This morning is hard to come by. It only lasts for three hours, but training starts at one o'clock in the afternoon.

Training until nine o'clock in the evening, such a long time, makes people feel desperate just thinking about it.

But when the time came, Lou Yuejiao devoted himself to training as if he had been given a shot of blood.

And all the hardships endured throughout the day were seen by the director and producer.

Although they have not yet dispelled their doubts, they have already seen that Lou Yuejiao really wants to film this drama.

Therefore, out of sincerity to her, the two finally agreed to sign a ten-episode contract.

The entire drama is expected to take forty episodes, if Lou Yuejiao can insist on filming the first ten episodes.

Then sign an agreement for the last thirty levels later.

At the same time, closed training began.

Zhang Tulai was responsible for the agreement, while Lou Yuejiao started the training one step ahead.

Before the training camp, you can still go home and pick up some luggage.

But when I got home, I found that no one at home was there. Lu Yanci should still be at the company, and the old man should have gone fishing.

When we left, only two children were left, still asleep in their cribs.

No matter how reluctant she was to let go, Lou Yuejiao had to go.

So I gave the two children a gentle kiss on the cheek, then picked up my luggage and left.

She left without reminding Lu Yanci. When Lu Yanci came back from get off work, he found that the house was empty.

Especially the bedroom is missing a lot of things.

Fortunately, the confinement sister-in-law was always at home, so Lu Yanci asked the confinement sister-in-law if Lou Yuejiao had been back.

The confinement sister-in-law thought for a while and said, "We have been taking care of the children in the baby room, and we haven't seen anyone come here."

However, the aunt at home said that she saw my wife coming back and then leaving in a hurry, dragging her suitcase.

Lu Yanci knew that Lou Yuejiao had taken on a new drama and was about to join the cast, but he was not in such a hurry.

I simply called the number, but the phone kept ringing and no one answered until it automatically hung up.

If you can't get through to Lou Yuejiao, you can only contact Zhang Tu. Fortunately, Zhang Tu's phone number is connected.

At this time, Lu Yanci knew that Lou Yuejiao was going to undergo intensive training.

It was not a matter of not letting her go, but why couldn't she have said it in advance?

Lu Yanci complained on the phone, but Zhang Tu didn't give him a good look.

Frankly, if there is nothing else, then hang up the phone, he still has work to do.

Lu Yanci was very upset at this time and didn't want to say anything more.

Facing an empty home, I could only put all my thoughts on my two children.

On the first day of training, Lou Yuejiao and other leading actors began the so-called five-kilometer training.

But since they have never experienced this, they don’t ask for time, but they can persevere.

Lou Yuejiao was determined to get the leading female role in this drama, so she didn't seek the best results in various trainings, but she wanted to be able to persevere completely.

With the experience of yesterday’s trial training, this day’s five kilometers is just an appetizer for Lou Yuejiao.

It’s not difficult to persevere.

What's more, after only running two kilometers, others were already exhausted and out of breath.

Even the director did not expect that the seemingly weak Lou Yuejiao could persevere throughout the whole process.

At the end, Lou Yuejiao was lying on the ground, looking at the sky, illuminated by the big sun.

This five kilometers wasted a whole morning, and here they were no longer the shining stars.

He has become a child who ran away from the mountains.

So eating, drinking, and eating are all nearby, and there are no modern facilities anywhere.Among them, there are artists who can't stand the training and complain endlessly. I want to ask the assistant where the nanny car is and where the nutritious meals are.

No matter how bad it is, she should put a few bottles of sunscreen on her body. With the sun shining directly on her body, she might find it a shade darker when she goes back at night.

Faced with such a pampered artist, the director and producer did not give him any face.

She bluntly told her that if she couldn't stand the training for half a month, then she wouldn't do any subsequent filming, lest she lose more money if she couldn't persist.

The artist didn't expect that the director and producer of this show would be so tough.

Lou Yuejiao also discovered this. The previous roles she took were produced by producers and directors.

Most of the time, I just follow the artist's temper, for fear that the artist will go on strike, which will delay the filming progress.

That little artist was unknown in the industry. He finally found such a resource, so he naturally cherished it.

I just didn't expect to hit an iron nail this time.

After being taught a lesson by the producer, he became more honest.

There are no more requirements for nutritious meals, nanny cars, or sunscreen.

I just obediently found a place with shade to sit down. In fact, the sun in winter was not as strong as in summer.

But the damage to the skin has not diminished.

Lou Yuejiao didn't care about all this, not to mention how could a female soldier who trained outdoors every day have delicate skin.

She was going to take advantage of these fifteen days of training to get a tan.

In these three consecutive days of five kilometers, Lou Yuejiao has already exceeded his experience.

Don't waste your energy blindly at the beginning.

The test of persistence is at the halfway point.

At the end of the day, I gritted my teeth and rushed forward. The five kilometers became a piece of cake.

But they were not carrying any weight.

The next step is to conduct some simple fighting training.

The veteran learned modern fighting and martial arts fighting, which is not an orthodox martial arts school.

Moreover, the movements have been refined and are not difficult to master.

But after a long time, Lou Yuejiao had been beaten to a pulp, and he wished he could not get up from the mat.

Fortunately, the teacher stopped by and didn't really hurt them.

But this also allowed Lou Yuejiao to finally truly experience the power of a soldier.

The next few days were about handling guns, loading and shooting, as well as some common sense of soldiers, and getting to know some simple military equipment.

In short, these fifteen days of training were both long and short.

Lou Yuejiao persisted throughout the whole process, when she came out of the warehouse gate.

I found that I seemed to be a different person.

When I got home, I couldn't relax.

Lu Yanci knew that she would be back today, so he prepared a sumptuous dinner in advance.

When he saw Lou Yuejiao, he was stunned for a moment. Before he left, his wife was still skinny and tender, like a peeled hard-boiled egg.

Why did we turn into tea eggs after not seeing each other for fifteen days...

Mr. Lu was not surprised when he saw this.

Lu Yanci quickly stepped forward to help him and asked if there was anything uncomfortable.

Lou Yuejiao waved her hand and said, "I'm fine. Thank you for your concern, but I need to take a shower first."

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