Infinite ambiguity with the best actor variety show, the female guest cried in anger

Chapter 364 It is difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs

Lu Yanci took Lou Yuejiao on board another yacht.

Lou Yuejiao was curious and asked: "When did you buy the yacht? Why didn't I know?"

It turns out that the person responsible for driving the yacht is the real owner of the yacht.

Lu Yanci smiled and said, "If I were to buy a yacht, I would definitely tell you, just because this yacht is not mine."

After hearing what he said, Lou Yuejiao realized that his understanding was wrong.

The yacht owner was also kind-hearted and sent the couple and the assistant back to the port.

They didn't overcharge them, but before leaving, the owner of the yacht approached Lu Yanci to make a request.

He helped him today, so if he needs help in the future, I hope he will be generous.

Lu Yanci did not refuse and gave the man a business card.

"If you need my help in the future, just come to me. If it weren't for you, my wife might have been fed to the sharks."

After returning home overnight, Lou Yuejiao felt that everything that happened tonight was like watching a movie, a little unreal.

Fortunately, Lu Yanci seemed to have expected all of this.

He came over with a cup of hot milk: "Thank you for your hard work today."

"It's not hard. As long as I can help you, I won't be hard. And I know you will fall from the sky when I am in crisis. You are my supreme treasure."

After hearing his wife praise him so highly, Lu Yanci leaned into her ear and whispered softly.

"In that case, can I work harder today?"

Lou Yuejiao understood what he said, and punched his chest with her pink fist, but she couldn't suppress her mouth.

It has to be said that her man's ability in this area is indeed superior, although she has not tried other men.

But it makes her want to die every time.

Tomorrow happened to be the weekend, and Lu Yanci didn't have to go to the company, so the two of them started a protracted battle that night.

Moreover, the old man is not at home, so there are only two of them in the huge villa.

There is also Aunt Wu sleeping in the guest room, as well as the two children and two-month-old sister-in-law in the baby room.

The two of them can fight anywhere.

It wasn't until daybreak that the two men made a truce.

Lou Yuejiao felt like a puddle of mud and collapsed on the bed, not even having the strength to turn over.

He was carried to the bathroom by Lu Yanci and took a shower.

When I woke up again, it was already noon and I found no one beside the bed, but there was still warmth in the quilt.

Lou Yuejiao got up from the bed, naked, picked a silk dressing gown from the closet and put it on.

He tied his belt in a random knot in front of his body, and after asking Aunt Wu, he found out that Lu Yanci was in the study at this time.

Lou Yuejiao came to the kitchen, washed some fruits and brought them over.

Seeing that Lu Yanci was still busy with work, Lou Yuejiao didn't bother him. He sat on the sofa with his tablet and watched attentively.

Except for the dressing gown, she had no extra clothes on her body.

I don't know when, the belt actually untied itself.

The morning robe fell apart, but Lou Yuejiao didn't know it.

After Lu Yanci finished a piece of work, he subconsciously looked up and saw that his wife had already revealed her love.

Lu Yanci coughed, and Lou Yuejiao looked up at him, holding an emerald green grape in his mouth.

He didn't say anything, but his eyes already expressed what was wrong.

Lu Yanci pointed at her clothes, and Lou Yuejiao discovered that her dressing gown had become loose at some point. She had nothing to be embarrassed about in front of Lu Yanci. We have been married for such a long time, what part of our body has not been looked at?

I casually finished my morning jog and continued watching TV series.

Lu Yanci shook his head helplessly, but there was a smile on his lips.

I was busy until dark, and Lou Yuejiao had already fallen asleep on the sofa.

When Lu Yanci came over, there was no sign of waking up. He closed the tablet. Lu Yanci squatted in front of the sofa and looked at Lou Yuejiao's sleeping face.

The long eyelashes move from time to time, like the wings of a butterfly fluttering.

And that bumpy figure, although obscured by the morning jog, was unexpectedly hazy.

Especially the slightly exposed shoulders add a bit of temptation.

But considering that the two of them fought hard for so long last night, it is estimated that her body has not recovered yet.

Lu Yanci's suppressed inner impulse gently awakened: "Wife, mother, wake up!"

Being woken up by Lu Yanci, Lou Yuejiao was a little reluctant, but there was nothing he could do.

Finally I had to get up, and when I woke up I found that my dressing gown had fallen apart.

Especially the spring scenery of the upper body, Lu Yanci had already seen it clearly.

After hurriedly fastening her belt, Lou Yuejiao walked out of the study pretending that nothing was wrong.

Looking at the eaten fruit plate, Lu Yanci shook his head helplessly, picked it up, and sent it to the kitchen for Aunt Wu to clean up.

Aunt Wu stewed pork ribs and corn soup tonight.

Lou Yuejiao liked this soup the most. He drank two bowls in a row and was still unsatisfied.

Lu Yanci peeled a few more boiled shrimps for her. These shrimps were also shipped from abroad. They tasted sweet and delicious, and the meat was firm and elastic.

Lou Yuejiao ate one and thought it tasted good, but two bowls of soup already made her feel extremely full and she did not dare to eat any more.

Although she has retired from the entertainment industry, she still has strong self-discipline about her figure.

No matter how much Lu Yanci tried to persuade her, Lou Yuejiao refused to take another bite, and finally gave all the shrimps on the plate to Lu Yanci.

"These shrimps are delicious, don't waste them. I don't want to be covered in fat and become a fat woman."

Just as he was about to go back to his room to rest, someone suddenly rang the doorbell, thinking it was another relative coming over.

Lou Yuejiao went to open the door in a hurry, but when she opened the door, she found an unfamiliar face.

The woman was crying, with tears in her eyes, covering her face with one hand, and there seemed to be blood at the corners of her mouth.

"Help me, help me, call the police, I was beaten."

Before he could figure out the situation, Lou Yuejiao had already let people in.

After coming in and asking carefully, I found out that this woman lived in the villa diagonally opposite them.

The reason why she ran away was because of domestic violence by her husband.

Just after saying a few words while eating, her husband got angry and smashed a plate on her head.

That wasn't enough, they were beaten and kicked again. If she hadn't held on with her last breath and ran out to ask for help, she would have fainted by now.

Lu Yanci brought the medical kit at home and asked Lou Yuejiao to help deal with it, while he went to call the police.

When the police came and saw the victim and the perpetrator, they knew that this was another family matter that was difficult for an honest official to resolve.

Especially some people in this wealthy family were twisting and turning. Watching the police take the couple away, Lou Yuejiao looked at Lu Yanci and whispered.

"Do you think the two of them will reconcile?"

Lu Yanci squinted and said, "If I guess correctly, that woman should be a senior executive of a company."

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