In fact, Lu Yanci didn't say anything, he just told Aunt Wu to take care of herself and not worry about other things.

As for the cost of medical treatment, there is no need to worry about it.

After all, Aunt Wu has worked in the Lu family for so many years, and she has worked hard without any credit, so the cost of the surgery is offset by the bonus.

When Aunt Wu hung up the phone, tears flowed out unknowingly.

It is really a blessing to have such a good boss at work.

Because of Lu Yanci's words, Aunt Wu can now take good care of herself in the hospital with peace of mind.

Don't worry about the rest.

Looking back, Lu Yanci also encountered some difficult things.

After Cruise returned to China, he had already submitted the signed contracts, and the big boss above had also agreed.

The contract has begun to take effect, and it is too late to regret it at this time, unless you bear sky-high liquidated damages.

Less than a week later, Aunt Liu came to Lu Yanci to ask for a way out.

Cruise's company was really uncooperative. They wrote plans all night long these days, but they never got approval.

There is simply no way to advance the work, not only delaying time but also wasting manpower and material resources.

It even affected other projects in the company. Such a result was not what they wanted.

Seeing that Aunt Liu was no longer so arrogant, Lu Yanci still felt a little heartbroken.

But she was the one to blame for all this, and she couldn't blame anyone else.

Aunt Liu didn't expect Lu Yanci to be so cruel and determined, and she thought he could help her out at the critical moment.

Nowadays, this plan is no longer an extravagant hope.

Aunt Liu looked at Lu Yanci, but she still felt a little bit unwilling in her heart. She could be regarded as an old shareholder of the Lu Group.

There is no way this friendship is complete. It all depends on Lu Yanci's decision.

As long as he can nod, nothing will be a problem.

However, Lu Yanci's attitude on this matter was very firm.

No green channel will be opened to anyone.

"Lu Yanci, are you really willing to die without saving me?" Aunt Liu was making her last attempt.

Faced with Lu Yanci's silence, Aunt Liu finally couldn't hold it back and finally burst out.

"Lu Yanci, you are a heartless person and you have lost so much money that I originally invested. If this is the case, then I will withdraw my shares."

Lu Yanci agreed without any emotional ups and downs.

Aunt Liu was somewhat surprised to agree so readily. Normal withdrawal of shares always requires a process.

But now, special things are being done for her.

"Hmph, I misjudged you at first. From now on we will be business rivals."

After Aunt Liu finished speaking, she turned around and left. Lu Yanci didn't even politely stop her.

Naturally, everyone in the company knew this director. When they saw her angrily coming out of the president's office, everyone was talking about the news.

But no one dared to step forward and ask what happened.

Finally, the secretary had to take a deep breath and muster the courage to walk into the office.

"Mr. Lu, are you okay?"

The expression on Lu Yanci's face was quite calm, which made the secretary somewhat undecided.

"I'm fine, let everyone work in peace."

The secretary hummed and left the office.

The office fell into silence again, everything was according to his plan. Several companies that had previously signed contracts with Cruise also discovered that something was wrong, but it was not easy to get off the boat.

Those who were smug at first are now finally crying.

But there are still some people who are holding back from crying, thinking that everything can still be redeemed.

I feel that my fate is not so unlucky.

I begged and begged for a long time, but in the end I still didn't ask God to be lenient.

But I signed the contract in black and white, so it’s not that easy to deny it at this time.

Moreover, the person in charge is far away from overseas. If you want to talk face to face, time is an issue.

None of these company bosses wear multiple hats.

But in order to keep his job, he had to find time to go abroad to discuss the matter at the headquarters.

See if you can pay less liquidated damages and cancel the cooperation.

But even so, they still had little effect, almost no change.

I thought that this piece of cake in the business world had been eaten by almost everyone, but I never thought that someone would spit out what they had eaten.

Although the spit-out cake is not very delicious, it is better than nothing.

Those who had previously laughed at Lu Yanci for his lack of vision were in bad luck this time.

But there are people in the middle who are not that ugly. At least they signed cooperation contracts with different dates.

Aunt Liu, for example, signed a ten-year contract, thinking that she would be able to earn a lot of money in the next ten years.

But because some people don’t understand foreign companies and just listen to the reputation, they actually still have doubts in their hearts.

With the attitude of giving it a try, I signed a one-year cooperation.

This year of cooperation is easy to get through, but these ten years are not so easy to pass, and there is no end in sight.

In the end, Aunt Liu had to withdraw her shares to compensate for this huge liquidated damages.

After Mr. Lu found out, he didn't stop him verbally.

We are all adults and should take responsibility for our own choices and decisions.

The board of directors is now missing a member, and no one else will interfere with Lu Yanci's decisions.

It's time for them to admit that their vision and decision-making are not as good as this young man's.

The experience of the past is no longer suitable for today's business world, if they are allowed to make decisions based on what they take for granted.

Then the Lu Group will only have one result in the end, and it will follow Aunt Liu's footsteps.

It was a day off with nothing to do. Seeing that the sunshine outside was beautiful, Lu Yanci took the two children out to bask in the sun.

Seeing this, Lou Yuejiao also followed, teasing the child and chatting.

Mr. Lu finally came out of the study and saw that the weather was getting warmer day by day.

The flowers and plants planted in the yard have also sprouted new buds and buds.

It won’t take long for green leaves to grow and flowers to bloom.

However, Mr. Lu was still a little bit curious about why Lu Yanci could see through at a glance that Cruise was not sincere in his cooperation.

The most important thing is that he can overcome all difficulties and never waver in his heart.

How many people are willing to give it a try because of what others have said before making a decision?

People are different, so the results are different and cannot be generalized.

Maybe someone can actually make a little profit from this cooperation.

But some people can only hope to get off the ship safely, let alone get any profit from it.

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