In the evening, Lu Yanci returned home and felt a little bit sad when he learned that Lou Yuejiao was about to start work.

But it was also expected.

"Where are you going this time? Is it somewhere nearby, or are you going to another province for filming?"

Lou Yuejiao couldn't answer this question for a while.

"I don't know yet. It depends on how Zhang Tu arranges it for me, but I hope to be on a closed crew."

"This way, even if Lu Shiyao digs three feet into the ground, he still won't be able to find me."

I thought about my wife going to a closed crew to shoot in order to avoid her cousin.

He knew very well what this closed crew meant.

"Then have you ever considered me? If I don't contact you for such a long time, the child and I will miss you."

Lou Yuejiao put her hand on Lu Yanci's chest, feeling his body temperature and strong heartbeat.

"It doesn't matter, those few months passed quickly. I believe you and the child will understand my difficulties."

"If possible, I hope you can give your cousin some good advice and let him try it out on his own."

The work arranged by Zhang Tu met Lou Yuejiao's needs in every aspect.

Moreover, since the director of this film is a very capable newcomer, the filming period is only as long as it is short.

Filming is currently expected to take eight months to complete.

There are five thick scripts, and I originally wanted to find a relatively cheap actor to be the heroine.

It wasn't until Zhang Tu took the initiative to contact them that after careful consideration, they felt that Lou Yuejiao was also an ideal candidate.

But they didn't agree at first because they were worried that Lou Yuejiao's salary would be relatively high.

They had no extra money to pay for it.

Zhang Tu gave a so-called internal price. After all, he knew that Lou Yuejiao's purpose in filming this movie was not to make money or to open up his own market.

Instead, he wanted to avoid Lu Shiyao, who spent almost the whole year in this eight-month shooting cycle.

So I signed the contract for this drama with only half the fee.

Regarding the remuneration, Lou Yuejiao is not worried.

I thought that I would be able to join the crew for filming soon, so I wouldn't have to worry about Lu Shiyao appearing in front of me again one day.

Lou Yuejiao felt extremely comfortable.

In the two days before the set, Lu Yanci tried every means to get along well with Lou Yuejiao.

After all, by the time we want to meet again, I'm afraid it will have already changed from early spring to late autumn.

Of course, closed shooting does not mean this time. Really can't come out.

But according to Lou Yuejiao's professional attitude, it is really possible to stay in one place until the filming is completed.

"While I'm not at home, you have to take good care of your children. Grandpa is old, so you can't tire him out. I will definitely come back to see you when I have time."

Knowing that there was no way to stop it, Lu Yanci had no choice but to force himself to accept this fact.

"Okay, okay, I understand. Don't worry about things at home. I'm here. My two babies and I are waiting for you to come back."

On the day he joined the group, Zhang Tu drove his car to his home to pick him up in person.

Lou Yuejiao packed three large suitcases with everything she needed, but it was not enough.

Even Lu Yanci prepared a lot of things for her, for fear that she would be short of things when she got there.

"Zhang Tu, let me tell you, you must ensure her safety during this filming. If anything goes wrong, I will take your life."

When Zhang Tu heard this, he subconsciously touched his neck.

"Don't worry, I will return it to Zhao intact and won't let her get any harm."

Zhang Tu promised him the same thing last time, but Lou Yuejiao was sent to the hospital again and again. Therefore, Lu Yanci no longer believed what he said. Even if he established written evidence, it would not work.

I just hope that my wife can take care of her body.

The time was almost up, but Lu Yanci still had a lot to say.

But there was no way to delay it.

"Take good care of yourself, we'll wait for you to come back."

As soon as Lou Yuejiao left, Lu Zhengbang came over with his daughter and a gift.

Although the old man had strongly stopped him before, Lu Zhengbang should not bother him again.

But with these legs on his body, he can go wherever he wants.

So he came again today, but this time he didn't get any benefits.

For the first time, Lu Yanci felt that it was a good thing for his wife to go out to work.

Even Lu Shiyao changed her previous high-spirited attitude this time. From her eyes, she could see a trace of humility asking for advice.

But still one step too late!

Lu Zhengbang stood at the door and looked at Lu Yanci and asked, "Yanci, why are you standing alone at the door? It's not too cold. Who is that who left just now? Is there a guest?"

"It's Yue Jiao. I just received an invitation from the crew to go filming."

When Lu Zhengbang heard this, the gift box in his hand fell to the ground with a thud.

"What, she went to shoot a movie. Didn't she say she would wait until the weather gets warmer before starting work? Now look at the temperature, which is still below zero. Why did she join the set? Hurry up and call her back. I'm looking for you today. She."

Lu Yanci glanced at his watch, shook his head and said, "It's too late, the plane is about to take off."

Lu Zhengbang hesitated for a moment, looked at his daughter, and said, "Get her back quickly."

Lu Yanci did not stop him. He believed that his second uncle's ability would prevent him from catching up.

Moreover, this time Lou Yuejiao did not go by plane, but by high-speed rail.

"Second uncle, please pay attention to your safety and be careful of vehicles on the road. Don't get into trouble."

At this time, Lu Zhengbang could not hear all this. All he was thinking about was how to get Lou Yuejiao back.

He showed great sincerity today and wanted to discuss his daughter's affairs with Lou Yuejiao face to face.

But when the father and daughter got into the car, an idea suddenly occurred to them.

Did Lou Yuejiao realize something when he chose to leave today?

I knew they were coming, so I went into the group to take some time off.

"Shiyao, did you reveal the news that we are coming over today?"

Lu Shiyao looked innocent: "Dad, how could I do this? What good does this do to me?"

Lu Zhengbang felt that his daughter would not be that stupid.

Is this all just a coincidence?

Ignore it for now, let’s go to the airport and intercept the person first. The worst he can do is pay for the air ticket.

But when the father and daughter arrived at the airport, they didn't know which flight Lou Yuejiao was going to take.

It can only be judged based on the flight departure time. There are several flights that take off after three o'clock.

The end point of each of these flights is in a different place, and there is no way to determine her destination.

At the same time, Lou Yuejiao, who was already in the first class seat of the high-speed rail, was listening to music and watching a movie.

Zhang Tu was standing by to arrange the next work for her.

Suddenly Lu Yanci called.

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