Stop it, boss, I’ve never seen a movie made like this.

Chapter 260 260 Is this really something that Xia Guo can film?

Chapter 260 260. Is this really something that Xia Guo can film?

Under the control of Liu Peiqiang, the space station crashed straight into the engine flames. Before he even finished speaking on the communication channel, he was engulfed in the flames of the explosion. The huge space station exploded on the surface of Jupiter with 300,000 tons of fuel.

The flame looks extremely gorgeous. However, compared with the boundless Jupiter, it is like a small flame, but it is a flame that symbolizes hope.

Seeing this, Xu Wei could no longer control herself and started crying. She covered her mouth in panic, otherwise her crying would affect others, but the audience around her also sobbed softly and choked with sobs.

"Give me a tissue, damn, I didn't expect this movie to be so touching. What should I do if I don't have any tissue?"

"Honey, come on, wipe it with my sleeve."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhow, why do you have to die? Oh, wuwu, can’t you just have a happy ending?"

"Damn it, I'm in tears for being as strong as a macho man."


On the screen, Liu Peiqiang sacrificed his life, fulfilled his promise to his son, and became a star. After the surface of Jupiter was ignited, the shock wave also followed the traces of the engine flames and pushed towards the earth.

It stands to reason that it should be successful this time, but due to the many reversals before and Chen Li's brain circuit, the audience still looked at it quietly with a star in their hands, praying that it would be successful this time.

In the end, a huge shock wave hit the surface. Although it brought devastating disaster, it also caused the earth to leave Jupiter's gravitational range at this moment.

The earth's engine was ignited again, flying towards space with the remnant of the shock wave.

Humanity and the earth are alive!

This scene is so shocking! !



"Damn, that's awesome. Ignite Jupiter. This is a great idea!"

"Too beautiful!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu It finally succeeded, Chen Li didn't mess around again."

The whole cinema was in a state of excitement. Everyone could not sit still and stood up and clapped wildly.

Even the self-identified members of the Film Association in the back row couldn't contain their excitement and were moved by the atmosphere of the scene to applaud.

This movie is so amazing, it has refreshed their understanding of science fiction movies.

I had a feeling that Chen Li would be good at filming, but I didn't expect it to be this good.

Can Xia Guo really make this hard science fiction movie?

"Although we don't know what kind of home the new sun 4.2 light-years away will bring, from today on, humankind's courage and perseverance will be engraved in the starry sky forever."

"This coexistence of despair and hope, a long cosmic journey that lasts for 4.2 years and spans light-years, is known in history as the 'Wandering Earth' plan."

In a burst of narration, the movie ended.

"Snap, snap, snap!!!"

The audience didn't know how many times they applauded, but at this moment, nothing was said.


Only by clapping can you express your inner emotions.

This movie undoubtedly gave Xia Kingdom's audience a shot in the arm, letting everyone know that Xia Kingdom can also produce such a magnificent hard science fiction movie.

Even today, when the threshold is raised by Hollywood special effects movies, you will still be shocked by this movie. Recalling those brave people in the movie who are not afraid of death, those courage, tenacity, and human choices made by human beings in the apocalypse are all very profound. This is not an expression of Yingjiang's values, but the output of Xia Guo's own values. It also reflects the grandeur, depth and tolerance of Xia culture.

"If this were the premiere, the cheers from the audience and fans would probably lift the roof off." Xu Wei said with emotion as she looked at the situation.

Zhang An stood up and said with a smile: "It seems that we don't have to worry about this movie. I haven't seen such an enthusiastic response from the audience in many years."

"Yeah, no matter how great "The Catastrophe" is, I don't believe it can surpass this movie. At most, it will be a tie."

Zhang An shook his head: "Don't be complacent. Maybe the other party will make some new breakthroughs."

He has been making literary films all his life, and this time he participated in the filming of Chen Li's science fiction film, which has benefited him a lot. He never expected that the film could be shot like this.

Chen Li really did not disappoint.

Xu Wei nodded. She also felt that she could not be carried away by emotions. The opponent's movie has not yet been released, so she will wait and see.

Although this movie is not perfect, it is well-made and has reached the first-class Hollywood level. And most importantly, it is patriotic, but unlike Eagle Sauce's movies, it has a strong nationalistic tone.

Even when the audience walked out of the cinema, they still couldn't resist the urge to find someone to help them.

Some people turned around and went to the cinema again, while others couldn't wait to take out their mobile phones and recommend it to their friends.

"I bought popcorn for nothing, the movie was so exciting that I didn't even have time to eat it, and I ran out of Coke."

"Honestly, this movie is definitely the first of Xia Guo Heavy Industry's hard science fiction movies. It perfectly combines family affection and human love. And this time, we don't have to see Yingjiang people saving the world anymore, and it's not just Xia Guo people. It’s up to humans to save themselves instead of saving the earth.”

"Yes, there is nothing better than a community with a shared future for mankind!"

"My eyes filled with excitement after watching it. I am so proud of Xia Guo's film. The day has finally arrived. Whether it is plot or special effects, it can rival Hollywood."

"I watched it with my girlfriend during New Year's Eve. I didn't expect that the two of them were so excited to discuss it all night that they even forgot about New Year's Eve. But this is definitely the best gift for New Year's Eve."

"There are thousands of roads, safety is the first priority, driving is not standardized, and my loved ones are in tears! Hahaha, who thought of this sign, it made me laugh to death."

"It is indeed a landmark movie. It was so beautiful. I cried to death in the cinema. This father-son relationship reminded me of my family."


The next day is the first day of the new year.

The whole Internet was obsessed with "The Wandering Earth". Discussions about this movie were all visible in Moments, social platforms, and short video platforms, and the popularity exploded.

Major movie review websites have successively posted many related movie reviews, and people who have always been disapproving of domestic science fiction movies can't help but give this movie a thumbs up.

Nearly 10 people have reviewed it, % of which gave it a perfect score of , which has aroused strong interest among countless netizens.

Of course, if there is any flaw, it is that the young actors' acting skills are not mature enough, which has also become a point of attack by many Hollywood fans.

"Even if the three young leading actors are unknown, their acting skills are still too good."

"La Qiao is not that bad. It's pretty good among young actors. But the plot is too sensational and I don't like it."

"At most, it's at the level of Hollywood. What's there to brag about?"

"I've seen it, it's good to watch, but I'm looking forward to "The End of the World" more. If nothing else, it will definitely be more rigorous."


(End of this chapter)

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