Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 117 117 Don’t agree?Then stop talking about it and kill Lan Dian!

As soon as Qian Nuo's words came out, the atmosphere in the entire hall became gloomy and silent.

"What did you say? Let us serve you as our master, who do you think you are!?" A Contra elder jumped out and said angrily.

The silence here was instantly broken.

"A brat with no hair at all, he founded the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms, and calls himself the king? You want us to serve you as our master? This is ridiculous! I don't know how high the sky is and how high it is!"

Another Contra elder was angry and said with a sneer.

They are all elders of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Sect, and are used to being in high positions and positions of power. How could they now admit to a bullshit Alliance of All Realms, let alone serve as the leader of a brat junior? It would make people laugh if they spread the news.

After hearing this, Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Shi Jiang's eyelids twitched and they looked at Qian Nuo.

However, Qian Nuo's reaction was beyond their expectations. He just leaned slightly on the stool and looked at the two speakers with a smile.

However, they knew that the more playful the other party smiled, the more terrible the situation was.

"Master Jade, your family members don't seem to understand the rules."

Qian Nuo looked at the old man at the head and said calmly.

Yu Yuanzhen knew that Qian Nuo was very powerful, but he also saw from the behavior of Ning Fengzhi and Wuhundian that they had never really fought, so he was still very unconvinced in his heart.

When the two people spoke just now, it was with his tacit consent.

The other party, a little brat, actually wanted them to be their master. It was a huge humiliation to them!

"Okay, shut up."

Yu Yuanzhen glanced at the elders present, then focused on Qian Nuo, and said lightly: "They are all the elders of the sect. If you come up and say this, you will naturally make others unhappy."

"What do you mean?" Qian Nuo asked with calm eyes.

Yu Yuanzhen's eyes were cold and he said: "The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect has its own arrogance. It will not join the Alliance of All Realms, nor will it serve you as its leader. If you come to talk about other things, I welcome you at any time, but now In this case, please forgive us for not obeying your orders."

He has a very strong aura and is intimidating.

Let a boss who has been aloof all his life consider a little kid as his master. Sorry, he really can't do it.

And this is his territory, with so many tribesmen watching, if he softens, how will he convince the people in the future?
This is a very embarrassing question.

"Don't think about it again?" Qian Nuo always kept smiling.

"No, please go back." Yu Yuanzhen looked gloomy and directly issued an order to expel the guests.

"Okay, since that's the case."

Qian Nuo looked at the group of elders, stretched out his hand to touch his hair, and said lightly: "You are too tall."


Everyone looked puzzled.

hum! ! ! !

A sound of tearing the void appeared, and an invisible blade of air instantly penetrated the heads of all the Contra elders. Blood spattered and their heads fell to the ground.

These Contra elders had no idea how they died. They only saw their bodies and heads separated, and eventually their bodies fell to the ground one by one.

Negotiation is over, don’t agree?Then there's nothing to talk about.

"This!" Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Shi Jiang's pupils shrank. They didn't expect the leader of the alliance to behead these Contras so neatly.

The next second, he turned to look at the leader, Yu Yuanzhen.

Yu Yuanzhen was also shocked. When he came to his senses, he saw his brother's head rolling down to his feet along with the pool of blood.

"Ah!!!!!!! Asshole!!!!"

"You actually killed my people!!!!!"

"I will cut you into pieces!!!!!! Bastard!!"

Yu Yuanzhen was so angry that he burst out with all his strength. The huge Martial Spirit Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex appeared and possessed him directly. He also summoned the Martial Soul True Body and blasted towards Qian Nuo with the strongest and most angry blow. .

Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin and Shi Jiang immediately made preparations and summoned martial spirits and nine soul rings.

"Originally, you still had a chance to live, but now, if you insist on seeking death, then you can't blame me."

Qian Nuo's eyes flashed with gloomy anger. What he hated most was to be called a bastard, and this guy in front of him was determined to seek death!

A look appeared on him, which directly shattered Yu Yuanzhen's angry blow and shattered his right arm.

"Ah!!!!!!! Ah!!!!!!!!!!"

Yu Yuanzhen screamed and wailed. He did not expect that his attack would be shattered so easily, and even his own arm would be shattered.

"Dragon Transformation!!"

Yu Yuanzhen knew how scary this person was, so he didn't dare to be careless. He immediately entered the secret state, allowing himself to grow scales all over his body and transform into a dragon. The aura on his body was at least ten times more powerful!
At the same time, Broken Arm's shoulder was also covered with dragon scales, stopping the bleeding.However, in the next second, his body flew out, directly smashing through the wall of the hall, and flew outside, rolling around.

When he got up again, his chest was sunken.

A large mouthful of blood spat out from the mouth, and the dragon-man state was directly broken. After this form was released, the whole person became sluggish.

"How can you be so strong?"

"How could the soul ring be 10 years old?"

Yu Yuanzhen looked at Ning Fengzhi and the others in front of him in a miserable state.

Didn’t it mean that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda couldn’t break through level [-]?

Why not only has he broken through, but he also has nine soul rings!

And the eighth and ninth soul rings are still red for 10 years!
And that Titled Douluo that I haven’t seen before is also red for 10 years?
When did 10-year-old soul beasts become so easy to hunt?
Not even him!


"Enemy attack!!! Protect the clan leader!!!"

At this time, everyone around him gathered around and summoned the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Spirit.

"Don't come here, run! You are no match for him!"

When Yu Yuanzhen saw this scene, he suddenly regretted it and shouted with all his strength.

"Those who can't escape, I have laid a dragnet here, no one can escape."

Qian Nuo stood high in the sky, with dazzling black and golden light shining on her body.

Behind him, a black and gold physical roulette divine ring appeared.

Four in total!
Each color is brighter than the last.

The breath also became extremely terrifying!
Everyone present was suppressed!
Some people's physical fitness was so poor that they were directly crushed to death.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! ! ! !
Blood splattered, and the scene was cruel and bloody.

"no, do not want!!!!"

"I surrender!! I agree to surrender!! I am willing to lead the entire Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect to serve you as the master and spare them!"

Yu Yuanzhen rushed out, but in the next second, he was controlled by a cage.

"The moment you reject me, there is no turning back."

"Your self-righteous choice will cost not only your life, but also the lives of your entire sect."

"In my eyes, your lives are worthless."

Qian Nuo's calm voice sounded, and the pressure increased.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

Amidst the horrific screams, all the disciples of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect exploded and died, turning into blood and water.

"Do not!!!!!!!!!!"

"You devil!!!!!!!!!"

"I'm going to kill you!!!! I'm going to kill you!!!!"

Yu Yuanzhen wanted to get angry, but found that his power was imprisoned and could not be used at all.

"In your next life, be careful."

Behind Qian Nuo, a light gun flew out and shot directly at Yu Yuan in the cage.

call out!
In an instant, the light gun penetrated Yu Yuanzhen's body.

Yu Yuanzhen's pupils dilated and he knelt on the ground.

The next second, the whole body exploded.

Seeing this scene in front of them, Ning Fengzhi and the others' scalps went numb, and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

Although they are not good people, they will not kill the entire sect just because the other party disagrees.

They were also glad that they agreed, otherwise, the Qibao Glazed Sect would probably end up with such a cruel and terrible end.

Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but swallowed, with a look of fear in his eyes.

Qian Nuo was completely shocked this time. (End of chapter)

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