The filming started early this morning, and the filming will begin at 8:30, but Lou Yuejiao's scene cannot be filmed until at least noon.

So I can still take advantage of the filming arrangements to be lazy.

So while it was still early, Lou Yuejiao took the initiative to knock on Zhang Tu's door.

Because I finished work too late yesterday, I didn't bother to say a few words to him.

Just take advantage of this morning's meal to have a good chat with him to kill the waiting time.

After knocking on the door several times, no one showed up to open it. Lou Yuejiao was a little confused, what was going on?

Is it possible that I went to bed in the middle of the night yesterday and still didn't get up at this time?

After another two symbolic knocks, the door next to Zhang Tu opened.

I thought I had disturbed other guests, but it turned out that the person who came out was Huo Ting.

It's not surprising to see her here. This hotel has the best conditions near the base.

"Huo Ting, long time no see."

Huo Ting was not surprised to see it was Lou Yuejiao.

"Long time no see. Does Zhang Tu live here? It seems that he and I are quite destined to live next door."

Just as he was about to reply, the door opened. Zhang Tu rubbed his sleepy eyes and didn't even see clearly who was coming.

He just said, "Sorry, I went to bed late yesterday, please come in and talk about anything."

In fact, Lou Yuejiao had nothing to do, but instead of having such an awkward face-to-face with Huo Ting, she decided to enter Zhang Tu's room.

"Let's have a drink together later."

Lou Yuejiao said this casually and followed Zhang Tu into the room.

Huo Ting stood outside for a while. It wasn't until she heard the door slamming that the smile on her face gradually faded away.

Suddenly a plan came to her mind, Huo Ting raised one corner of her mouth, turned and returned to the room.

"Why should I come here so early?"

"You must have been drinking, you look like you are full of alcohol."

Zhang Tu did not deny it: "I suddenly wanted to drink last night, but I couldn't control the amount."

Looking at a few empty beer cans on the coffee table, Lou Yuejiao chuckled: "Your ability to drink is not much better than mine. You should drink drinks instead in the future."

Zhang Tu held his forehead with a look of pain on his face: "I'm already so old, how can I drink like a child?"

"Let's go down and have breakfast. After eating, I should go to the set to put on makeup." Lou Yuejiao said.

Zhang Tou responded, stood up from the sofa and returned to the bedroom. After a while, he changed his clothes and followed Lou Yuejiao to the hotel's cafeteria.

The buffet restaurant has Chinese and Western food, but breakfast is generally very simple.

In addition to steamed buns, rice porridge, fried dough sticks and bean curd, there are sandwiches with milk and grilled sausages.

Lou Yuejiao wanted to have some of these things, and she needed breakfast to maintain her energy for the day.

It's normal for her to have a hearty breakfast.

I found a suitable position with my dinner plate in hand.

"How about it? Have you found out what happened to my sister-in-law?"

Zhang Tu nodded: "It is not difficult for me to find out her movements. If I just ask around, I will know which crew she is in."

"It was a script adapted from an online novel. The investment was not large and all new people were employed."

"It feels more like a new form of testing the waters. In the early stage, I approached many companies for sponsorship and investment, but the results were not ideal."

"It wasn't until Lu Shiyao asked his father, your second uncle, to invest 5 million that the project really took off." "From this point of view, she should be the protagonist in this drama, but Yesterday morning, he told me that he would only play a small role in this drama."

"This hasn't even started yet, and you're already playing tricks on me. Do you really think I don't know all this?"

While talking, Lou Yuejiao had already eaten a meat bun.

It doesn't really matter whether she is the protagonist or not. What matters is that she can walk sideways in this crew.

And she only needs a small role. If she is the heroine of this drama, she will have to be on the set most of the time.

But she sharpened her head, and the reason she came to the entertainment industry was to deal with Lou Yuejiao!

"I really don't understand what kind of hatred there is between you two women."

"Logically speaking, you live your life, and she lives hers, and the water in the well does not interfere with the water in the river."

"But why do you attract fire every time I have to trouble you?"

When asked this question, Lou Yuejiao felt ashamed.

"Keep an eye on her, I don't want any accidents to happen to my work this time."

Before he finished speaking, a man came over and greeted Lou Yuejiao warmly.

"Good morning, Miss Lou. I didn't expect you to come here for dinner. I like you very much. I wonder if you have time tonight. Let's go and have fun together."

Lou Yuejiao looked up and found that she didn't recognize this guy.

But Zhang Tu knew him: "Mr. Sun, why are you here too?"

Then Mr. Sun snorted and said, "This is not my little girlfriend. She insisted on coming to act some time ago, so I will accompany her here."

"As a result, many things are not on the right track yet. I will come over today to take a look. If it really doesn't work, we will withdraw."

Zhang Tu did not hide the surprise on his face: "Mr. Sun has changed his girlfriend again. She is still as majestic as before."

Mr. Sun was so complimented by these words that he couldn't help but smile: "You know how to make fun of me. I was just playing with those women."

"After all, sometimes it's nice to have a woman by your side who understands the cold and the hot, but I'm not a fool either."

"They are so young, but they want to be with me, a man in his forties. Could it be that they want me to be handsome?"

"It must be because I have some money in my pocket, but it would be nice if I could get some warmth with this money."

"Not everyone is as lucky as Mr. Lu to be able to meet someone who can stay with him for a lifetime at a young age."

This is indeed incomparable to others, even Zhang Tu feels the same way.

"Yes, so everyone is envious of Mr. Lu. Of course, they are also envious of the person in front of me. He can also find the love of his life in the vast sea of ​​people."

Mr. Sun once again fixed his gaze on Lou Yuejiao.

"Mrs. Lu, I just have a game tonight. If you are interested, come. If you don't have time, let's talk about it later."

Lou Yuejiao nodded and didn't say much during the whole process.

Only after Mr. Sun left did he let out a sigh of relief.

"Who is this person? I suddenly discovered that the people you met are from all walks of life?"

Zhang Tu leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair, and said to Lou Yuejiao: "There is no way, I had to do this when I was working hard for my career."

"As time goes by, naturally everyone can be born. Not everyone is as lucky as Lu Yanci, who doesn't have to worry about anything as soon as he is born."

"What I am today is all due to my own efforts."

In fact, Lou Yuejiao didn't want to hear this, but there was no way, these were the facts.

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