Lu Yanci was speechless by Lou Yuejiao and held her in his arms.

"Look at my performance, look at my performance, whether it is my performance in bed or my performance in life."

When she said this, Lou Yuejiao's cheeks turned red again.

"What's wrong with you? You're already quite old, but you still don't have a handle on your words."

"You can just say this to me, but be careful when you go out in the future."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Yanci pressed his lips against hers. After Lou Yuejiao reacted, she slowly closed her eyes.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, the snow outside has almost melted.

The snow wasn't heavy this time, but the children living nearby still used the little bit of snow to build a small snowman.

Lou Yuejiao still stayed in bed until noon, and Lu Yanci also used his free time in the morning to deal with the work that had been piled up from the previous year.

At the same time, the assistants and secretaries were given work arrangements for the coming year.

Although this seems a bit inhumane, the Lu Group will not officially go to work until the fifteenth day.

Therefore, in the next ten days or so, even assistants or secretaries will not actually turn on the computer and be busy at home.

After Lou Yuejiao woke up, she dragged her body to the side of the two children.

The child had been fed and was sleeping in the crib, looking at the two quiet little guys.

I finally understand why so many mothers who have just given birth don’t want to go out to work because they have children to take care of.

Secondly, it is a very happy thing to be able to accompany my cute little guy every day.

According to the previous agreement, the confinement sister-in-law will be back on the third day of the lunar month.

Seeing that there was only half a day left, Lou Yuejiao felt that it was not so difficult anymore.

But that night, the two-month-old sister-in-law suddenly called and said that she would not be coming after the new year.

After hearing the news, Lou Yuejiao felt a little unhappy, even though she could have told her this matter in advance.

They had to wait until the end to mention it, which made them look for a confinement nanny.

After Lu Yanci learned about this, he comforted Lou Yuejiao not to get too excited over this trivial matter.

Besides, it's not like they can't take care of these two children.

The confinement nanny can definitely ask the confinement center to re-recommend.

As for why the two-month-old sister-in-law didn't come, they didn't explain the reason.

When I asked the confinement center staff, I didn’t know why they suddenly resigned.

The third, fourth and fifth days of the lunar month went on as usual, and the confinement nanny sent by the confinement center came to the house on the sixth day of the lunar month.

But this nanny looks younger, about 40 years old.

She didn't know if she could take care of these two children, but Lou Yuejiao felt that her two children were so well-behaved that they shouldn't make this confinement too difficult.

Although the confinement nanny who came this time looked very young, she was quite skilled in her business.

The two babies did not suffer much discomfort under their care.

Lou Yuejiao gradually accepted it. The salary and benefits were still in accordance with the previous standards. She hoped that the two-month-old sister-in-law would not cause any trouble again.

Another seven or eight days passed in a flash. This was also the longest holiday Lou Yuejiao had stayed at home.

I either eat or sleep every day, and my whole body looks like I have gained weight.

And it’s so cold outside that I don’t want to go out. What’s more, everything I need at home is already prepared before the Chinese New Year.

Even the baby's milk powder and diapers have only been used up a third, so there is no need to rush to buy them.

On this day, it snowed again outside, and the snowflakes fell to the ground and turned into water instantly.

Lou Yuejiao cooked a small pot of red wine by herself, and the house was filled with the unique aroma of red wine.

Lu Yanci came over to take a look, then took out a cup from the cupboard: "Can you share some with me?" Lou Yuejiao took a look, turned off the fire without saying anything, and took a spoonful.

"Originally, it's for the two of us to drink. Seeing as you are so busy in the study every day, it's not good to drink coffee all the time."

"Have a glass of red wine to warm yourself up, not to mention boiled red wine. The alcohol has already evaporated and will not harm your body."

Lu Yanci took a sip of the hot red wine, which tasted good.

He drank it all in one gulp, Lou Yuejiao smiled and said nothing.

Pour all the red wine in the pot into the teapot, and carrying the teapot, the two of them came to the study together.

Lu Yanci was still busy working in front of the computer, while Lou Yuejiao was idly scrolling through his tablet.

Despite the heavy snowfall outside, the small study room was warm and cozy.

"Let's celebrate the New Year in another place next year. Although grandpa blocks it, we can leave on the second day of the new year."

"I also want to go to a warm place to spend the New Year."

Lu Yanci's eyes did not leave the computer screen, but he also answered Lou Yuejiao's words.

"Okay, then you make a plan and we will go when the time comes."

Lou Yuejiao responded, flipping through the tablet and selecting a few places.

I looked at the guide but put it down. Anyway, there is still a whole year left, and by then it will be too late to do the guide.

"But will Grandpa really agree to our leaving?"

Lu Yanci's hands suddenly stopped, and the sound of typing on the keyboard disappeared.

"I don't know, but we don't have to tell him. Anyway, as long as we get on the plane, can he leave his two children and come here?"

Lou Yuejiao couldn't help but smile, and even imagined in her mind the expression on her grandfather's anxious feet at that moment.

The crutch in his hand would definitely poke the floor hard, cursing the two of them for being irresponsible parents.

Tomorrow is the Lantern Festival, and Lou Yuejiao learned how to make glutinous rice balls from the Internet.

The next afternoon, I went to the kitchen and started making glutinous rice balls with Aunt Wu.

I have never made anything like this before, and it was a bit clumsy to get started with, those fried glutinous rice noodles.

Soon it was all over my hands and body, and I couldn't get it clean no matter how hard I patted it.

However, Aunt Wu knows these things and makes them clean. In comparison, Lou Yuejiao looks like a little cat.

Butler Liu saw how busy the kitchen was and wanted to come over and have some fun.

But Aunt Wu pushed her out: "Why are you here? The kitchen is too small. Find a place to stay."

After being criticized by Aunt Wu, Butler Liu looked around helplessly.

"I just want to help, and I've never made glutinous rice balls before."

Even if Butler Liu said so, Aunt Wu ignored it.

Seeing Butler Liu's disappointed look, Lou Yuejiao lowered his voice and said to his aunt: "Aunt Wu, actually I don't know how to do it, so why don't you let me leave the kitchen?"

Aunt Wu smiled and said, "Madam, you can learn slowly and feed your two children when you have the opportunity in the future. This is a good thing."

"Butler Liu just wants to come here to mess around. Why did he come here to learn how to make glutinous rice balls?"

Unexpectedly, Aunt Wu had two faces, and Lou Yuejiao couldn't help laughing.

Finally, those glutinous rice balls are of different sizes and shapes, and the fillings inside are naturally different.

But after the pot is cooked, they will all be mixed together, and whoever eats it will be lucky.

At dinner, everyone had a bowl, and Lou Yuejiao deliberately didn't eat what he made.

I filled a few extra dumplings made by Aunt Wu herself, but put all the glutinous rice balls I made into Lu Yanci's bowl.

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