"Give me some time, and when it happens, I will give you the most reasonable explanation. Don't worry, I have nothing with those women. I only have you in my heart."

"I know you don't want to see me during this period, so I won't take the initiative to come over. I don't care if you plan to go to work after confinement."

"It's better to go home and continue to recuperate. Anyway, as long as you are happy, don't let me worry about you."

"As for the messy news on the Internet, just pretend that nothing happened and just turn a blind eye."

Lu Yanci picked up the clothes hanging on the armrest of the sofa and prepared to put them on.

Lou Yuejiao focused all her attention on the two children, and did not even notice the fatigue in the man's eyes.

"That lady is very good-looking and has a better career than me. If it really comes to that point, I hope you can leave your two children to me and I can leave the house."

As soon as Lu Yanci stopped moving, his protruding Adam's apple rolled up and down. He seemed to have thousands of words he wanted to say, but he couldn't speak when the words reached his lips.

"I will take care of those things, you go to bed early."

After Lu Yanci left, he never came back until Lou Yuejiao left the confinement center.

For a moment, Lou Yuejiao didn't know whether to call Lu Yanci cruel or blame herself for not calling him in advance to ask him to come over.

Maybe both.

For a moment, Lou Yuejiao wanted to blame herself for not seeing through Lu Yanci's character earlier.

If I had known that he was this kind of person earlier, I might not have been able to be with him in the first place.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

However, Lu Yanci had not been bad to her over the years. Although he did some things that were difficult for her to accept, the merits and demerits were balanced.

Anyway, as long as she thinks about being able to separate from him immediately, Lou Yuejiao's mood will be relieved to some extent.

The future is still very bright, but as for the present, it is a bit gloomy, and that is acceptable.

I just don’t know if that woman will come forward and do something to hurt her at that time.

Lou Yuejiao shook her head and ignored that. She was an adult now.

You can't just think about escaping from whatever happens.

Back at the Lu family, Mr. Lu had already asked the housekeeper to prepare everything.

Lu Yanci had prepared the rooms for the two children long ago. He was still guessing whether the child in his belly was a boy or a girl.

Now it seems that the preparations are just right, but the children are still too young and I don't feel comfortable leaving them in the room by themselves.

So Lou Yuejiao moved the two children's cribs to the bedroom.

When a child suddenly changes to a new environment, it is inevitable that he will cry a little and be unwilling to rest in the crib.

Lou Yuejiao simply placed the child directly where Lu Yanci was resting.

The confinement nanny who is responsible for taking care of the child also comes from the confinement center.

In fact, Lou Yuejiao doesn't have to spend much time taking care of her two children.

When Mr. Lu saw Lou Yuejiao coming out of the room, he motioned for her to go to the study.

Seeing her grandfather so serious, Lou Yuejiao wondered if she had something to give her.

After coming to the study and waiting for a while, grandpa walked in with a cane and something in his hand.

"Yanci has been at the company during this period and never went home. I heard that he didn't go to the confinement center either. Is there something awkward between you two?"

"I've read all the news on the Internet. Don't take it too seriously. There's no way that kid would do anything to hurt you. This is something the Lu family won't allow."

Lou Yuejiao shook her head: "Grandpa, you don't have to speak for him here. I don't take it to heart at all. Besides, I'm back now and my two children are still so young." "It's impossible for me to do anything amazing. Come, it’s just that I’m ready to resume work and may leave in a few days.”

"When the time comes, you will have to ask your confinement sister-in-law to help take care of the child. Grandpa, you will also have to help and put some thought into it."

Mr. Lu was stunned after hearing this. He did not expect Lou Yuejiao to start work so early.

He quickly said on behalf of the two children: "The two babies are so small, how can they do it without their mother by their side?"

Originally, Lou Yuejiao still respected the old man in her heart, but these words hit her right in the gut.

She had to stand up and retort: ​​"The child can't live without his mother, but what about his father? Is it okay to live without his father?"

"It's not wrong that I gave birth to the child, but half of the child was also born to Yanci."

Mr. Lu couldn't say anything for a moment. He could only look at Lou Yuejiao quietly, hoping that she would think about it carefully.

Then change your inner thoughts.

But seeing his grandson-in-law with such a resolute attitude, the old man also knew that these two people had stubborn tempers. Once they decided on something, ten trains wouldn't be able to pull them back.

"Okay, I know you two want to start a big business, so let me, an old man, help take care of the child."

"You have to go out to film. If you have time in between, go home and visit. Don't let these two children become unfamiliar with you two."

According to what was previously discussed with Zhang Tu, Lou Yuejiao was ready to start work after her confinement.

Zhang Tu even chose the script early and found a good team. As long as the filming is completed, it can be broadcast smoothly.

It will definitely explode, and Lou Yuejiao already has a lot of heat in her body. In this circle, whether it is red or black, as long as there is heat, it is stronger than anything else.

From pregnancy to delivery, Lou Yuejiao only appeared in front of the camera for the first few months, and then she has been resting at home.

Making a sudden appearance at a party, Lou Yuejiao arrived at the scene accompanied by Zhang Tu.

A long aqua blue skirt outlined her figure.

Everyone knows that she gave birth to two babies in one breath, but the lightness of a young girl can still be seen in her body.

But there is some maternal charity between her eyebrows.

Several female artists who had a good relationship with Lou Yuejiao came to her one after another.

Therein lies the wonderful meaning.

"Jiaojiao, I thought you wouldn't come to today's party, but you are so beautiful. If I were a man, I would definitely want to put you in a room made of gold."

Lou Yuejiao smiled slightly and said, "Do you want to hide your beauty in a golden house?"

Guan Miaoyi nodded like a fool. The two of them really had a good relationship. They had endless things to say every time they met.

Due to different coffee positions, the seats for two people are also different.

But Lou Yuejiao felt that it would be better to have an acquaintance beside her, so after some negotiation, she moved her seat next to Guan Miaoyi.

Instead, the person who was originally sitting next to Guan Miaoyi was moved to the front row.

The party was held as scheduled, and more than half of the entertainment industry were present at the table.

During this period, the camera scanned Lou Yuejiao's face countless times, every time the camera scanned in front of her.

She would smile brightly, letting the fans in front of the screen know that she was doing well.

I haven't been affected by the news on the Internet at all!

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