After Han Shan came over, Lou Yuejiao pulled down his sunglasses, exposed his eyes, and said, "The door is not closed, get in the car, and let's talk somewhere else."

Han Shan agreed repeatedly and walked around the car. You could see that he was grinning from ear to ear with joy.

After getting in the car, Lou Yuejiao didn't mention where he was going next, and Han Shan didn't ask either.

When he arrived at the place, Han Shan discovered that it was actually a teahouse with a simple environment.

Moreover, there is little business in the teahouse at this time, and few people come.

Even the clerk was playing with his mobile phone at the counter and put it down in a hurry when he saw customers coming.

Lou Yuejiao ordered a pot of Pu'er and found a random seat to sit down.

When the tea was delivered, he asked: "Mr. Han, I know you are my fan, but today is not a fan meeting."

"I know asking you out is a bit abrupt, but I've encountered some problems recently and I need you to give me some answers, can you?"

Han Shan was a little confused by Lou Yuejiao. After thinking about his life, work and hobbies, he didn't do anything extraordinary.

He also respected Lou Yuejiao, especially after knowing that she was married and had children.

"I don't know what you want to ask, Miss Lou, but just ask. As long as I know, I will tell you."

Unexpectedly, Han Shan was also a cheerful person. Lou Yuejiao felt that this matter was already half successful.

He personally poured a cup of tea for Han Shan and delivered it to him.

"Actually, this matter is very simple. Three months ago, did Mr. Han have contact with a girl named Chu? Her name is Chu Yu. She is very beautiful and has a good figure."

As soon as he heard the name Chu Yu, Han Shan froze, the tea cup he picked up fell from his hands, and a cup of hot tea was poured all over himself.

Hearing some movement here, the waitress came over to check.

In fact, drinking tea is a very quiet thing. Making such a big noise would disturb other guests.

Fortunately, not many people came to the store at this time.

Han Shan took a few paper towels and simply wiped the tea on his pants without going to the bathroom for further treatment.

He hurriedly asked Lou Yuejiao why he suddenly mentioned this woman?

"Mr. Han, don't blame us. One of my wife's friends was tricked by this female immortal two days ago."

"He is still in detention. Once prosecuted, his charges should not be light."

"But through what he said, this woman has been asking about some things about my lover, and I am worried that there is some conspiracy behind it."

"That's why I want to ask Mr. Han how he escaped unharmed in the hands of this woman?"

When I think of this Han Shan, I can't help but sigh, but more importantly, I am grateful.

"Actually, the fact that I was able to escape from this woman's hands is all thanks to Miss Lou."

"To tell you the truth, I even had the idea of ​​pursuing you before this, but at that time I didn't know you were married."

"After the news broke that you were married, although I still like you very much, I no longer have any negative thoughts about you."

"I just want to see more of your performances in the future and support the products you endorse. As for my personal affairs, of course I still hope to find a good woman like you."

"Because of this, I'm not interested in a woman like Chu Yu who is so showy, so I immediately reined in my horse when I was on the verge of danger."

"Although most men can't control themselves, I have a bottom line as a human being. I won't touch a woman if she can't." "But after this incident, I received two threatening letters, but I didn't do anything. What kind of immoral things have you done?"

"I didn't know anything about the threatening letters, and the next day I took these two letters to the police station to file a case."

"I thought they had some back-up plan waiting for me, but after that, it seemed like the matter just passed."

"If you don't mention Chu Yu today, I will forget it myself, but I don't know much about this woman's background."

"I met her at a trade fair. It is true that she is very good at teasing men."

"We only met a few times. After he learned that I was single, he showed his affection to me many times."

"She also said that she also wants to find a home, is willing to support her husband and raise children, and doesn't want to live such a tiring life as a woman."

"To be honest, when I heard her say this, I was really a little shaken, but I didn't want to feel sorry for myself."

"Actually, I had already driven to the hotel that day. Once I got in, everything else fell into place."

"But I just didn't want to get out of the car, and suddenly the alarm on my phone rang."

"To be fair to Miss Lou, my current mobile phone wallpaper is still your photo, but it was downloaded from your Weibo."

"The moment I saw your photo, I restarted the car and left the hotel."

"And I also deleted Chu Yu's contact information. As a result, the threatening letter appeared on my desk the next day."

Lou Yuejiao listened with rapt attention, and at the same time she was thinking: "It seems that this Chu Yu is not the one who planned everything, she is just the decoy."

"Besides Mr. Han, I should have come into contact with other people, but they don't have as strong willpower as Mr. Han. They can walk through thousands of flowers without even touching them."

Han Shan smiled and said: "I only know this, and I don't know if I can help you. If I can't, I'm really sorry."

Lou Yuejiao shook her head. In fact, this matter had already helped her.

"Thank you, Mr. Han, for telling me about this matter, but you also know that I have a special status."

"I can't treat you to a casual meal, and I hope you can understand. I will invite you to my home if I have the opportunity in the future."

Lou Yuejiao's words were also quite sincere.

Hanshan is naturally not picky.

Seeing that the woman he likes is about to leave.

After much hesitation, he decided to get Lou Yuejiao's consent and the two of them took a photo together.

Taking a group photo is not difficult for Lou Yuejiao, and it can be regarded as satisfying the wish of his fan.

After leaving the teahouse, Lou Yuejiao came to the Lu Group immediately and told Lu Yanci all the information he got.

The assistant also sent over the newly investigated information. There was a thick pile, and they were all Chu Yu's trophies.

"This woman is too powerful. Haven't these men noticed that she is a woman who rides on two boats?"

"There are more than two boats, this is an octopus." Lu Yanci corrected.

Just as he was talking, Hong Feng called: "Lao Lu, I remembered something. I seemed to have seen Chu Yu in a car that day. She had been released on bail."

"You're on bail, are you sure?" Lu Yanci asked.

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