"Our two families will be friends from now on. Let my son learn from your son. Maybe he can become a singer in the future."

Aunt Wu was too embarrassed to laugh. Housekeeper Liu was still blocking the door, while Lou Yuejiao was behind the two people, watching what happened.

Originally, she was not the core of this matter, and there was no need to be the core.

The family was outside in the cold wind and talked for a while before reluctantly leaving.

As soon as the car drove away, Aunt Wu threw the two boxes of so-called nutritional supplements into the trash can at the gate.

He was still muttering about who sent him this stuff. I was afraid that something would happen if I drank it.

Lou Yuejiao couldn't help laughing when she heard Aunt Wu's complaints.

When Lu Yanci came back in the evening, he told the incident as a joke.

After Aunt Wu heard this, she felt a little embarrassed and hurriedly tried to make amends for herself.

"Aren't I afraid that she might add some medicine to me in that thing? Be careful. Besides, my monthly salary is quite high. I can buy whatever I want to drink. Besides, Madam's bird's nests are always there. , I can’t even finish the shark fin, and sometimes I don’t even drink a bowl. I feel it’s a pity that I poured it out because I’m all greedy.”

In fact, Lou Yuejiao has always turned a blind eye to these things.

Besides, Aunt Wu always delivers the freshly made food, so there is no chance of snatching a bite from her.

Basically, she didn't want to drink it, or she had no appetite and put it aside and forgot about it. It was a good thing, and it would be a pity to throw it away.

If someone is willing to eat this, it is naturally good, at least it will not be wasted.

"Aunt Wang, hurry up and cook. I'm hungry. Can you make us some sweet and sour pork ribs today?"

Faced with Lou Yuejiao's sudden order, Aunt Wu also agreed: "Okay, okay, I'll get it right away. It'll be ready right away."

In the bedroom, Lu Yanci came to Lou Yuejiao and said softly: "I asked Zhang Tu to find a master for Lu Shiyao today."

"I just don't know if Lu Shiyao is willing to accept it. If he is willing to accept it, I will let this master get a good resource."

Lou Yuejiao felt that it was inappropriate for Lu Yanci to do this. Wasn't it clear that all the bad things she should have experienced were transferred to others.

"You have to give me an introduction. Besides, I have worked hard in this industry. If Lu Shiyao comes, I will be tricked."

"What should I do if someone can't stay in this circle? If my second uncle doesn't have great abilities, let him figure it out on his own."

"Don't worry, I have already told her these things. The master will lead her in. Cultivation depends on oneself, so I will ask her to bring Lu Shiyao in."

"As for what it will develop in the future and what it has to do with us, don't worry."

"The stakes in this have been made clear. As for whether she can control it, that's her business."

With Lu Yanci's words, Lou Yuejiao relaxed.

Then he remembered what happened during the day and said a few words briefly.

Looking at Lu Yanci's state, you can tell that there is not even a hint of the horoscope.

It's best not to let people like this come to your home in the future, I'm afraid it will annoy your ears.

Lou Yuejiao shrugged and said, "I think it's quite fun. At least it adds a lot of fun to the day. I don't know if they have any problems with the cold standing outside today."

Just when Lu Yanci was about to answer her, Aunt Wu ran up and said, "Madam and Master, dinner is ready."

Arriving at the restaurant, there was no sweet and sour pork ribs on the table. Lou Yuejiao was about to ask a question.

Aunt Wu brought it out. In fact, these ingredients had been prepared long ago, even if Lou Yuejiao didn't say she wanted to eat sweet and sour pork ribs.

The ribs will also be made into another dish, but it is a temporary change and does not waste any time.

While eating, Lu Yanci received a call from the old man.

The old man said on the phone that he had criticized Lu Zhengbang in person. Let him figure out a solution for himself if he has something to do, and don't always think about asking others for help.

I guess this is what I heard!
  "It's okay, we're all a family, there's nothing wrong with helping, but I don't want Yue Jiao to be so busy."

"Grandpa, don't blame your second uncle all the time, otherwise he will hate us over time."

The old man on the other end of the phone snorted: "Don't think that I don't know what he is thinking. It costs money to find someone else to show him in."

"After all, it's all for no reward, but he wants to find Yue Jiao to bring Shi Yao into the circle. Doesn't it make it clear that he doesn't want to spend money?"

"Brothers are still settling accounts openly. We can't talk about this kind of thing without paying a penny. Since he wants to be vague, you have to be serious."

"Besides, my two great-grandchildren don't want their mother to go out to work."

Lu Yanci chuckled on the phone, and Mr. Lu added: "I will go back tomorrow. My two little great-grandchildren, have they eaten well and slept well these two days?"

When asked about this, Lu Yanci directly handed the phone to Lou Yuejiao.

Lou Yuejiao took them and answered them one by one, so that the old man did not have to worry.

The two children eat well and sleep soundly, waiting for you to come back tomorrow for a good hug and kiss.

Mr. Lu was also happy from ear to ear on the other end of the phone.

"I know, I know. I'll go to bed early today and go back early tomorrow. I won't let those two children wait in a hurry."

After hanging up the phone, Lou Yuejiao ate with peace of mind. She ate more than half of a plate of sweet and sour pork ribs by herself.

There were a few pieces left for Lu Yanci to clean up.

When Aunt Wu finally came to clear the table, she felt so happy when she saw that tonight's meal was all eaten.

In fact, the meals cooked by Aunt Wu are very home-cooked, and she has not taken any chef certification exams. She mainly focuses on exploring by herself.

The courage of Lou Yuejiao and Lu Yanci to try new dishes is also indispensable.

In the early stages of research on many dishes, Lou Yuejiao's good mouth was indispensable for tasting them.

Before going to bed, I came to the baby room and saw that the two children had already drank enough milk and fell asleep.

The confinement sister-in-law is also preparing to rest nearby.

Lou Yuejiao gently rubbed the child's little face with the pads of her fingers.

Soft and tender, like the softest thing in the world.

"Good night, my little one."

After saying that, Lou Yuejiao got up and returned to the room.

As soon as I returned to the room, I ran directly into the all-too-familiar embrace, and the refreshing fragrance filled my nostrils.

He greedily took a big sip, raised his head and asked, "I don't usually see you wearing any perfume, but you have a very good smell."

Lu Yanci sniffed his body and asked doubtfully: "Does my body have any fragrance? Why can't I smell it myself?"

Lou Yuejiao looked up at him, as if there were thousands of stars in her eyes.

"Only I can smell this smell. Tomorrow is the weekend again. Why don't the two of us go out for a walk before I officially start work."

Lu Yanchi nodded and said yes. It happened that his work was almost completed and he had no plans for tomorrow.

"Do you want to go shopping or find a place with few people to relax?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow morning. I'm going to think hard all night."

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