So the problem to be faced later is the real problem.

"Arrange manpower immediately to find the person in charge as quickly as possible."

"I want to ask him face to face who issued him the qualified inspection certificate, and based on the records he kept during his tenure in the company."

"Find out where he came from and how he got into working in the group."

The assistant nodded, these are what he should do.

Now Lu Yanci was giving instructions one by one in front of him, and the assistant also remembered them one by one in a short period of time.

"Mr. Lu, don't you think this looks like a shady business war? Just before our company launched this smart water heater, a company also launched a similar product."

“However, that product had few functions and was highly substitutable, so its sales volume was not good after it was put on the shelves. It was taken off the shelves in less than three months.”

"Later, our products were launched, with constant temperature function, leakage protection, anti-touch function for children, etc."

"Together, these functions can greatly protect children from operating the machine carelessly. Only adults can operate the machine accurately."

"This product has only been on sale for less than half a year, and this happened. In my opinion, someone did it deliberately."

Lu Yanci is a very rational person. Although his assistant said this, he also doubted it.

But there is currently no evidence to prove that the other party did it. The only way is to find evidence first. As long as the evidence is implemented, there will be no false accusation.

No matter who did this, we must get to the bottom of it.

With Lu Yanci's words, the assistant was full of confidence, and he decided to ignore the process of looking for this assistant.

No matter how difficult and dangerous it was, he still had to find this person. Even if he died, he would have to grab a handful of his ashes and bring him here.

At the same time, in the office of a small home appliance company, a pot-bellied boss was sitting on the boss's chair with his eyes closed to relax.

The secretary next to him is reporting on the new round of work.

"Mr. Fang, please protect me this time."

"How can I protect you? You are a popular and popular person here, but that's not enough protection. You are afraid that your former employer will dig up the ground to find you."

The female secretary chuckled, put down the folder in her hand, and sat down on Mr. Fang's lap.

The round part rubbed between Mr. Fang's legs, and the female secretary put her arms around his neck.

The voice was like a silver bell: "Mr. Fang, it was because of you that I went to interview the person in charge."

"That certificate was obtained by sleeping with me. If it weren't for me, how could your plan have been implemented so rigorously."

"So the only person I can rely on now is you. As long as Mr. Fang doesn't betray me, I have nothing to fear."

After saying that, the female secretary kissed Mr. Fang hard on the cheek, leaving a big lipstick mark on his face.

Mr. Fang reached out and pinched the female secretary's butt hard.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter. Don't have any doubts. You can go find an island for vacation tomorrow."

"Before I let you come back, you will be on paid leave. When the storm here is over and you come back, I will definitely take care of you then."

The female secretary leaned directly into Mr. Fang's arms.

"Then I really want to thank Mr. Fang for thinking about me, but the Lu Group will definitely not stop this time."

"They will definitely follow the clues and find their way here. Is there any way to deal with it? I still want to do a little more for you before leaving."

A hint of alertness flashed in Mr. Fang's eyes, and he looked at his secretary and said:

"If you really want to help me, it's not impossible. You go and change your clothes now. I'll take you to a place tonight."

Upon hearing Mr. Fang say this, the female secretary immediately understood. Taking advantage of the situation, he unbuttoned the two buttons of his shirt, revealing his proud career line.

"Looks like we have more fun tonight, Mr. Fang, how do you want to thank me?"

Mr. Fang laughed loudly and said, "I'll give you whatever you want. Go and change your clothes. We'll leave right away."

Everything is developing step by step.

Lou Yuejiao also wanted to contribute to this matter.

I hope it can help Lu Yanci overcome the difficulties as soon as possible.

Lu Yanci didn't mention a word about this matter. Lou Yuejiao knew very little and had no clue, so naturally he couldn't help.

Even when she went to bed at night, she couldn't sleep well because Lu Yanci was tossing and turning beside her.

Secondly, the two people have lived together for so long, they have the same mind and say nothing.

You can also know what the other person is thinking from every expression and movement.

"If you have any difficulties, just tell me. Although my connections in the industry are not as good as yours."

"But I still have friends. I think even if they don't give you thin noodles, they might as well not give it to me."

Seeing Lou Yuejiao ask this, Lu Yanci turned on the bedside lamp and sat up.

He said to him: "Don't worry, I know these things well, but now I'm a little confused, I can't find a clue, I don't know what to do next. The person who was responsible for testing and applying for the report seems to have disappeared from the world, even about that It’s not normal to find a woman’s past history.”

It is impossible for a person to have no past, unless it is deliberately erased, just like people who work in some special industries.

They don't need a past, or even too detailed personal information, for protection.

But in business, you don't have to be so cautious.

"The assistant told me today that before Lu Group launched this new product, there were similar products on sale."

"It's just that the sales were not ideal, and I didn't see the same product coming out again later."

"So he suspected that the merchant of that product secretly planned all this, but this plan was too deep."

Lou Yuejiao had a different idea: "The reason why the plan is so profound is that it can win with one move."

"This Lu Group is not an iron-clad wall. There are still weak points that can be attacked by the enemy."

"This time someone took advantage of me, so I have to be more cautious next time. But what does the person in charge look like?"

Lu Yanci raised his eyebrows: "It's a woman. I can't remember her appearance clearly. If you really want to know, I'll ask my assistant to send you the photo tomorrow."

Hearing what he said, Lou Yuejiao already knew what was going on.

"Then it seems that this woman must not be beautiful, otherwise you should be able to remember her."

Now that we have reached this juncture, Lou Yuejiao did not forget to be sarcastic.

Lu Yanci was not angry, but said calmly: "In the R&D department, only the department manager can report to me."

"As for other people, they cannot skip the level. She is only responsible for product quality inspection. As long as there is no problem with the product, I will not see her."

"So you can't just blame me for this matter."

Now Lu Yanci is very good at explaining himself, and Lou Yuejiao also knows that he has become eloquent now.

He's not the guy who only knew how to defend but not attack.

"Then when you get to the company tomorrow, ask your assistant to give me her photo, and I'll post it in my circle of friends. Maybe I can actually help you find this person."

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