Lou Yuejiao saw Lu Yanci pick up the phone and take a look at it, then put it back into his coat pocket.

She didn't know who sent him the message, but Zhang Tu was not here, which surprised her.

"Where are you going again?" Lou Yuejiao asked.

"Secret, I will bring you breakfast in the morning. Go to bed early."

In fact, Lou Yuejiao had just woken up, how could she sleep at this time.

But she had no control over Lu Yanci's whereabouts, so she could only watch him leave the ward.

But the leaving figure is really handsome.

Realizing that his idea was wrong, Lou Yuejiao's rationality took over and he shook his head.

I wonder when this person will stop being a nymphomaniac.

Besides, he's not so handsome that people and gods are angry, so why can't he take his eyes off him?

Besides, the two of them were still arguing and couldn't be confused.

So Lou Yuejiao simply attributed all his thoughts at that second to the hit on his head today, which caused his brain to become confused.

Lu Yanci left the ward and called Zhang Tu.

Zhang Tu's tone on the phone was a little cold: "Everything is ready, no one knows, but if the director can't find her tomorrow, the crew's progress will definitely be delayed."

"I don't care. Since she can do it, don't blame me for going back for revenge. It's been a long time since I've done that kind of thing. It's a bit unfamiliar to do it all of a sudden."

Zhang Tu on the other end of the phone didn't speak for a long time, and just cast a pitying look at the second female lead.

The second female lead, Pan Yi, has been in this industry for four or five years.

But it has always been tepid, and it was not until I got this role that I finally hoped to improve my status in the industry.

But her mind was not on the right path, so she was coaxed to come here by Zhang Tu.

As soon as he arrived, he was knocked unconscious and tied to a chair. As for what he would encounter next, it was still unknown.

Twenty minutes later, Lu Yanci opened the door of the warehouse, walked in, and slapped Pan Yi hard on the face without saying a word.

After this slap, Pan Yi finally woke up and found herself in a strange place.

But the people in front of him were all familiar faces.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Lu Yanci lowered his eyes and looked at her: "I don't care what method you use to get to this crew. You have to work hard and I won't cause trouble for you, but you shouldn't hurt my wife."

Pan Yi looked at Lu Yanci with confusion, not knowing what he was talking about.

"What are you talking about? How could I harm others? I wish I could finish filming earlier so that I can go to the next crew. You don't want to make money. I also want to save money to buy a house."

As a result, before Pan Yi could finish her words, another slap fell on her face, this one even harder.

Lu Yanci wore a pair of black leather gloves on his hands, so no matter how hard he exerted himself, there would be no pain in his palms.

After these two slaps, Zhang Tu, who was standing aside, couldn't stand it anymore.

"Be gentle. After all, she is also a woman. It doesn't sound good if this man beats a woman."

"I didn't let you get started, why are you worried?"

Zhang Tu hesitated for a long time and couldn't utter a complete sentence, so he simply walked aside with his cell phone and ignored it.

He wanted to play a game to pass the time, but the screams of a woman behind him really made him unable to concentrate.

In the end, there was nothing I could do, so I said hello to Lu Yanzi and left the warehouse to go outside.

The screams in the warehouse did not stop because of this. After a few slaps, Pan Yi's little face was already swollen like a pig's head.

The blood from the corner of his mouth dripped onto the concrete floor, mixed with dust. "Aren't you telling the truth?"

Pan Yi spat: "It doesn't matter if I did it. I wish she would fall off the cliff and die today."

"In this way, I can replace her as the number one female. Unfortunately, I haven't done it carefully enough, otherwise you wouldn't have discovered it."

Lu Yanci was very satisfied with Pan Yi's answer and kicked her in the stomach.

"Very good. Now that you admit it, don't blame me for being too harsh."

Pan Yi turned around and looked at Lu Yanci with fierce eyes: "Can the aloof Mr. Lu actually do such dirty things?"

"Aren't you afraid that after I disappear, my agent, my boss, including my friends and family will come to look for me? I don't believe you can kill me today."

Lu Yanci looked down at Pan Yi and said, "Why should I kill you? I will send you to a better place. You look good and they will like you very much when you get there."

He probably guessed the meaning of Lu Yanci's words, and his eyes that were angry one second turned into panic in an instant.

"What are you going to do? What are you going to do? You are breaking the law."

Lu Yanci turned a deaf ear and kicked her several times.

Until Pan Yi completely fainted and fell unconscious.

Lu Yanci then dialed the number. Five minutes later, several men with accents walked in.

Lu Yanci took out a wad of coins from his pocket: "It's best to do it cleanly so that she can never come back in this life."

The few people counted the money and put Pan Yi into the sack without saying a word.

By the time Lu Yanze came out of the warehouse, Zhang Tu had already finished playing the game.

Seeing him coming, I handed him a bottle of water.

"Don't mention this matter to Yue Jiao today."

"Of course I know. If she knew you were so cruel, she would definitely be scared."

Lu Yanci's eyes flashed with mixed emotions. Everyone has another side that no one knows.

Tonight, Lu Yanci revealed another side that had been hidden for many years.

"It's almost dawn, let's go back to the hospital." Lu Yanci said.

Back at the hospital, Lou Yuejiao was still asleep, and the ward was warm, making it easy for people to feel tired.

Lu Yanci stayed by the bedside for a while. When it was completely dark, he got up and went to buy breakfast.

When I came back, I happened to be awake, and what I bought were Xiao Long Bao, freshly baked.

Feeding her one bite at a time, with great patience.

For wounds on the forehead, the medicine needs to be changed every two days. It can be changed at the military infirmary, so there is no need to travel frequently to the hospital.

After breakfast and checking the injury on his forehead, Lou Yuejiao was allowed to leave the hospital and go back to recuperate.

Lu Yanci has already taken half a month's leave and wants to live and eat with Lou Yuejiao on the set.

His arrival had a strong deterrent effect on the crew.

After discussing with the producer, the director arranged Lou Yuejiao's scenes less tightly.

There are only one or two scenes almost every day, which is good news for Lou Yuejiao.

An overly tight work schedule is also not conducive to her current physical recovery. She can easily complete two scenes in one day, which is okay.

And with Lu Yanci by her side, she didn't have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation at all, and she could even run a small kitchen.

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