In order not to be discovered, Lou Yuejiao had been sitting in the back seat when she saw a black business car driven out by Northern Real Estate.

He immediately patted the driver's master on the back of his chair: "Master, follow that car, don't let him throw us away."

The driver immediately started the car, but this rental car was not as good as a luxury car with luxurious configurations.

After finally starting the car, the black car had already driven a long way away.

But on urban roads, this car doesn't drive very fast.

It didn't take long to catch up, and the driver tried his best to avoid being discovered.

Sometimes he passes the car, sometimes he slows down and falls behind that car.

Make sure this is done so that the other driver won't notice.

Lou Yuejiao also took advantage of this opportunity to inform Lu Yanci of the situation one by one to see what follow-up measures he had.

We can't keep playing chase on the road like this.

After Lu Yanci received the message, he immediately asked his assistant to respond, but he had to wait until the end to come forward.

The news about Lu's Group driving piles for engineering projects has been making a lot of noise on the Internet.

Many netizens want Lu Yanci to stand up and clarify to everyone that everything is false.

But in Lu Yanci's opinion, now is not a good time to rush for clarification.

If the initiator behind the scenes is not found, there will be times when the other party will continue to target him in the future.

Wait until everything is settled, and then look for an opportunity to tell the truth.

It is also more persuasive.

After receiving the message from Lu Yanci, Lou Yuejiao was mentally prepared.

The assistant also immediately took action and moved the position in real time according to Lou Yuejiao's instructions.

Driving back and forth in this city.

But what no one expected was that the black business car drove from day to night.

Seeing that the sun was going down, I had no intention of stopping yet.

From the looks of it, we are about to leave the city.

Because Lu Yanci was in the army, the only person who could contact Lou Yuejiao in real time was Lu Yanci's assistant.

The master driver couldn't understand the doorway in between, but he still pursued hard.

After driving a certain distance, the driver said to Lou Yuejiao: "Girl, can you let your friend chase you in front while I go to the gas station in front to fill up the car with some gas?"

Lou Yuejiao immediately communicated the situation with the assistant, and the assistant was naturally fine.

But his car was running out of oil, and he hoped that their car would take over immediately after filling up the oil.

Such an exciting thing could not be found even with a lantern, and the driver's blood was boiling.

While you're refueling, go to the bathroom first.

When we came out, we were about to pay for gas.

The staff at the gas station said that someone had already given the money.

The driver glanced at Lou Yuejiao in the car and said, "Did you pay me?"

Lou Yuejiao did not answer directly, but urged the driver to drive quickly.

At this time, the driver didn't dare to be lazy at all.

After reaching the assistant's position, the driver walked through the streets and alleys for fear of being delayed.

After finally catching up with the assistant's car, the assistant breathed a sigh of relief.

If he had to drive the car all by himself, the tires would probably burst. The assistant quickly drove the car to a gas station and filled up the tank.

And sitting in the black business car was the man who looked very elegant.

"Boss, that taxi has been following us. We lost it and he caught up again."

The man lowered his head to read the newspaper and said without raising his head: "It's not just the car chasing us. Didn't you see the black car just now?"

It was obvious that there was a trace of surprise on the driver's face.

His silence also answered the boss's question.

"It doesn't matter, we do our thing and don't worry about them."

With the boss's words, the driver couldn't help but speed up the accelerator a little more.

Once you leave the city and get on the highway, you don't have to worry anymore.

After successfully leaving the city, the speed of the car accelerated to the naked eye.

The taxi driver tried hard for a long time but couldn't catch up, but the assistant drove the car and caught him.

Always reporting location.

But Lou Yuejiao couldn't figure out what was their purpose in chasing this car?

There are several opportunities in the middle, and it is completely possible to force a stop, although doing so will have a certain impact on other people.

But it won’t be like driving on the road all the time.

But according to Lu Yanci, they would keep driving like this until the black car in front stopped.

It is estimated that the car should have been prepared for long distance driving, so the fuel tank was full from the moment it was driven out.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for the car to stop without adding oil. As long as it stopped, it would be difficult to start the car.

"Approximately how big is the fuel tank of that car and how far can it run? It has been driven for so long. Based on the size of the normal fuel tank, it should be refueled." Lou Yuejiao asked the assistant.

The assistant's voice came from the other end of the phone: "It's very possible that this car has been modified by him. You can see that he accelerates very slowly in the city, which means that there should be a fuel tank in the car. I guess they He knows we will follow him, but there is nothing he can do now. The arrow is on the string and he has to shoot. He will drive out of the city later and get on the highway and then think of a way."

What else can I think of when I get on the highway?

There are no slow cars on the highway, and there are cars of all types.

Could it be that the man in the black business car was planning to make some big move on the highway to get rid of them?

The driver couldn't help but feel goosebumps on his back as he listened to the conversation on the phone.

My hands were shaking a little and I almost couldn't hold the steering wheel.

Seeing this, Lou Yuejiao quickly comforted him: "Master driver, don't be nervous, that kind of thing is unlikely to happen."

"Let's follow him steadily, if he really wants to make some small moves on the highway."

"If we notice something is wrong, let's slow down the car first and then change lanes to avoid it."

The driver nodded stupidly and responded to Lou Yuejiao's words.

If I had known earlier, he wouldn't be greedy for the five hundred yuan. To earn these five hundred yuan, it was a life-threatening rhythm.

As guessed at the beginning, the car finally got on the highway, and the black car immediately accelerated on the highway.

The driver's accelerator was almost smoky, so he finally bit on it.

The assistant drove up and caught up quickly: "Leave the rest to me, you two follow behind, just don't lose my car."

The pursuit lasted until almost eleven o'clock in the evening, when the black car finally stopped.

Stopped at a pier, the car stopped, and the people in the car naturally had to get out.

Lou Yuejiao found his assistant. The two of them sat in the car and watched from a distance. The man who got off was wearing a black suit.

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