I heard someone chatting inside, and the woman said she wanted to take advantage of tonight's opportunity to get a filming resource.

Glancing through the crack in the door, I saw that the women were already sitting on the boss's lap.

Especially the neckline of the top is so low, I always feel like if I bend over again, those two lumps will come out on their own.

Seeing that the waiter described it so exaggeratedly, Zhang Tu was also curious about who this person was.

Could it be that besides them, are there other bosses coming here to have fun tonight?

However, the number of people Zhang Tu knows is limited, even if there is a big boss in front of him.

If you haven't seen it before or haven't noticed it, you probably won't recognize it.

He returned to the private room unhurriedly, but as soon as he opened the door, he heard laughter like silver bells coming from inside.

"Mr. Du, you promised me that you would send me to that crew. I know I am a newcomer."

"I can't film the leading female role for the time being, but I will work hard, even harder than those who major in acting."

Listening to the voice, Zhang Tu felt a little familiar. Why did he look so much like Lu Shiyao?

When I thought of this, a bad thought suddenly came to my mind.

In order to avoid Lu Shiyao, Lou Yuejiao would rather lock herself in a closed crew for ten months.

But what about him?

He doesn't have that kind of courage.

He just stood outside the box door, hesitating whether to go in or not.

But when things evolved here, Zhang Tu understood that Mr. Du didn't really want to invite him to drink.

But he wanted to open up new territories for his new artist, and he hesitated to open the door after several pictures.

Sure enough, she saw Lu Shiyao sitting on Mr. Du's lap, and Mr. Du's hand was rubbing back and forth on her leg.

"Mr. Du, please have another drink."

Mr. Du shook his head and said, "Don't drink. If you drink, things will be delayed. Don't worry, I will make arrangements for you as soon as possible. I will definitely let you into the crew before the shooting."

"But this time you have to remember that my help in setting up connections for you is not in vain. You have to give me some credit."

"Don't ever shoot any scenes, just like last time. Just quit the crew first and pay liquidated damages."

As soon as Lu Shiyao heard that her old background was revealed, her face was naturally not happy.

He directly picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it all in one gulp, not forgetting to wipe the wine left on the corner of his mouth.

"Mr. Du, what are you saying? Don't you believe me? I promise I will never let you down this time."

"If there is an accident, I will bear all the responsibilities. It should be fine now."

Seeing the two people saying this, Zhang Tu really wanted to leave.

It's just that Mr. Du was kind to him before. If he really does this, I'm afraid the two of them will turn from friends to enemies in this circle in the future.

So Zhang Tu still had the guts to listen, but instead of saying a word, he became the center of attention.

He just went to the toilet. Before leaving, he and Mr. Du were the only two people in the private room.

Why is it that this time, there are so many people in the private room that we can hardly fit them in?

"Come on, come on, Xiao Zhang, come quickly and see this Miss Lu. Can you give her a chance to play a small role in the crew?"

"Mr. Du, aren't you kidding me? The resources I have now are completely different from before. They can't be compared." "Besides, you have a lot of friends in the circle. Don't they have any good friends?" Let’s make some arrangements for this young lady to go somewhere at 1 o’clock.”

Mr. Du laughed and said, "If I had good relations with them, I wouldn't have asked you to come here tonight."

"Since you are here, you have to agree to this. I will leave Miss Lu to you."

Zhang Tu regretted a little. Sure enough, good and evil were all in one thought. If he had left before pushing the door, there wouldn't have been so many things.

Lu Shiyao looked at Zhang Tu with a look of success and said, "Agent Zhang, I'll have to worry about you for all the rest. I'm still a newbie in this industry and I don't know anything about it. There must be a lot of trouble for you."

Zhang Tu tried to force out a smile, but when he left, Lu Shiyao was still talking and laughing with Mr. Du.

It is estimated that the two of them are going to have a little intimate relationship this night, and I don't know if Lu Shiyao's parents will be furious if they find out about this.

But how could an outsider interfere in these matters? However, when he returned home, Zhang Tu contacted Lou Yuejiao and told her about the matter.

At the same time, they also called Lu Yan and asked him to be prepared. If this matter really develops in the direction they expected, Lu Shiyao might really enter the entertainment industry in the future.

Once you enter the entertainment industry on the road, the future becomes uncontrollable.

After Lu Yanci learned about this matter, he did not provide a solution in time.

Instead, let Zhang Tu think of a way to never let two people appear in the same crew together.

As long as the two people don't meet, even if Lu Shiyao really wants to use some conspiracy on Lou Yuejiao, it will be out of reach because of the distance of hundreds of thousands of miles.

Of course, there was no need for Lu Yanci to specifically say this kind of thing, and Zhang Tu also knew that he couldn't send two people to the same crew.

Fortunately, the new drama he arranged for Lou Yuejiao had not been widely publicized before.

Not many people know about it, and when they were looking for suitable actors, they didn't reveal the specific content they wanted to film.

Even the names were rearranged, and even after signing the contract, the actors didn't know which script they were filming.

Because of this, Zhang Tu didn't have much worry when choosing the script for Lu Shiyao.

Lu Shiyao directly found Jiaoyang Film Company the next day.

As soon as you come in, you will see Zhang Tu. At this time, Zhang Tu is dealing with some trivial matters in the office.

The assistant came over and told him that there was a woman looking for him outside.

The first person who came to Zhang Tu's mind was Lu Shiyao.

This aunt is so fearless that she even found her way into the company.

"Okay, then let her come over."

The assistant brought Lu Shiyao over soon.

Lu Shiyao didn't have to kowtow in front of Zhang Tu because she was the granddaughter of the Lu family.

Instead, he acted like a boss: "Agent Zhang, have you arranged my affairs for me? When can I join the team for filming?"

"Or should you find me a suitable teacher before that and teach me how to perform in front of the camera?"

Zhang Tu raised his head and glanced at Lu Shiyao. Her arrogance must be something she was born with.

"I'm choosing a suitable script for Miss Lu, but I don't know what Miss Lu's requirements are?"

"I don't have any requirements. I just want to find my cousin-in-law. Only with someone I know well can I perform better."

"Yue Jiao's crew has already started filming. There are no suitable characters to fit in. I'll look for others for you."

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