"It's nothing, she just made her angry last night, and she is having a little temper with me here."

After hearing this, the aunt turned back to the kitchen with a loving smile on her face and continued busy.

But only Lu Yanci knew the anguish in his heart.

Judging from Lou Yuejiao's various actions this morning, it is obvious that the words he opened the skylight to speak out last night failed.

Sure enough, before saying anything, make sure the other person is conscious.

I called Zhang Tu's phone number and learned about Lou Yuejiao's work schedule during this period.

Lu Yanci also hurriedly adjusted his working status without affecting the company's operations.

Spend as much time as possible to accompany Lou Yuejiao, and you can't let the rumors outside become true sooner or later.

Zhang Tu put down the phone and saw Lou Yuejiao driving over.

The car stopped in front of her, and Lou Yuejiao opened the door and got out: "Come and drive. I drank too much yesterday and my brain is still dizzy."

Zhang Tu got into the cab without saying anything. Lou Yuejiao walked around the front of the car and opened the passenger door.

"Wait where are we going?"

However, Zhang Tu did not directly answer Lou Yuejiao's question.

"Lu Yanci called me just now and asked about your recent work arrangements."

Lou Yuejiao was suddenly alert. After fastening his seat belt, he quickly asked: "Why would he care about me? What did you say?"

"I said I had arranged some simple and light work for you, and he said he would come to see you if he had time." Zhang Tu said.

Lou Yuejiao sighed. When the two of them had a good relationship in the past, they had never seen him come here a few times.

Why do two people suddenly have a slight crack in their relationship, and they rush to show it off.

"I'm already discussing a new script for you, but the other director has a request." Zhang Tu said.

Lou Yuejiao calmed down and put aside personal feelings when it comes to work.

"What's the request? Is it to lose weight? Or to gain weight? Or is it that you want me to calm down the scandals on the Internet?"

Zhang Tu shook his head: "No, it requires all the leading actors to train for two weeks."

"Training, what do you mean? What kind of script are you talking about for me? It's an ancient costume martial arts drama." Lou Yuejiao asked.

Zhang Tu still shook his head: "It's a military-themed film about female soldiers. Although I can't treat you as real soldiers during the process."

"But you should master some common sense things. If you don't want to, then forget about this script. There are many more anyway."

Lou Yuejiao shook her head. The two weeks of training had passed by in the blink of an eye. Besides, she didn't want to go home during this period and was missing a place to go.

"You reply to the director, I will go to the training camp."

In fact, Zhang Tu had already expected such a result.

But he couldn't make decisions for Lou Yuejiao privately.

Only she can do it. With her affirmative answer, he immediately made arrangements.

The training camp is closed and lasts for two weeks, which is almost half a month.

After not seeing her for such a long time, Lu Yanci would definitely ask.

"Then what are you going to tell him? You have to disappear for two weeks."

Lou Yuejiao moved her eyes out of the car window and said softly while looking at the scenery passing by quickly.

"I arrange my own affairs. Why should I let him know? Don't mention this person when I am working in the future." Zhang Tu never expected that the relationship between Lou Yuejiao and Lu Yanci had become so bad. This point.

"You should always mention it, otherwise how will I answer if he asks. And you know that with his ability, it is actually not difficult at all to find out your whereabouts."

As soon as Lou Yuejiao heard what Zhang Tu said, he suddenly felt helpless.

"You can tell him whatever you want about this matter, but the first thing is that I don't want him to find me."

"Although he said a lot to me last night, I still haven't forgiven him."

A trace of surprise flashed across Zhang Tu's face: "What? He said a lot to you last night. What did he say?"

"Don't think I'm gossiping, because your personal life also affects your work, so I'm thinking about you."

Lou Yuejiao turned her head and rolled her eyes at Zhang Tu. She didn't think he was such a gossip before, but now she felt that he wanted to know everything.

"Aren't you going to talk?" Zhang Tu asked.

Lou Yuejiao hesitated for a moment, but unexpectedly, this guy misunderstood him.

"He said that he and that woman during this period were all just pretending to fool people, but as his wife, how could I not understand."

"How much of this is false and how much true. I still have to make plans for the future of my two children, so I deliberately pretended not to remember anything this morning."

"Come out. Since he didn't go home for the past few days, what does it matter if I go to the training camp."

Zhang Tu understood. This was the young couple being angry: "Okay, I understand."

The car stopped when it reached the place, and the picture pointed at the building in front of it.

"The producers and directors are all there, go and meet them, and the training place is at the back."

"It is a large closed warehouse, and there will be professional teachers teaching, but there may be some minor bumps in the process."

Lou Yuejiao has filmed so many movies, but has never been exposed to military themes. This is a very new genre for her.

And she couldn't imagine what she would look like wearing camouflage uniforms, training uniforms, or even military uniforms.

So being an actor is good because you can experience all kinds of things in the world.

When meeting the producer and director, Lou Yuejiao also expressed his love for the drama.

But the director knew Lou Yuejiao well and knew that she had never filmed a military-themed movie.

Then I was a little worried about whether she could handle it. After all, this drama focuses on reality.

The style of female soldiers must be truly presented on the screen. Of course, this does not involve military secrets.

And Lou Yuejiao had just given birth, and it was time for her body to recover. Whether she could withstand such a powerful training.

And the fatigue of shooting is still a question mark.

Lou Yuejiao tucked the broken hair behind her ears and said softly: "If I can't hold on to this level of exertion, I won't take on this drama."

"I also hope that the director can give me a chance. Anyway, there is half a month of training. I will use this half month of training to prove that you did not choose the wrong person."

The director looked at the producers and they didn't dare to make this decision hastily.

"In that case, let's try it for a day. If you can accept it, we will sign a contract when the time comes. But once this contract is signed, you can't give up casually."

Of course Lou Yuejiao knew what this contract represented, and she was also happy to successfully get the script.

After separating from the director and producer, Lou Yuejiao saw that she still had time, so she wanted to drive out for a walk by herself.

Zhang Tu naturally had no complaints and took a taxi back to the company.

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