Chapter 194 194. Questioning
In early August, the film "I Am Legend" was completed and sent for review on an expedited basis.

And Chen Li also said goodbye to Yingjiang and returned to China.

This is a good thing for the owners of Holley Cinema and Dahai Cinema, and it means that Chen Li's movie is about to be released.

Although Chen Li had caused quite a lot of trouble during this period, it also made them feel anxious. Especially after hearing that Andrew, the director of this co-production, and Chen Li met, they became depressed.

But fortunately, they finally regained their composure, and now their film has entered the review stage. As expected, it is almost completed.

"Moonfall" is a product jointly produced by Xia Ying. They invested huge manpower and material resources to promote it as early as half a month ago.

This is a movie that Xia Guoda has invested heavily in in recent years, so it has attracted the attention of movie fans as soon as it was released.

It was a science fiction film starring the famous Hollywood movie star Thomas, and also had Xia Guo's top actress and Xiao Xianrou as supporting roles!
Ever since Chen Li's "District [-]" came out and opened the door to Xia Kingdom's science fiction movies, Xia Kingdom has long been driven into science fiction craze. Fans are looking forward to another science fiction movie. This place has laid the foundation for Xia Kingdom's science fiction movies. A monument to the rise of the film.

After all, it is well known that science fiction films are the shortcomings of Xia Guo films, and everyone still hopes to change this status quo.

Now that "Moonfall" has appeared, many people still feel that this opportunity has come!

Although this is a film involving the Eagle Sauce team, directed by a Hollywood director, and the screenwriter is also from Hollywood, and only the special effects technology is produced domestically, this does not hinder people's expectations for it.

Especially for Eagle Sauce, many media critics gave it high marks after watching it, claiming that it was the best science fiction film this year.

Domestic audiences still approve of foreign ratings. After all, even Hollywood film critics say it's good, so it's not bad!

"There really haven't been many good movies recently, so I'm looking forward to this one! Although it's a co-production, the domestic team should learn from Hollywood's industrial standards and work together a few more times to get the hang of it!"

"It is true that the progress of domestic films has always been inseparable from learning. The country is more tolerant of co-productions just to allow domestic industry insiders to learn."

"The moon is falling. It looks quite atmospheric. It can't really be the moon falling."

"After watching "District [-]" last year, I have watched it several times and completely fell in love with science fiction movies. I hope to see another good science fiction movie this year."

"Speaking of which, Chen Li's "I Am Legend" has also been filmed. Why is there no news about it?"

"Yes, in the past, the film was scheduled to be released earlier after filming, but this time I'm not in a hurry? It's so strange."

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. I doubt it. Ahem, is it wilting?"

"Maybe after taking the photo, I found that the effect was mediocre? I didn't dare to take it out for fear of being scolded."

"Impossible, that's Chen Li, okay? You have to have confidence."

"I always feel that Chen Li is going to overturn this time."


Netizens will inevitably talk about Chen Li when discussing this movie, and they are also curious about why there is no news about Chen Li's fan movies.

In a familiar club.

Lu Shuangyi listened to the secretary's report, his whole face burst into laughter: "Hahaha, Mr. Li, it seems that this movie will definitely be a hit."

Li Kui took a deep breath on his cigar and said comfortably: "Although it's not true, we can definitely make a profit. The most important thing is that we have regained the face we lost before!"

"Yeah, speaking of which, I have to thank that boy Chen Li, but this time, hehehe, he was not so lucky."

Lu Shuangyi felt aggrieved when he thought of how humble he had been when he begged to no avail. After all, he was a respectable person, yet he was treated like that.

It made me unable to even raise my head when looking for people in the circle. Li Kui's heart was also burning with anger, but he had been in Hedong for 30 years and Hexi for 30 years, so don't bully the middle-aged cowards!
So what if we leave Chen Li? !

If he hadn't taken off as usual, his career might have to keep up to a higher level, and Chen Li, haha, he couldn't even protect himself!

The two looked at each other and laughed wildly, all the frustration and depression of the past few months dissipated.

"Old Li, he is hiding like a turtle and not showing up. This is not okay. We can't let him drag it out like this. Isn't he planning to make a fan movie? Haha, force him to show his face!!"

"Yes, according to our original plan, the more he wants to hide, the more we will let netizens pay attention to him. When he releases the movie, we will snipe directly!"

"Haha, arrange it!"

In the afternoon of that day, with the authorization of the two major theater chains, various marketing accounts and big Vs began to condemn Chen Li's matter, and, driven by trolls, it frequently appeared on trending searches.

There is no news about #陈丽新movies. Some people in the industry suspect that the past has overturned. Is the former genius falling from the altar? #
# decipher Chenli’s behavior of cutting leeks, fans, please wake up. #
#Investors lost all their money, did Chen Li’s fraud violate the law? #
#Once you become famous, your taste will change. Where will Chen Li’s future go? #
If everyone was just puzzled before, now, under the guidance of thoughtful people, they can't sit still, and they all wonder if Chen Li has really been cheated.

Movie made for fans overturned? Or is it just to collect money?

In just a few hours, Chen Li's account was filled with questions from the masses and many taunts from trolls, which almost occupied his account.

As long as the fans are arguing with it!

It wasn't until that night that Chen Li's account sent a response message.

"Don't worry, the "I Am Legend" movie has been reviewed and will be released on Penguin Video and in theaters in a week. Please stay tuned."

As soon as the news came out, the noisy comment area fell silent instantly, and everyone was stunned.

The first reaction was to wipe my eyes.

What? Did you read that right? Or did he make a typo himself?

Penguin Video Network and theatrical release?

What kind of trouble is this?

As if in response to netizens' doubts, after Chen Li's message was sent, Penguin Video Network also issued a countdown poster, and even made a huge banner promotion on Penguin Video's homepage.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"It's really being broadcast on streaming media! Damn it, is this movie already so bad?"

"It's not that a movie that cost hundreds of millions to make could be broadcast online. Then who would go to the cinema to watch it?"

"Either it's completely rotten, or it's addictive to cutting leeks!"

"There have been comments before that people suspected that Chen Li's movie was overturned, and they didn't dare to show it. Isn't this just a stone hammer? Or is it a hammer on oneself?"

"Oh my god, no one can understand Chen Li's brain circuit."

"I must have seen the public opinion fermenting, so I hurriedly took out the things, and in this way, tsk tsk tsk."


(End of this chapter)

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