Lu Yanci took advantage of his meal break to take videos of everyone in his family and uploaded them to his Weibo account.

After the video was sent, there were already hundreds of comments in less than a minute.

After finishing the meal, Lu Yanci watched the New Year Gala while replying to the comments on Weibo.

It wasn't until very late that Lou Yuejiao came over and told him to go back to his room and sleep.

Lu Yanci was a little coy and said to Lou Yuejiao: "I'm not sleepy yet, can you stay here with me?"

It was rare to hear him say the word "accompany", and Lou Yuejiao felt a little worried: "What's wrong? Did something happen to me during the Chinese New Year?"

Lu Yanci shook his head and just motioned for Lou Yuejiao to come over quickly.

She came to sit next to him and leaned into his arms.

"Don't worry, nothing happened. I just read the blessings from netizens and suddenly felt very happy."

"I almost lost you this year, so I learned from the pain and decided that no matter what happens at work in the future, I will tell you in advance."

Lou Yuejiao raised her head and looked at him: "It should have been like this a long time ago. You really thought that the previous approach was good for us."

"You obviously don't treat me as a family. If we were a family, it would be all of us who should face the problem."

Lu Yanci felt that what Lou Yuejiao said was very right.

Yes, we are a family and should face everything together.

Lu Yanci kissed her gently on the forehead, and the two hugged her for a while before getting up and going back to the room.

On New Year's Day, Lou Yuejiao didn't sleep as much as she did yesterday. Get up at seven o'clock.

Just after washing up, the relatives of the Lu family had already come over to pay New Year's greetings.

Mr. Lu also took out the red envelopes wrapped in advance one by one.

Of course there are no elderly people, but there are quite a few young ones.

The money in the red envelope is just for a purpose. Even a distant relative of the Lu family will not be short of the money in the red envelope.

So the moment they took it from Grandpa Lu, everyone was very happy.

Throughout the morning, there was an endless stream of people coming to pay New Year greetings.

Lou Yuejiao also took this opportunity to take photos of everyone's smiles.

Most of her Weibo posts are about work, and rarely about her family.

But seeing how well Lu Yanci managed his Weibo account, she felt a little jealous.

So I decided to spread the joy and laughter at home on the first day of the New Year.

Not long after it was posted, there were already hundreds of comments under this post.

"Jiaojiao, you are hiding at home to celebrate the New Year. Didn't the handsome Mr. Lu take you on vacation?"

Seeing the ID Lou Yuejiao smiled knowingly, it was Guan Miaoyi who asked.

"It's called Chinese New Year at home. Being with family is a very happy thing."

"Jiao Jiao's Weibo is finally no longer part of my work. I hope to update more trivial things in life in the future."

There were countless messages like this, and Lou Yuejiao thought that she would be fine now, so she simply replied to a few of them.

At the same time, I also sent blessings to those colleagues who work on weekdays.

Verbal blessings cannot convey sincerity. Zhang Tu was already one step ahead of her in the work group and sent a big red envelope.

It was a matter of luck to see who could grab the most. Lou Yuejiao had the worst luck and only managed to grab more than 50 yuan.

The luckiest one got four digits. Seeing Zhang Tu handing out a red envelope, Lou Yuejiao was not to be outdone.

However, she did not try to get lucky, but everyone had a quota. The work group is having a great time. The makeup artist Xiao Feng also posted photos of the New Year's Eve dinner, and the assistant also posted photos of the scenery during the beach vacation.

All in all, everyone had a great time this year.

But among so many people, there was one person who caught Lou Yuejiao's attention.

That is Huo Ting, who has not been in contact for a long time.

There is no contact between the two of them due to work reasons, but they still have contact information.

Clicking into Huo Ting's circle of friends again, it was still blank.

But Lou Yuejiao noticed that Huo Ting's avatar changed at some point.

It used to be an anime character, but now it's a photo of herself, with the sea in the background, but the overall tone is gloomy.

Lou Yuejiao hesitated whether to send a message to Huo Ting and ask her if she was happy in the New Year.

Just as he was hesitating, Lu Yanci came over and said, "What? I'm here alone in a daze."

The moment she lowered her eyes, she noticed that her mobile phone screen stayed on Huo Ting's circle of friends.

"If you want to send her a message, go ahead, but be prepared that she won't appreciate it."

Lou Yuejiao is not that stupid and sweet, so how could she not expect such a result.

"Just treat it as a group message from me. If she doesn't reply, maybe our relationship will end here."

After speaking, Lou Yuejiao edited a message and sent it, but when he clicked send, his hand still hesitated.

Until the end, Mr. Lu suddenly shouted in their direction.

Lou Yuejiao sent the message desperately. As for the result, she could not control it.

It turned out that grandpa called her here just to show off his great-grandson and great-granddaughter.

Of course Lou Yuejiao couldn't offend the old man, not to mention that the two children also had to meet the relatives of the Lu family.

Both of them were taken out, and the child still in their arms was so soft and cute that anyone who looked at them couldn't help but want to reach out and touch them.

Among them, a teenage girl came to Lou Yuejiao's side, holding several New Year's cards in her hand.

"Aunt Jiaojiao, can I ask you a favor?"

In fact, Lou Yuejiao had already guessed it when he saw the stack of greeting cards.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

The little girl smiled and said, "My classmates know that you are my aunt, so I asked you if I could get a few signatures and write them on these greeting cards."

Lou Yuejiao would not refuse such a simple matter: "Okay, then you come back to the room with me, and I will sign for you one by one."

Taking the little girl upstairs, Lou Yuejiao carefully signed all the greeting cards and wrote blessings at the same time.

Naturally, this is given to the children to wish them academic success, good health and so on.

After signing these greeting cards, it was time for lunch.

Aunt Wu prepared meals for the whole family again, and the family had a lively meal.

It's rare for this family to be as lively as it is today. It's usually very deserted.

In the afternoon, relatives who came to pay New Year greetings were also preparing to go home, and the excitement returned to calm.

You must be exhausted today. I put water in the bathtub for you. Go take a bath and relax. " Lu Yanci said.

Lou Yuejiao stretched her tired body and said, "Indeed, I have never entertained so many guests in my life."

"I'm really exhausted. Should we celebrate the New Year in a different place next year?"

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