After all the teams came back, the director gathered everyone together and put all the food on the table that had been cooked before they came back.

"Congratulations to everyone for ending this day's recording. We would like to thank Lou Yuejiao for preparing such a sumptuous dinner for everyone."

Lou Yuejiao, who had just returned, was stunned when he heard what the director said. What is going on?

"Thank me, I didn't buy these things."

The director laughed and said, "To be precise, it should be Mr. Lu. He knows that you all have a hard time recording the show, so he spent a lot of money to prepare these meals so that everyone can have a good meal."

With that said, Lou Yuejiao understood. It seemed that eating and drinking tonight would not cost points. If he had known this, he would not have to do tasks like crazy.

I'm afraid that I don't have enough points to exchange for food.

When other people heard that so many delicious foods were prepared by Lu Yanci, they all looked at Lou Yuejiao with thanks.

Lou Yuejiao felt a lot of pressure inexplicably after receiving these looks. After responding with a smile, he found Zhang Tu and asked him if it was true.

Zhang Tu also said that he didn't know, but the director probably wouldn't lie to people because of this matter. It shouldn't be difficult for Lu Yanci to treat everyone to a nice meal.

But this kind of thing should be informed in advance. Lou Yuejiao asked for a mobile phone from Zhang Tu, and started frantically looking for a place with a signal just like last night.

When I saw that the signal was finally full, I immediately called back and asked what happened.

Lu Yanci said on the phone that he saw how poorly they ate yesterday, and that it might be self-defeating if he only set up a small stove for his wife.

Why not ask everyone to improve the food? Nothing will be lost. Besides, after a busy day, it would be good to have a satisfying meal after work.

Lou Yuejiao was not angry with Lu Yanci for doing this, but instead thanked him for being so considerate.

Worried that the delicacies would not taste good if he talked on the phone for too long, Lu Yanci cut off the call after a few brief greetings and asked his wife to go eat first.

When Lou Yuejiao came back, she found that everyone had not moved yet, and they were all waiting for her.

"You guys eat it, don't wait for me, it won't taste good after it gets cold."

However, everyone present knew the most basic courtesy. Lu Yanci paid for this delicious food.

Lou Yuejiao is also Lu Yanci's wife, which means that this meal is her treat.

The host who is treating the guest has not yet made a move, so how dare the others to use their chopsticks first, and they are not two or three-year-old children, so they don’t understand and are not surprised.

Now that Lou Yuejiao was there, everyone took the initiative to step forward and choose what they liked to eat from the long temporary table.

After working hard for two or three days, it won't be a big deal if we open up for a meal now.

And it’s not just the ten pairs of artists who eat, the staff also get a share.

Lou Yuejiao didn't dare to be greedy. Even if it was something she liked, she would only taste it briefly.

After a day's work, her back was so tired that she just wanted to get into the tent and have a good rest.

However, something unexpected happened, and Zhang Tu called Lou Yuejiao over just as she was about to enter the tent.

Noticing that Zhang Tu had a serious and mysterious face, Lou Yuejiao couldn't help but ask, "What's going on?"

Zhang Tu handed over his mobile phone: "See for yourself whether you know the person above."

There was a photo on the screen of the mobile phone, and the photo was taken very clearly, so clear that the pores on a person's face could be seen.

As for the protagonist in the photo, it is naturally Lu Yanci, but the other person is also a familiar face - Su Jia!

Looking at the photo of BJ, it turned out to be the entrance of a hotel. I clicked the screen to return. The person who posted this photo was an entertainment account with more than one million fans.

Having so many fans proves that the message he cannot send out is still correct to a certain extent.

But, not necessarily.

Entertainment accounts are mostly used to get money to do things.

"Would you like to ask for verification? I'm worried that this matter will have a negative impact on you."

Lou Yuejiao raised her lips slightly and said, "I know this person. He is Yanci's secretary. This girl is out on her own and doesn't even have a trustworthy friend around her."

"It seems that something happened again, so I asked Yanci for help. I believe that there is innocence between the two of them, and you also know Yanci."

Zhang Tu was unable to refute what Lou Yuejiao said, because the relationship between the two had been in crisis before.

He was worried that something like this would happen again. Now that Lou Yuejiao was working outside, it would be easy for Lu Yanci to do something behind her back.

"Okay, I understand. I will immediately send a lawyer's letter to the owner of the account." Zhang Tu said.

Lou Yuejiao yawned and did not raise any objections. Anyway, she was relieved that Zhang Tu would do what he did.

I believe he can handle it all.

After returning to the tent, Lou Yuejiao lay down and thought about something. Then she felt sleepy and fell asleep as soon as she turned over.

At the same time, Lu Yanci was still taking care of his two children at home. The two children had begun to recognize each other, so as a father, he had to spend more time with his children.

Mr. Lu reminds his eldest grandson from time to time not to be too serious when taking care of his children.

Otherwise, the child will be afraid from the bottom of his heart and will be prone to psychological problems in the future. A loving father must become friends with his child, so that he can have a healthy father-son relationship.

As a result, Lu Yanci revealed the dusty past of how his grandfather had to discipline his son when he was young.

Mr. Lu was not born kind. When he was young, he would fight fiercely with others in order to get opportunities.

Without such courage, naturally there would not be the current Lu Group.

As the power in his hands is gradually released, Mr. Lu no longer has as many things to worry about as before.

The whole person gradually became kinder, but this did not erase what he was like when he was young.

Mr. Lu coughed twice in embarrassment and said, "It's not because your dad was naughty at that time. If he wasn't strict, he wouldn't be able to establish authority.

But no one knows whether this is the case or not. The old man can only tell what he says.

"Since I want to be a loving father, Yue Jiao has to be stricter. Otherwise, when the two children grow up, we will have no authority in front of them."

No matter what, one of the parents has to be strict.

When the two children were sleepy, they were handed over to the confinement nanny to put them to sleep, and Lu Yanci returned to the study to deal with the rest of the day's work.

By the time I fell asleep, it was already close to one o'clock in the morning.

He was alone on the large bed. He missed the days when Lou Yuejiao was by his side more and more, and he hoped in his heart that she would come back soon, the sooner the better.

With this thought in his mind, Lu Yanci could sleep peacefully, but there was no dream this night, and when he opened his eyes again, it was already early morning.

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