"All these camping equipment were bought according to his ideas, including sleeping bags, bedding inside the tent, and thermal pads."

"He compared them one by one on the Internet. The total of these things alone is almost enough to buy a car."

Hong Feng's girlfriend shook her head. Although she was also a camping enthusiast, she was not as obsessed with it as Hong Feng.

Fortunately, the two people have the same hobbies, so they still have something to talk about on weekdays.

Lou Yuejiao was busy here for a while, but felt that it was not interesting and planned to go shopping elsewhere.

As soon as they stood up, they met Lu Yanci's gaze.

His eyes only glanced here, and Lou Yuejiao already understood it.

"Okay, okay, I won't bother you here anymore, I'll just go over there and help you."

"It's up to you whether you can have a good sleep in the tent tonight."

Hong Feng waved his hand, signaling Lou Yuejiao to go away quickly and not to delay his business.

Returning to Lu Yanci again, Lou Yuejiao was still sitting in the same seat as before, helping to cut vegetables.

"What are you two talking about here? You are talking and laughing."

In fact, Lou Yuejiao had just left. He originally wanted Lu Yanci to experience Liu Yi's Mianli needle for himself.

I don’t know what the two of them talked about during the time they just walked away.

Is Liu Yi talking to her like that? There is always an overtone.

"We didn't talk about much, but I did talk about you."

Lou Yuejiao looked surprised: "Talking about me, what do I do?"

"Of course I'm talking about you. You love freedom, love work, work and life, life and family, family and loved ones. You can balance everything very well."

Lou Yuejiao felt that she was not that powerful, and even thought that Lu Yanci said this to deliberately dig a hole for her.

"You want to dig a hole for me again and let me jump by myself, right? I'm not that stupid."

"Tell me quickly, what bad things are you two saying about me behind my back? Do you know I'm over there?"

"You've already sneezed several times, so I thought twice about scolding you. Counting the two of you, at least each of you scolded me."

Seeing Lou Yuejiao say these words, Lu Yanci touched his head lovingly.

Then he glanced at Liu Yi subconsciously and said, "I'll ask Sun Jian to come over and help you."

"When this kid first chased you, he was so crazy. How could he catch you and then just stand aside?"

Lu Yanci kept his word and called Sun Jian over.

Sun Jian came over without saying a word: "Lao Lu, what's wrong? What's going on? A tent is being set up over there."

Sun Jian looked indifferent.

Lu Yanci said angrily: "You know how to go to Hongfeng to set up a tent, but you don't know how to help your wife get these things."

When Sun Jian saw it, he quickly scratched his head: "Oh, I was negligent. I'll come right away. I'll come right now."

Lu Yanci took Lou Yuejiao's hand and walked away. Lou Yuejiao turned around every time he walked away.

"What are you doing? Everyone is busy over there. You have to call people over."

Lu Yanci raised his finger, put it to his lips and hissed: "We'll see later." Sun Jian and Liu Yi sat together for less than ten minutes before they started looking around, swaying left and right. The iron stick in their hands, He also picked it up for a while and put it down again.

The two of them stood at a distance as if watching a show, feeling that his action was a bit weird.

"What is he going to do? Is he going to transform?"

When Lu Yanci heard Lou Yuejiao's description, he almost spit out a mouthful of water.

"There are big problems in their marriage. Liu Yi just told me that she is very envious of you being able to have your own career. It is not only about your husband and children, but she also asked me if the Lu Group is suitable for her. If you plan to work for a job next month."

Lou Yuejiao's eyes widened. If Sun Yi's married life was not as happy and happy as imagined.

Then can she be forgiven for holding a gun and a stick when she spoke just now?

"It's true, but if you look at her clothes and mental state, she doesn't look like a resentful woman at all."

"I think Sun Jian must leave all the money he earned to her. And look at that child, how good it is. Don't be deceived by the woman's words."

Lu Yanci turned his head and looked at Lou Yuejiao with scrutiny in his eyes.

"What do you mean? Do you mean Sun Yi lied to me?"

"You and Sun Jian are good friends, but not Liu Yi. Although they started dating in college, you were probably only busy taking the postgraduate entrance examination at that time."

Heel knew everything about this, so Lu Yanci did not refute.

Lou Yuejiao continued: "You and Liu Yi are two people who don't know each other at all. Even if you had more contact with Sun Jian after this, she must have been there by accident."

"Let's put it this way, I just sat there and chatted with her for a few words, and her words made me feel uncomfortable. Fortunately, you came in time, so I just patted my butt and left."

"I think it must be because Liu Yi knows that you are the eldest grandson of the Lu family. She is comparing her husband to mediocre background. He can't make big money and can't spend small money."

"This life is naturally very tight, and look at that car, it was a model from many years ago."

"If their lives are really happy and Lao Sun's job is prosperous, I think it shouldn't be a problem to change to a better car."

Lu Yanci has really never thought about these problems, and these problems almost do not exist for him.

He was the one who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and he didn't have to worry about money since he was a child.

"As for why Hong Feng's girlfriend is not like Liu Yi, first of all, she is very forward-thinking and is a person who doesn't care about material things."

"And I can also see that his girlfriend's family background is not bad. As for Hong Feng, he has his own passion and is developing well in the field he loves."

"I heard that he is a very famous camping expert now. If you want to invite him to come out with you, it will cost tens of thousands of yuan at least, and there is no upper limit for more."

Only then did Lu Yanci suddenly realize that Lou Yuejiao had many sides that he had never known.

"For such a simple thing, you can speak clearly and clearly. It really impresses me."

"Don't be alarmed. Just listen to music quietly tonight, eat barbecue, and look at the stars."

"We will go back together tomorrow morning. As for other people, don't worry about other things."

"If you are really worried that Liu Yi and your good friend are on the road to divorce, I advise you not to be the good old guy in the middle. Maybe your brother will be gone by then."

Lu Yanci felt that what Lou Yuejiao said made sense, and couldn't help but think about it in his heart.

Suddenly a thought came to me: "Since you know all these things, why were you still thinking about it at that time and thinking about divorcing me and dividing the family property?"

Lou Yuejiao blinked her eyes and coughed twice as if to resolve the embarrassment.

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