i can see monster rules

Chapter 244 The collapse of order

Chapter 244 The collapse of order
It's just that I am too busy, and I just feel that Xiang Nan is still young and how can he do such a dangerous thing.

Rejected directly.

I'm afraid Xiang Nan is having a hard time during this time.

When Xiang Nan heard that An Chen would take the initiative to mention this matter, he raised his head in disbelief.

"What's wrong? Don't want to?"

An Chen raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

Xiang Nan, who was immersed in joy, immediately reacted and waved his hands: "I am willing! I am super willing! Thank you, master! Thank you, master, for giving me the opportunity to help you."

He finally no longer had to secretly watch the soldiers train all day long.

Because he can join in too!
After leaving the office, Xiangnan saw Ah Hua standing in the corridor, waiting for him.

Ah Hua touched his head in embarrassment and said apologetically: "I'm sorry Xiang Nan, I shouldn't have gone to see Sister An without your consent..."

Xiang Nan didn't say anything, but stepped forward and hugged Ah Hua tightly.

"I'm sorry, Ah Hua, I have a bad attitude."

When Ah Hua heard Xiang Nan say this, the discomfort in his heart disappeared instantly, and he put his hands on his hips generously: "I, Ah Hua, have never been a stingy person! I have forgotten that matter a long time ago!"

Xiang Nan also smiled and sent him away, and pushed him unbearably.

The two young boys looked at each other and smiled, and they were good friends with each other.

"By the way, Ahua. Show me the photos you took when you went to the Sky City."

"Hey? Do you want to see it?"

"Can't you show it to me? You said you just took the photo specifically for me."

"You can watch! Let's go to the secret base."

The shadow stood aside silently, and although it could not be seen to have any expression, one could still detect the gentle emotion it showed when it looked at the two teenagers.

The city in the sky is very unstable at this time.

The previous turmoil had not subsided, but then a building suddenly disappeared out of thin air in another city.

Many people also recorded it, and there are videos that reveal the truth.

There is no way to sugarcoat reality.

The residents of the Sky City are already very nervous and cannot withstand such abnormal phenomena occurring again and again.

"Actually, I'm quite calm. Our planet should have been wiped out in a nuclear war five hundred years ago."

"What you said upstairs makes sense. I appreciate your ability to tell the truth."

"What does the organization do for food? Why hasn't a reasonable explanation been given after so long? Where were those young people at the press conference? Why did they suddenly disappear? Was it because they were wiped out for telling the truth? What if If so, I would rather not live! I want the truth! I don’t want your fabricated utopia, I would rather suffer than be numb!”

"Support the people upstairs and let the public know the truth!"


"I have resigned anyway, spent all my savings, and am ready to die calmly even if the end of the world doesn't come."

"My child has just been born..."

"I have just become pregnant and am already preparing to have an abortion."

"I'm about to give birth. I'm really sad. It's really hard to have a baby in such a turbulent time..."

The agency also wants to settle accounts with the Department of Special Affairs.

Who could I ask for?
Except for the only surviving deputy chief and some ability users.

Who can I turn to?

I wanted to scold the deputy chief, but instead he handed in his resignation directly.

The organization was so frightened that they immediately comforted him.

After all, almost all the people in the Department of Special Affairs are dead, and the only one who knows a little bit about it and can take over the department again is the vice chairman.

Who knows, but the vice chairman was so frightened that he wanted to retire and return home.

It took a lot of effort to get to where I am today.

But the vice chairman was completely disheartened and determined not to continue.

At this age, I really can't stand such trouble.

Being able to save a life this time and come back is purely due to the blessing of the goddess of luck.

He has a son who just gave birth to a granddaughter.

I want to go back and spend time with my family, and I don’t want to fight anymore. The deputy chief felt in his heart that the world was about to change.

He just wants to protect his family in times of crisis.

An Chen is very clear about this.

But he just smiled and said nothing.

A few public relations crises are not enough to completely threaten the foundation of the organization.

After controlling the city in the sky for so many years, the capital has become entangled with each other, and it has long been stable and indestructible.

However, these public opinions are not completely useless.

The prestige of the organization has dropped a lot, and there are a large number of strikers in the basic service industry and agriculture.

It has a huge impact on many companies.

Once the probability of demon territory being generated increases, society will truly lose order.

So capital wants to control, but underneath it is just an empty shell.

As long as the city in the sky does not make changes, its collapse is only a matter of time.

At present, An Chen just wants to renovate the dungeon quickly.

Let this be what a society should be like.


half year later.

On StarNet, a video of a dungeon suddenly dominated the screen.

It has received a lot of likes on major video software, even if the organization takes action, it has been removed from the shelves.

But some people will still save it and continue to send it to StarNet.

Because it turned out to be Dungeon's "self-introduction" video.

On the video screen, the appearance of the dungeon has been completely renovated.

The streets that were originally dark, dirty, and smelly were all given a new look and new roads were paved.

Houses have also begun to be repaired, and slightly higher floors have been built to provide more people with shelter from wind and rain.

These are nothing, after all, the house on that road is not very good in the eyes of the residents of the Sky City.

But what's even more shocking is that there are actually soldiers in the dungeon.

What is a warrior? They are soldiers specifically responsible for fighting against demons.

They will help every trapped resident without hesitation, and will compensate even if a resident is injured or killed.

After the demon territory in the dungeon is resolved, the nuclear radiation will be purified.

Nuclear pollution was greatly reduced, and people began to farm.

This is actually a dungeon?
Every resident of the City in the Sky who watches this video cannot help but doubt their life.

In the past six months, the probability of demon territory being generated has increased a lot.

Many people have died at the mouth of the devil.

The agency doesn't care about the life and death of civilians at all. It just spreads some information about demons and tells everyone to be careful.

Then it was gone.

Some people are lucky enough to be capable and are forced to work for capital.

After the Department of Special Affairs was destroyed, the deputy chief wanted to resign again.

The task of rebuilding the Department of Special Affairs can only go backwards.

And those capable people have been taken away by the capital in advance with extremely high treatment.

Even if you want to put the task on the agenda, there is nothing you can do.

All the capable people have escaped!
When the Department of Special Affairs was established previously, no one except the central members of the agency knew about it.

Now everyone knows, and everyone wants people with abilities to protect them.

How easy is it to rebuild?

The creation of the Demon Territory means that the residents of the Sky City have less place to live.

Many people are already confused and don’t know what to do.

I don’t have permission to modify the previous chapters! Babies, remember to correct your mistakes when catching insects.

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