Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 104 The shock caused by the 104 million-year-old soul bone

"Okay, let's auction the ninth item next!"

"This is the Purple Gold Pill, which has the ability to strengthen the body and improve cultivation talents!"

"The starting price is [-] million gold soul coins!"

Meng Duoduo opened the red cloth and revealed the pill in the box.

It's a purple-gold pill.

And there are elixirs flowing out.

"Elixir? It's really a rare thing!"

"Hey! It's so expensive! It's really outrageous!"

The crowd was shocked.

Suddenly, at this moment, a broadcast appeared.

The voice of the person in charge appeared from the microphone: "Distinguished guests, please interrupt me. Next, I will announce a huge and shocking news! We will temporarily add the No. 11 item, which is a 10-year-old soul bone. Please Get your money ready to bid!”

"What! 10-year-old soul bone!!!"

The audience was shocked!

Stand up.

Everyone in the private room was shocked!
"I must get this soul bone! 10-year-old soul bone!"

Ning Fengzhi in Private Room No. [-] took a deep breath.

"Who on earth is willing to put up a 10-year-old soul bone for auction? Are you really so poor that you have no money?"

"If it can be put up for auction, it will definitely be worth the money."

Chen Xin and Shi Jiang spoke up.

If he could get this 10-year-old soul bone, he could definitely step into the Titled Douluo.

However, he had just joined the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and had not made any great achievements. It was impossible to get it, and there was only one piece.

It is impossible for him to rob it under a titled Douluo.

"Next, there will be a terrible auction. Contact Zong Nei and prepare your money."

"By the way, let's check who gave me this 10-year-old soul bone. If you don't have the power, you must join the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect!"

Ning Fengzhi spoke.

"Yes." Chen Xin nodded.

"Who is the 10-year-old soul bone?"

"The voice is so familiar, could it be my brother and that woman?" Qian Renxue was thinking and looked towards the second private room.

It's a pity that I can't see through it.

In Private Room No. 10, Prince Xue Xing took a deep breath and said: "Go and inform His Majesty of this matter. Prepare the funds. We will risk offending the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and snatch this [-]-year-old soul bone!"

"Contact His Majesty as quickly as possible and prepare a lot of money! We want to fight for this 10-year-old soul bone!"

In Private Room No. [-], a member of the royal family from the Star Luo Empire saw it and planned to contact the emperor of his own empire, prepare money, and take a photo of this soul bone.



All of a sudden, the situation was surging.

Some people plan to use shady means.

Because of this news, everyone was preparing to use their funds to auction the 10-year-old soul bones, so the Purple Golden Pill was auctioned off by Room No. 5000 for [-] million.

Then comes the tenth item.

After opening it, there is a bottle of spring dew.

Meng Duoduo said: "This is a bottle of life spring water, which has a strong ability to recover injuries. It can recover even hidden diseases! It only takes one drop to be diluted into water for many people to drink!"

"The starting price is [-] million gold soul coins! The bidding begins!"

"This is what we've been waiting for!"

In Private Room No. [-], Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin looked at the bottle in front of them, with longing in their eyes.

Even if they paid a lot of money to take this photo, they were still not short of money.

Because the Qibao Glazed Sect is rich!
"Twenty million gold soul coins!!"

shouted Private Room No. [-].

"Three hundred million gold soul coins!!!"

shouted Private Room No. [-].

"[-] million gold soul coins!!!"

shouted Private Room No. [-]. "Six hundred million gold soul coins!!!!!"

Private Room No. [-] shouted.

"Seven hundred million gold soul coins!!!!!!"

shouted Private Room No. [-].

Once here, there is no further price increase.

It seems that [-] million gold soul coins is the highest.

This price has dissuaded many people.

Some people hesitated, but ultimately did not choose to increase the price.

Because there is one last item.

They want to bid for 10-year-old soul bones.

Private Room No. 10 has spent nearly one billion gold soul coins, and he will definitely not bid for [-]-year soul bones next time.

Even bidding would be very difficult.

This is what those people want to see.

There is no way, this guy is really too rich.

"Seven hundred million gold soul coins once! Seven hundred million gold soul coins twice! Seven hundred million gold soul coins three times! Deal! Congratulations on taking the tenth item in Room No. 11! I will give everyone half an hour to prepare. In half an hour Let’s start the auction of No. 10 [-]-year-old soul bones!!!!” Meng Duoduo held the microphone and shouted very hard.

Soon, someone brought the bottle of spring dew to Ning Fengzhi. Ning Fengzhi took out his black gold card and directly swiped [-] million gold soul coins over it. The whole process was as if it was not his own money.

"Really rich."

Shi Jiang and Qian Renxue cursed in their hearts.

In the Tiandou Empire, after Emperor Xue Ye received the urgent message from the spies, he immediately made a decision to send Prince Xue Xing a large amount of gold soul coins, and to take the 10-year-old soul bone at all costs!

Even if it offends the Qibao Glazed Sect!

10 year spirit bone!

At worst, he will personally come forward to talk to the other party!

In the Star Luo Empire, the spies conveyed the information back as quickly as possible. The Star Luo Emperor was extremely shocked: "Someone is willing to put up a 10-year-old soul bone for auction!!"

"Quickly, allocate money to him, no matter what the cost! And arrange for a few Contras to come over quickly and protect me!"

After the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect learned the news, they immediately arranged for someone to take the money to the auction house.

People from the other four sects also secretly passed by.

After Pope Bibi Dong learned the news, he also took the money and went here in person.

The Haotian Sect is also ready to make a move, but unfortunately due to the Wuhun Palace's agreement, they just arrange for people to take a sneak peek. They can't be in the limelight. If they have a chance, they will snatch it. If they don't have a chance, don't show their faces.

Just in Tiandou City, Haotian Douluo Tang Hao, who was dressed as a beggar, also learned the news and was ready to take action.

He has no money.

But he has strength.

"10-year-old soul bones, maybe I can make some plans." Tang Hao was drinking tea at a stall, muttering under his dirty black robe.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes.

There will definitely be turmoil at that time. Even if someone takes a picture of this soul bone, whether it can be taken away in the end is still a big question. Then it will only be a waste of money.

By then, someone will definitely start a fight.

He acts like a mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind him!

"Master, I would like to ask you to do a favor and let us meet with the provider of the 10-year-old soul bone."

At this time, Ning Fengzhi and others found the person in charge and spoke.

The person in charge didn't dare to say anything when he saw so many people in front of him.

He opened his mouth and said: "Private Room No. [-], you go ahead. Don't say it was me who said it. I don't know anything anymore."

"Thank you."

Ning Fengzhi took out a bag of gold soul coins and handed it to the other party as a tip.

These messages are enough.

They were shocked. Why would the other party offer 10-year-old soul bones for auction?
Who is it that is so courageous?

Could it be that there are so many 10-year-old soul bones in the family?

"Private Room No. [-]."

Qian Renxue's eyes moved slightly, and she was also curious whether it was her brother and that woman.

The group of people walked towards the second private room. (End of chapter)

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