"You're back, how are things going?"

"It's in progress, and the results will be available soon. It's thanks to you that we were able to find Fang Ying this time. Just tell me, I'll buy you whatever you want."

Lou Yuejiao smiled and said: "I don't lack anything, but recently I am looking for insurance for my children."

"There are two insurance policies. Please take a look at them for me. If there are no problems, I will buy them. This can be considered as a guarantee for my two children."

Lu Yanci nodded. Although his family was extremely wealthy, no one could predict what kind of accident he would encounter one day.

It’s not impossible to buy more insurance just in case.

While feeding the two children, Lou Yuejiao happily hummed a little tune.

Lu Yanci looked at the two insurance policies from the side. There is nothing wrong with what is on the policy.

It’s this premium that’s a bit strange: “I’ll let the legal affairs department consider it carefully later, but there’s no rush at this moment anyway.”

Lou Yuejiao smiled and said, "Okay, this was also recommended to me by a person when I was shopping today."

"I hadn't thought about it at first, but I was a little tempted by what he said, so I asked for these two insurance policies, but I haven't signed them yet."

"Don't worry, our child won't have any accidents in a short time anyway."

For the two of them, the day passed peacefully, but for some it was different.

Mr. Fang learned that Fang Ying had been found by Lu Yanci and brought back to the country.

He had a premonition that the things he had done before would come to light.

Fang Jian decided to kill him. Once Fang Ying, a woman, turned her back on the battlefield, what he had done before would explode again and again.

He couldn't bear to let his good days turn into ruins. If he wanted to stop this woman's mouth, money alone would not do it now.

And in this world, only the dead can keep all secrets.

"Mr. Fang, that's your favorite secretary. You can't be so cruel."

"Is there a possibility that she agreed to the man named Lu just to stabilize the situation temporarily? Otherwise, you should answer the phone to protect her."

Mr. Fang shook the wine glass in his hand with sharp eyes: "That kind of woman is just a wallflower. Do you dare to believe that she didn't make any demands in front of Lu Yanci?"

"I haven't treated her badly over the years. It's just that she doesn't know how to restrain herself. Hasn't she always claimed that she is very cautious in doing things?"

"Why did she miss the mark this time? I can't let her drag me into the water, do you understand?"

After Fang Jian finished speaking, he drank all the wine in the glass.

"Let the people under you do things cleanly and avoid being found out by those people. If you are questioned, just say that you ran away overnight."

"Whether I run to the country or go abroad, what I want is to disappear from the world, or to make this matter look like an accident."

It looks like an accident, but it is actually the simplest, but it also has many flaws.

It is impossible for a living person to disappear without any reason. This request made by Mr. Fang is still very difficult.

However, wealth and wealth come from insurance. As long as this order is completed, there will be a lot more money in the account.

Early the next morning, the Heaton Hotel was on the morning news, saying that a guest had an accident in the bathroom last night.

Lu Yanci, who was watching the morning news, took a quick look and immediately put down the coffee cup when he saw the photo.

When Lou Yuejiao heard the words Fang Ying, she also raised her head and looked at him.

The two people said in unison: "This must not be an accident."

"There are no witnesses now, what can you do to Mr. Fang?"

Lu Yan said without changing his expression: "Anyway, everyone knows that he obtained resources through unfair means."

"Even if I don't resist, others will never have any contact with him again. Even if there is no Fang Ying, I'm not worried."

After the morning news was broadcast, Lu Yanci went to work. Lou Yuejiao continues to spend time with her children at home.

From time to time, I would think of Fang Ying and the news about the accident.

I couldn't help but feel a chill in my heart. What on earth is this woman in the eyes of men?

When you like it, you hold it in your hand, but when you don't like it, you have murderous intentions. I have to say that this square sword does have two brushes.

Fang Ying's death was deemed an accident, and Fang Jian was very satisfied with the result.

"Lu Yanci, Lu Yanci, let me see what you do this time. As long as the reputation of Lu Group collapses, no matter how good your product is, no one will be willing to spend money to buy it."

"Once my product is launched, you won't have anything to do with it. The business pie is only so big. It's enough for you to eat. Why do you want to take what others have to eat?"

After Fang Jian finished speaking, he turned off the TV and asked his assistant to publish a recruitment information.

It's not good if there isn't a female secretary around here. I need to find someone quickly to fill this position.

But before the female secretary was found, Fang Jian had already received a summons from the court.

When he received the summons, Fang Jian thought something had happened to him again.

As a result, Lu Yanci was present during the court session. It was rare for him to attend such an occasion in person.

Fang Jian knew why he was here, so everyone understood it tacitly. The lawyers on both sides argued with each other, and the quarrel was endless.

Even the president of the court is one head and two heads tall, but the factual evidence is clear that Fang Jian did something wrong.

According to current laws, compensation is required.

After the verdict, Lu Yanci immediately stood up and left, unwilling to stay here for another minute.

As soon as he walked out, Fang Jian chased him out.

"Lu Yanci, stop right here."

Lu Yanci stopped, turned around and looked at Fang Jian and said, "Mr. Fang, is there anything else you can advise?"

Fang Jian was about ten years older than Lu Yanci. He relied on his old age and said: "There is a car in front and a track behind."

"You made me stumble today. Be careful, there will be big trouble waiting for you ahead."

Lu Yanci stood upright and was not afraid of his shadow. He straightened his back and said, "Whenever the Lu Group does business, it is based on integrity and never engages in deception."

"Mr. Fang, please leave this sentence to yourself. After all, besides me, there are many people who have been tricked by you, and they are also waiting for the director's verdict."

Fang Jian didn't know how Lu Yanci did it.

He thought that if Fang Ying could not appear in court to testify, the matter would be left in ambiguity.

This time he really stumbled, and his group was boycotted by the people.

The products developed were returned one by one, and even compensation was required.

The previous partners immediately canceled all orders after learning about these things.

Suddenly, Fang Jian's company came to a standstill.

In order to allow our group to resume normal operations as soon as possible.

Fang Jian also knew how powerful Lu Yanci was. The Lu Group was like a mountain and he was like an egg shell.

This mountain is much harder than an egg shell.

So I found a good opportunity to apologize to Lu Yanci in person, saying that what happened before was due to his evil thoughts.

He wanted to seize market share, so he did something wrong. Now that he knows he was wrong and is willing to change, can you let him live?

Especially considering that there are so many families in his company who have to feed themselves.

If his company really goes bankrupt because of this, those people will lose their jobs.

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