Lou Yuejiao didn't say anything. She took the document bag in her hand and hurried upstairs.

Putting the file at the bottom of the bedside drawer, Lou Yuejiao still felt a bit heavy with responsibility for suddenly saving things for others.

When Lu Yanci came back in the evening, Lou Yuejiao told him what happened during the day.

"If you are willing to help, do so, but don't involve yourself in it, lest her husband hates you and we have to move."

Before she finished speaking, the doorbell rang again. As soon as Lou Yuejiao stood up to open the door, she was stopped by Lu Yanci.

Lu Yanci stood up and opened the door, only to find that it was not the female neighbor who came outside.

But it was a man with red cheeks, and the man was holding a half-drank wine bottle in his hand.

"Where is the person? Where is the person? Did you hide her from me again?"

The man smelled of alcohol and spoke rudely. He opened Lu Yanci's door and tried to barge in.

As a result, Lu Yanci reacted quickly and kicked instinctively.

The man was so drunk that he couldn't react. He fell backward and rolled down the steps, unable to get up.

"Who? Who hit me, grandma's."

There happened to be security guards patrolling the community outside the door. Lu Yanci waved to the two young security guards.

"Please help me take this drunkard out. I don't know him."

The security guard nodded, first informed the captain in the duty room, and then stepped forward to help the drunk man up.

When he was helped up, he saw a familiar face: "This is not Mr. Zheng who lives in Building No. 10, why is he here?"

The two security guards looked up at Lu Yanci again, and knew that it wasn't Lu Yanci who called him here.

"Hurry up and take the people away. What's the point of making noise here?"

The two security guards knew that Lu Yanci had the highest status in their villa area and could not be provoked.

He immediately helped Mr. Zheng and left, but within a few steps, Mr. Zheng suddenly broke free from the restraints of the two security guards.

Staggeringly, he came to Lu Yanci again.

Pointing to Lu Yanci, he said, "Tell me, where did you hide my wife? She hasn't come back all night."

"He wouldn't answer my phone no matter what. You called the police on her last time, and the police scolded me."

Lu Yanci suppressed his inner temper and wanted to make things clear to him.

"How do I know where your wife is? Besides, shouldn't I ask you this? I thought you could change your ways after what happened last time."

"It seems you haven't. If you really can't find your wife, then go to the police and file a missing person notice instead of coming to me."

The man laughed, pointed at Lu Yanci and said, "Do you like my wife? You already have a big star wife, why do you still have thoughts about other people's wives?"

Lu Yanci didn't bother to talk to him and quickly asked the two security guards to take the person away.

The two security guards also knew that Lu Yanci was someone who could not be offended, so they picked up Mr. Zheng again and dragged him away from the scene.

Lou Yuejiao stood in front of the window and witnessed all this. Seeing that the person finally left, she came to Lu Yanci's side.

After checking that he was not injured, I felt relieved: "Don't have too many interactions with this kind of person in the future. I'm worried that he will hurt you."

"Don't be afraid. He's just a drunkard. He can't hurt me. If someone rings the doorbell next time, don't open it."

Lou Yuejiao nodded and closed the door.

Lu Yanci accompanied Lou Yuejiao back to the room. As soon as he returned to the room, Lou Yuejiao received a phone call.

It was actually Mr. Zheng's wife who called.

Lou Yuejiao was also curious about how she knew her mobile phone number.

After asking, she found out that she had contacted the property management company first and learned Lou Yuejiao's mobile phone number from the property management company.

"I'm sorry, my husband will definitely go to you to make noise if I leave suddenly. If he goes today, I will apologize to you on his behalf."

Unexpectedly, this woman was quite reasonable. Lou Yuejiao asked her on the phone where she was now and how she was doing.

But the woman said that she had returned to her hometown, and as for work, she asked the company for a long vacation. The boss of the company valued her very much and was willing to keep this position for her until she was willing to come back.

Originally it was other people's housework, neither Lou Yuejiao nor Lu Yanci should interfere too much.

But there is no way, who makes the two of them kind-hearted.

A few days later, Lu Yanci suddenly received a call from someone. Looking at the unfamiliar number, Lu Yanci hesitated.

But I picked it up anyway.

The person on the phone first greeted me warmly: "Hello, Mr. Lu, I wonder if you still remember me."

Hearing the voice, Lu Yanci immediately remembered who it was.

"Of course, it seems you are in trouble when you make this call."

The man on the other end of the phone smiled and said, "I did encounter a little trouble, and I hope Mr. Lu can give me some help."

"I don't know if Mr. Lu has time now. I'm already downstairs at the Lu Group. If I have time, we can talk face to face."

Lu Yanci glanced at the time and saw that there were still twenty minutes left before getting off work at noon.

It happened that the documents in his hand were almost finished, so he agreed to the person's visit and asked Su Jia to go downstairs to meet him.

After a few minutes, the man finally opened the office door.

Su Jia also thoughtfully made tea for the two of them and brought it over.

The man was wearing casual clothes, and he didn't look like a boss worth over ten million.

"Mr. Lu, I didn't want to disturb you originally, but this matter has had a huge negative impact on my employees. It's not convenient for me to come forward, so I hope you can reconcile it."

"Your employees? How can I help?"

"I need you to pressure her husband's company into bankruptcy."

"Bankruptcy, this is a bit too serious."

The man shook his head: "There is no way. The couple has reached the end of their marriage and has begun to separate."

"But that man kept making a fuss in my company and asked me to hand over his wife."

"But how do I know where his wife has gone? His wife didn't tell me where she is now."

"In order to keep my company running normally, I had to come up with this crooked idea, but I didn't want to be the bad guy."

"I just remembered that Mr. Lu had said before that he would help me once, so I came here shamelessly."

"As long as Mr. Lu does a little work behind the scenes, that small company simply can't bear such a big trouble."

Lu Yanci understood the person's intention and roughly guessed who the person he mentioned was.

I just lament that this world is really too small.

"Okay, I understand. Whatever you want to do, I will listen to your arrangements. I believe you must have a very mature way to deal with it."

The man lowered his head, smiled, picked up the teacup, took a sip, and revealed all his plans.

Lu Yanci followed what he said and began to contact the company to prepare for all this.

It only took half a day for Zheng Da's company to be choked and unable to breathe.

This afternoon, Lu Yanci also received calls from those companies, saying that the plan was successful.

In less than a week, Zheng Da's company will be on the verge of bankruptcy, but there is still a glimmer of hope.

The glimmer of hope was that he agreed to sign the divorce agreement and attribute all debts to himself.

This is his chance of survival.

The whole afternoon, the owner of the yacht was watching the show. When he saw that the show was about to end, he was about to get up and leave.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your help. We are now settled."

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