"As for other procedures, I will help you two get it done. Then you can just go to the notary office for notarization.

Thinking that there were so many complicated steps, Lou Yuejiao had a headache. She glanced at the uncle who bought the house. As soon as the two people's eyes met, they had already completed the transmission of information.

The agent, Xiao Wang, was certainly not stupid. Of course he knew what the two of them were thinking, so he patted his chest and told them.

I'll help you with these things. All you need to do is come over and sign. It's guaranteed to be foolproof.

With the words of the agent Xiao Wang, Lou Yuejiao could go home with peace of mind, but before leaving, the uncle suddenly stopped him.

He also took out a notebook, opened one page, and said a little embarrassedly: "My wife is a fan of your movies. She especially likes to watch your variety shows and TV series."

"Can you sign it? If I take this back, I think he will be very happy. And today is her birthday."

When Lou Yuejiao heard this, how could he not sign it?

He took the pen and wrote blessings on the page, and signed his name.

The uncle was also very satisfied after seeing it, and thanked him repeatedly, wishing Lou Yuejiao to become more and more prosperous in the future.

Lou Yuejiao naturally accepted his blessing happily.

After returning home, to Lou Yuejiao's surprise, Lu Yanci came back.

The situation at home and abroad has been somewhat calmed down. If he doesn't come back, he will miss the good show.

But when I saw him again, I felt that he was a little tired, especially the green stubble on his chin, which he had not shaved off.

It can be seen that his life abroad during this period was not so relaxed and comfortable.

Shen Zhou was also there, and Lou Yuejiao found that he had not changed much.

He hugged Lu Yanci. Due to the large number of people present, Lou Yuejiao still restrained his emotions, otherwise he would definitely have to kiss her hard.

"I'm just saying that this kid will definitely not live well abroad. Look at what I have bought you here." Shen Zhou said.

Lou Yuejiao didn't pay attention. After hearing what Shen Zhou said, she looked over and found that all the large and small bags on the sofa were shopping bags.

And through the logos on the shopping bags, you can immediately recognize that they are all relatively famous luxury goods.

On weekdays, she doesn't have to worry about her food and clothing expenses at all. Even her clothes are sent to her by certain brands.

Lou Yuejiao doesn't have to think about what she wears on weekdays. As for these high-end luxury goods, she has never been keen on them.

She only pays attention to comfort when dressing. Unless a special occasion requires a special look, she will temporarily ignore the word comfort.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Lu Yanci held one of the small boxes tightly in his hand and did not let Shen Zhou open it.

Shen Zhou curled his lips and said, "Isn't it just because I have a wife? What's the point of being proud of? You won't let me see it. Anyway, I saw it when I opened it."

Although what Shen Zhou said didn't sound so nice, neither Lu Yanci nor Lou Yuejiao, including Mr. Lu, could not be angry.

After all, what he just said also confirmed from the side that the relationship between the two of them is very good.

But Lou Yuejiao still took the box from Lu Yanci's hand. Before opening it, she also thought about what would be in the box.

But in such a small box, there must be some jewelry.

"You have already bought so many things, and you even went out of your way to buy me jewelry."

Lu Yanci said: "Open it first and take a look. I think you will like it."

Lou Yuejiao gently opened the box with some curiosity.

However, the box was only half opened when I already saw what was inside.

Shen Zhou also looked over, but was a little disappointed when he saw that the box contained only a pearl necklace. "You spent so much money on a trip just to buy a pearl necklace. You might as well just build a pond and raise some shells."

However, when Lou Yuejiao saw the pearl necklace, her eyes suddenly became hot, and her tears couldn't stop falling.

Lu Yanci did not expect such a result, and quickly wiped away her tears with paper: "Why are you still crying? You don't like it."

Lou Yuejiao shook her head. If she really didn't like it, how could she shed tears.

It must be because of her special liking. Lou Yuejiao suddenly remembered her mother. Her mother liked pearls the most, which led her to like pearls too.

That's why when I see this pearl necklace, I can't restrain my emotions.

However, after a few drops of tears, she turned from sadness to joy, and she even asked Lu Yanci to put the necklace on for her for the first time.

A picture that has been imagined in my mind for so long is finally coming true.

Lu Yanci was a little nervous, and the hand holding the necklace trembled, but fortunately, it stayed on Lou Yuejiao's neck smoothly in the end.

Just as he had imagined at the beginning, this string of pearl necklaces really brought out Lou Yuejiao's beauty, as well as her fair and tender skin.

As for the luxury goods in the shopping bag, Lou Yuejiao took them upstairs and opened them one by one to check them out.

When she came down again, Shen Zhou was already ready to leave.

"Are you leaving now? Stay for a meal. Someone has already bought your house."

"But there are still some procedures to go through, and you will need to go to the notary office to sign."

Shen Zhou actually wanted to stay for a meal, but something happened and he had to leave.

After responding to what Lou Yuejiao just said, he said: "Notify me in advance when you need to sign, and I will arrange the time. In short, selling this house can be regarded as settling something in my heart." Thank you to Miss Lou for helping me with all this. Let’s go now.”

After Shen Zhou left, Lu Yanci could no longer suppress his feelings of missing Lou Yuejiao.

Mr. Lu also left wisely and did not disturb the reunion of their young couple.

After dinner, the two people returned to the room and whispered.

They even took risks to communicate in depth, but fortunately, no accidents occurred in the end.

This also allowed Lu Yanci to finally find a place to vent his long-suppressed desires.

Including Lou Yuejiao, he also received nourishment from him.

The two of them were lying on the bed, neither of them making a sound, just listening to each other's even breathing, which made them feel particularly at ease.

"Those people have all been arrested, and they will have to pay the price in prison for what they have done."

"Sal Fund has now become an overseas fund of Lu Group. I think no one will be able to shake Lu Group's position in business in the future."

Hearing what Lu Yanci said, Lou Yuejiao suddenly felt that he should tell his grandfather such good news.

I guess grandpa already knows.

"I don't understand business matters, but I know you should be very happy. Why don't you let me be your secretary from now on."

"Because of you, I offended an investor this time."

Lu Yanci turned his head and looked at Lou Yuejiao: "You don't have to worry about offending anyone. From now on, they will all look up to you."

"But there is one more thing that needs you to come forward to solve."

Lou Yuejiao blinked, looked at Lu Yanci, and asked what was going on.

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