Lou Yuejiao glanced at Zhang Tu, said nothing, and quietly took off his equipment first.

It takes a lot of effort to resolve the conflict between the director and the actors.

"Let's take a rest first and then start shooting officially after a while." said the director.

Lou Yuejiao was also happy to have some rest time and quickly found a folding chair to sit down.

"You must be exhausted. Let's drink some water first." Zhang Tu said.

Lou Yuejiao took the water bottle, and now her behavior was no longer as elegant as it was at the beginning.

These small changes are naturally harmless.

Zhang Tu had no intention of making Lou Yuejiao change his mind.

"During this period, have you noticed Lu Yanci's Weibo?"

Lou Yuejiao looked at Zhang Tu in confusion: "What happened to his Weibo? Did another woman leave a private message for him?"

Zhang Tu did not answer immediately, but opened Weibo and entered the three words Lu Yanci in the search box.

Clicking on the first user did not specifically select Weibo content.

Lou Yuejiao took Zhang Tu's mobile phone and took a look at it: "What do you mean? Do I still need to be grateful when he posts some daily content?"

"Of course I didn't mean that, I just wanted you to take a look."

"I've seen it, do you think there's any change in me?"

Zhang Tu stared at Lou Yuejiao for a long time, took the phone back from her hand, and logged out of Weibo.

"I understand. In fact, he has been thinking of ways to repair the relationship between you two during this time."

"I think you can forgive him appropriately. This man is a visual animal after all. When he sees a beautiful woman, he wants to look at her twice."

"Don't tell me that you can control your inner turmoil when you see a beautiful actor."

Lou Yuejiao rolled her eyes at Zhang Tu and did not answer his question.

Everyone has a love for beauty. There is nothing wrong with this. The only mistake is that Lu Yanci likes to have his own way. He always thinks that this is good and likes to keep others in the dark.

"You're not here to clear his name in front of me, are you? I know you two have a good relationship, but you have to keep your eyes open in front of such a big deal."

Zhang Tu was speechless by Lou Yuejiao. Something strange was heard from the other side of the tent. The little actor who was playing a big role ran out of the tent angrily.

I saw that the entire crew could not work normally because of her strike. A trace of guilt flashed across his face.

But the words have been spoken, just like water that has been thrown out and cannot be taken back.

The young actor had no choice but to sulk himself and then go to the director to apologize.

After a delay of two hours, the crew finally started to operate normally.

After putting on those [-] to [-] kilograms of weight again, Lou Yuejiao felt that her physical strength could not keep up.

But I still insisted on completing this day's shooting in the best condition.

The filming ended at nine o'clock in the evening, and Lou Yuejiao dragged her exhausted body back to her residence.

Lying on the bed, I didn't want to move anymore. Suddenly the assembly horn sounded outside, and I got up from the bed curiously, lying on the window and looking out.

In the blink of an eye, several square formations had gathered in the empty training ground. All the female soldiers were neatly dressed and waiting for arrangements from their superiors.

The actor who lived in the same house as Lou Yuejiao came back with a basin: "What's going on outside? Are they going on a mission today?"

Lou Yuejiao shook her head: "I don't know, but there must be something important to suddenly gather so many people."

"We don't have to worry about it. Let's go to bed early, otherwise we won't be able to get up for the show tomorrow morning."

After turning off the lights, the sounds outside gradually stopped soon. Finally, Lou Yuejiao only heard a few large military vehicles rumble by, taking the female soldiers away.

As for where to go, she had no idea. It was just a night that was supposed to be used for rest.

These female soldiers have to go through another hellish training.

I hope they can return safely and achieve good results.

When she woke up, it was seven o'clock in the morning. Turning on the phone at eight o'clock, Lou Yuejiao got dressed in a hurry and asked the stylist to do the styling.

Hurrying slowly, I arrived in front of the camera before the official launch.

Moreover, Lou Yuejiao is going to a deserted place for filming today.

If today's scene can be completed successfully, then she has completed her transformation from a rookie to a female soldier.

Several female artists were dressed in the same clothes. As the director started filming, they all rushed into the deserted woods with their equipment in hand.

Although there was no one there, the camera behind him kept following him, and after a few scenes were shot.

Lou Yuejiao was already out of breath from exhaustion, even though the equipment they were wearing was far from normal military equipment.

But it is still very difficult for these people who have hardly experienced any systematic training.

In today's scene, Lou Yuejiao has a long shot of climbing a cliff with his bare hands.

Provide your teammates with a path away from search.

The cliff is a real cliff, but it's not really climbing with bare hands, hanging wires behind you.

However, you still have to make an effort to climb up.

This is not a difficulty for Lou Yuejiao.

Besides, she had never experienced the feeling of rock climbing. After preparing everything, Lou Yuejiao looked at the cliff that was higher than the three-story building and swallowed her saliva.

"This is really challenging me."

Zhang Tu stepped forward and encouraged: "Don't worry, it's okay. Safety measures are in place. Just pay more attention to your steps and you'll be fine."

He breathed a long sigh of relief, moved his limbs, and was ready to start shooting.

Although there are wires tied to the back, it still costs some energy every time it climbs, otherwise the state displayed in front of the screen will be wrong.

It's just that this scene was shot several times, but it didn't meet the director's expectations.

Lou Yuejiao could only crawl again and again, until finally she was exhausted and couldn't stand up anymore.

Realizing that Lou Yuejiao's physical strength was running low, the director also hurriedly sent someone to deliver functional drinks.

So that she could unleash her potential and take a short rest. Lou Yuejiao looked at this small cliff and prepared to work hard to climb up smoothly.

Perhaps because of previous experiences, climbing up this time was not as difficult as before.

Seeing that there were only a few steps left, Lou Yuejiao gritted her teeth and finally climbed to the edge of the cliff.

Just when she was feeling happy that she had successfully climbed up, her feet suddenly slipped.

The whole body leaned back and disappeared.

Zhang Tu was so frightened when he saw this scene: "Quick, hurry up and save people."

The staff at the scene ran up from the side road non-stop.

But when they came up, they didn't see Lou Yuejiao.

The wire that was originally fixed on Lou Yuejiao's body actually broke.

Zhang Tu looked at the cross section of the broken steel wire and fell into deep thought: "Who is responsible for lifting the wire?"

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