have thought that this day would come, but the Sal Fund has become the possession of the Lu Group."

"Tomorrow I will take over the management rights from the chairman. Let's celebrate properly when I go back."

Shen Zhou's response on the other end of the phone was also very calm, as if he had already known this would be the result.

"Okay, but this time Miss Lou has sacrificed a lot for you, even her appearance."

Lu Yanci was originally in a good mood, but when Shen Zhou said that Lou Yuejiao sacrificed her appearance for him.

His mood fluctuated greatly in an instant.

"Shen Zhou, please explain to me clearly what's going on. The document bag I gave you only asked you to disrupt the domestic market, but it didn't ask you to call Shang Yuejiao. What did she do?"

How could Shen Zhou not hear Lu Yanci's eagerness and anger? He quickly explained on the phone. "Don't be anxious, Miss Lou just told a little lie, saying within her circle that her relationship with you has encountered some small cracks."

"Then I got some evidence from a boss, which can prove that the troubles Lu's Group encountered in the past two days were all deliberately designed by someone."

"I guarantee that Miss Lou only sacrificed a little bit of color and did not cause any substantial harm."

"Without her, the situation in the country would never be as earth-shaking as it is now."

It seemed that with Shen Zhou's words, Lu Yanci's rising anger was finally suppressed.

"Shen Zhou, I told you, this matter has nothing to do with Yue Jiao. If you drag her into the water, don't blame me for falling out with you."

As soon as these words were spoken, Shen Zhou suddenly raised his voice: "What do you mean? You call it "employing people in the front and not using people in the back".

"Just wait. Before you come back, I will definitely dig a big trap for you. Hang up and go to sleep."

The phone was suddenly hung up. When Lu Yanci called back, he was told that the phone was turned off. In the end, he had to call Lou Yuejiao.

As a result, no one answered the call, so I had to call home.

Fortunately, the aunt heard the ringing and immediately got up to pick it up. After the call was answered, she learned that Lou Yuejiao had come back to sleep, which made Lu Yanci relieved.

Then I asked my aunt about some things, and then I was sure that there was nothing abnormal when Lou Yuejiao came back, and I felt completely at ease.

But it made my aunt a little confused as to what was going on.

Lu Yanci didn't make it too clear on the phone, he just said that he would be back in two days.

Before that, you must take care of Lou Yuejiao's three meals a day, and don't let her mood be affected in any way by other things.

Naturally, the aunt agreed wholeheartedly.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yanci felt a little uneasy. He didn't know what method Lou Yuejiao used and what sacrifices he made to obtain the so-called evidence.

I just want to return home quickly and ask questions in person.

However, a few hours later, Lou Yuejiao woke up and opened his eyes and found a missed call on his phone.

He immediately realized something and called back. He thought Lu Yanci would fall asleep at this time, but as soon as the phone rang, the other party connected.

Hearing the familiar voice again, Lou Yuejiao suddenly felt very friendly.

"Yan Ci, when will you come back? Shen Zhou and I have stirred up the situation in the country. How is it going on there?"

But Lu Yanci did not answer Lou Yuejiao's question directly. Instead, he asked her if there was anything wrong.

Lou Yuejiao, who had already noticed some problems, naturally did not dare to tell him exactly what happened last night.

It was just a simple word, but it was not that easy for Lu Yanci.

Finally, after Lu Yanci's repeated questioning, Lou Yuejiao told him the whole process of last night in detail.

At the same time, he also swore to make sure that nothing he said was a lie.

"I really didn't let that man take advantage of me. How could I be so stupid? I'm just waiting for you to come back and deal with the chaos in the country."

"I will follow Shen Zhou's advice in the past two days and not go anywhere. I will just stay at home. This way, even if someone wants to come find me, they won't be able to find me."

"But you should also pay attention to safety over there. After handling everything, come back quickly."

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