Fortunately, the director thought this was normal. After all, none of these actors had any experience in the military.

So as long as you can pass the first day of shooting, and you become more proficient in the follow-up, there won't be any big problem.

Lou Yuejiao returned to the car and continued to read the script. When it was time to eat, they also came to the cafeteria.

I watched the female soldiers pass by the meal window one by one, and then found their own seats to sit down.

I have long heard that there are stipulated meal times in this army, and you cannot eat slowly and leisurely.

Eat well as quickly as possible.

But Lou Yuejiao was used to chewing carefully and slowly, and the meal in front of her was in line with the public's taste.

There were a few dishes she didn't like, but after seeing the slogans posted on the wall, she still swallowed them.

At this moment, I finally understood why Lu Yanci said it was difficult here.

There have been big changes in eating and drinking, but Lou Yuejiao can persist.

When I went to bed at night, I was not with the female soldiers.

Instead, he found a place to settle alone. The moment he lay on the bed, Lou Yuejiao finally understood what it meant to be comfortable.

After filming for a week, about three or four episodes, the director found a picture.

He indicated that he would sign a contract with Lou Yuejiao for the remaining thirty episodes.

Because they have seen that Lou Yuejiao looks soft and weak on the outside, but is actually very determined on the inside.

The male artists who came at the same time couldn't stand it anymore, but Lou Yuejiao didn't complain at all.

In comparison to those, the male actors did not have many roles, but even then, there were still complaints.

I think their salary will go up after filming this movie.

Lou Yuejiao didn't say a word about this, and was only thinking about how to take the next shot.

Zhang Tu also took some pictures of the scene with his mobile phone and sent the video to Lu Yanci.

When Lu Yanci saw his wife rolling in the mud, there was an expression between his eyebrows that he did not want to accept.

However, just with these videos, Lu Yanci still couldn't understand why Lou Yuejiao would take on a drama with such a theme.

There were obviously more choices that didn't require suffering, even though there was a slight crack in the relationship between the two of them.

But Lu Yanci did not let Jiaoyang Film Company reduce Lou Yuejiao's resources in all aspects.

Even the newly signed artists have been hidden away and will not share her resources in any way.

Could it be that she wanted to use this drama to improve her status in the entertainment industry.

Now that no one knows that the Lu Group is behind her, is there any need to use this method to improve her status?

But Lu Yanci would not stop Lou Yuejiao's choice. After watching those videos, Lu Yanci sent a message to Zhang Tu.

Let him take care of Lou Yuejiao's daily life on the set no matter what.

At the same time, he was reminded that Lou Yuejiao's body had not fully recovered yet.

However, this sentence turned out to be a prophecy, and the shooting lasted for half a month, rolling in mud and soaking in cold water.

Lou Yuejiao's body finally couldn't bear it anymore, and she started to have a fever and fell into coma.

The military doctor from the army came to see him and asked Zhang Tu to take people to a large hospital for a comprehensive examination.

As soon as he heard what the military doctor said, Zhang Tu knew that the problem Lou Yuejiao encountered this time was very serious.

So I hurriedly took leave from the crew and took Lou Yuejiao to the big hospital.

At the same time, Lu Yanci was notified and asked to come quickly. After all, Lu Yanci was her husband.

In case there is anything that needs to be signed, it will be easier if Lu Yanci is here.

By the time he arrived at the hospital, Lou Yuejiao had already completed a series of examinations. But those test results haven't come out yet.

When Lu Yanci saw Lou Yuejiao lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, he vented all his anger on Zhang Tu.

"Didn't I ask you to take good care of her? That's how you took care of her. She was still well before she joined the crew."

Zhang Tu broke away from Lu Yanci's hand and said, "The crew has been busy shooting in the past two days, and she didn't want to hold everyone back, so she kept spinning."

As soon as he finished speaking, the attending doctor came over with the test results.

"Which of you is Lou Yuejiao's family member?"

Lu Yanci stood up: "I am, I am her husband. How is her health?"

"Preliminary judgment is that it is lung inflammation and influenza, coupled with poor rest, that is why people become so weak."

"You go and pay the fee first, and the medicine will be given to the patient after a while. Don't worry too much."

With the doctor's words, Lu Yanci's worried heart finally calmed down.

"I'll take care of the payment. You go and spend some time with her first. I guess I hope to see you when I open my eyes."

But Lu Yanci was a little hesitant, even though the two of them hadn't seen each other for more than half a month.

In such a long time, he only had three phone calls and one video call with Lou Yuejiao.

The video only lasted a few minutes before hanging up.

"I'd better go." Lu Yanci said after thinking again and again.

Zhang Tu handed all the medical records and payment receipts to Lu Yanci.

Lu Yanci took the elevator to the payment office on the first floor.

After paying the fee, he went to the fruit shop outside the hospital and bought some fruits and some nutritional supplements.

When she came back with these things, Lou Yuejiao had already used the medicine and watched two large bottles of medicine being slowly injected into her body drop by drop.

Hopefully after these two bottles of medicine are used up, her body will return to normal.

God knows how worried he was when he learned that Lou Yuejiao was ill on the phone.

I am afraid that I will be slow on this journey and miss the best time for treatment.

After staying with him in the hospital all afternoon, Lou Yuejiao slowly woke up in the evening.

While she was in coma, she didn't know what was happening in the outside world. She just felt as if she had been to the Flame Mountain for a while, and then to Guanghan Palace for a while.

It was really painful for her to be hot and cold, but fortunately, the feeling finally ended.

When she opened her eyes and saw that the person sitting next to the bed was Lu Yanci, she suddenly fell into a trance.

"Yanci, why is it you?"

"If it wasn't me, who else would you want to sign for you if I hadn't come here?"

Lou Yuejiao was slightly stunned, but she didn't understand what he meant.

"Sign, did I have surgery?"

Lu Yanci shook his head helplessly and quickly poured her a glass of warm water: "Drink some water first. Are you hungry? I'll buy you whatever you want to eat."

Lou Yuejiao drank a glass of water, which finally moistened her throat that was about to smoke.

"I'm not hungry at all now, I just feel weak and have no energy at all."

Lu Yanci didn't want to say anything at this time. Who is sick and can be as strong as an ox?

"You rest here first, and I will come as soon as I go."

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