As a result, the director didn't know which nerve was wrong: "Ms. Lou, if you do this, it will be a breach of contract, and I have the right to claim compensation from you."

"Okay, then you go to court and sue me. I will carry out whatever the court sentences. I don't want to film this drama anymore. No one can threaten me by treating me as someone else's weakness."

Lu Yanci felt a little happy when he heard that his wife said she would not film this movie.

But it can't be shown on the face.

"See, my wife is still on my side. You, a young director, are still too young. I hope you can find a competent actor as soon as possible. If this movie can be released as scheduled, I will definitely I will take the whole family to the cinema to contribute to the box office."

The director didn't expect that he would get into such big trouble just because of his words.

Even the heroine of this drama is missing.

They also agreed on how to rehearse tomorrow, but as a result, it would take at least ten days and a half to start construction.

A crew of more than a hundred people had to eat, and the director was immediately overwhelmed.

After waking up, he quickly apologized to Lu Yanci and Lou Yuejiao, but there was no use apologizing at this time.

"Husband, why don't I go home tomorrow and you go check it out first? I miss the baby."

Lu Yanci nodded and said immediately: "The two kids miss you too. When I came here this time, I specially took a video of the two little guys and forgot to show it to you, but you don't have to watch it now. , I’ll go home tomorrow, I’ll go find Zhang Tu later and ask him to arrange the tail here for you, you don’t have to worry about it, I’ll take care of everything.”

Lu Yanci's words completely made people put their hearts in their stomachs.

Lou Yuejiao nodded, ignoring the director's bursts of regret next to him.

At first she thought this director was pretty good, and she should support him with such ambition at such a young age.

But I didn't expect that he would use this ambition to threaten his own man.

Even if she wants to prove her strength through a drama, she doesn't want her man to be used like this.

Seeing that the situation was truly irreversible, the young director had to take a step back and take the initiative to say something nice.

"Mr. Lu, I'm sorry. I didn't think carefully and said the wrong thing just now. I just wanted to hope that this drama can be successfully filmed."

"Your wife's efforts and seriousness will not be wasted then. Moreover, if you watch this drama, it has already been publicized that Mrs. Lu is the female lead."

"I believe her fans also hope to see this drama released during the Chinese New Year next year. Don't make it impossible for everyone to watch just because of your impulse."

As a result, Lou Yuejiao rejected all the director's requests in one direct sentence.

"It is indeed a pity that I cannot film this drama, but I think my fans should be able to consider this matter from my perspective."

"They don't want me to become a puppet, don't you think?"

"The director knows very well that with the current status of the Lu Group in society, it will not be a problem to find a suitable script for Lou Yuejiao."

"So there is absolutely no need to continue. Otherwise, I'm worried that you, the director, will not be able to hold your head high if we get along day and night in the future."

The director realized that what he said was completely wrong and he had not yet been able to make up for it. He felt extremely uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Lu Yanci didn't say much during the whole process, but he never stopped holding his hands, taking advantage of the silence between the two of them.

Lu Yanci said to Lou Yuejiao: "I bought you a plane ticket at noon tomorrow. You can sleep a little longer in the morning. Where is Zhang Tu? I'll call him over later. I have something to arrange for him."

Seeing that there was really no room for maneuver in this matter, the director suddenly began to act miserably again.

"Mr. Lu, you really don't have to think about it anymore. The amount of early investment in this drama is quite high, and it is very likely to win a big award."

"Just think that I just drank too much and said the wrong thing and was not sober. You can't let Ms. Lou give up the filming."

The final result was that Lu Yanci turned a deaf ear to the director's words, and Lou Yuejiao was already ready to go home.

Soon Zhang Tu came from the room and learned the situation, which surprised him, but it was also reasonable.

Besides, he had been friends with Lu Yanci for so many years and knew what his temper was like. To be able to make such a decision without regard for others, the other party must have acted disrespectfully towards him first.

"Okay, I understand. Leave the matters here to me. Are there any other arrangements besides this?" Zhang Tu asked carefully.

"No more." Lou Yuejiao replied readily.

She really didn't have anything to ask for, she just regretted the hard work and exhaustion of the past few days.

But as soon as I think about being able to go home and see my lovely baby. The hard work of the past few days is not so unbearable.

Lu Yanci and Lou Yuejiao had no other appeal, so Zhang Tu started to be the bad guy.

in front of the director. , said in a very serious tone: "Director, this is Mr. Lu and Miss Lou's room."

"I think it's not suitable for you to stay here all the time. Please go back to your room and rest."

Seeing that Zhang Tu had given him an eviction order so quickly, the director was naturally unwilling to leave.

It seems that he also believes that as long as he says a few more good words, he can turn the tide.

As a result, they saw Lou Yuejiao and Lu Yanci returning to the bedroom, closing the door and changing clothes, as if they were going out for a big dinner.

After seeing this, the director finally knew that it was impossible to turn the tide.

The only way he can do it with dignity now is to leave here without being humble or arrogant, and then declare to the public as soon as possible that he will find a new starring role.

As for the energy and time wasted in the past two days, he has to bear it alone, besides, he is so small.

There is no way to compete at any level with such a big opponent as the Lu Group.

Even Lou Yuejiao couldn't be dealt with by him.

"What are we going to eat tonight? I want to drink. I don't know if the restaurant here has good wine." Lou Yuejiao said.

Lu Yanci looked doting on his face, while Lou Yuejiao leaned in his arms, feeling intimate.

As expected, some people were happy and some were worried, and Zhang Tu didn't know what the director was thinking.

I also think there must be something hateful about poor people.

At noon the next day, Lou Yuejiao arrived at the airport and was stopped again by the director before leaving.

I asked if I could continue to stay on the crew and complete the filming of the film, and I could be paid double the salary I had promised before.

But Lou Yuejiao is not an artist who only cares about money. Once she agrees to the director's request this time, it means that if a similar situation happens in the future, she will have to agree.

There are some things he can forgive, but there are some things he can't.

Even though the director and the assistant director chased him all the way to the airport, Lou Yuejiao did not waver.

In the end, I had to witness Lou Yuejiao getting on the plane.

The assistant director was even more angry and cursed the director fiercely. He even knew that he had been drinking yesterday and that's why he said such nonsense.

The entire crew almost died because of Lou Yuejiao's sudden abandonment of filming.

Fortunately, the assistant director finally stepped in and was willing to take over the mess and continue filming.

Wait until the director has adjusted his emotions before coming back to take over.

As for the script. It definitely needs to be changed again.

If we can't find a female lead, we have to give up the heroine line, but that will make the script featureless.

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