Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 129 129 Ning Fengzhi has a tough attitude, Bibi Dong fails in negotiation

"Master of the East Palace, I wonder if you have any business with me, Mr. Ning?"

In a living room, Ning Fengzhi and Bibi Dong met.

Sit in one position.

Behind Ning Fengzhi stood Chen Xin, a ninety-ninth-level peerless Douluo, dressed proudly and with an iron frame.

Even standing there, she exuded a very terrifying aura of sword intent, which made Bibi Dong present, and Yue Guan and Gui Mei standing behind her, very surprised and solemn.

"Peerless Douluo!"

"how is this possible!!"

As a being who has stepped into the demigod level infinitely, Bibi Dong instantly sensed the opponent's current level from the sword intent emanating from Chen Xin's body.

For a moment, she was shocked and unbelievable.

How did the other party achieve the peerless Douluo level?

Could it be that he was also chosen by the gods?
  No, does all this have something to do with that scoundrel?
  The Nine Treasure Glazed Sect is an evil species and the first sect to join the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance.

It's probably true!

And the Ning Fengzhi in front of him has actually reached the level of a titled Douluo!
  Doesn't it mean that his martial spirit is defective?

Could it be because of the Nine Treasures?

He has gotten rid of his flaws, so he entered Titled Douluo in a short period of time?
  The changes in the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect made Bibi Dong feel a hint of potential crisis.

Although both sides are members of the Alliance of All Realms, there will definitely be factions within the same force.

The secret fighting among the factions never stopped from beginning to end.

Bibi Dong said: "Now that we both belong to the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms, and you are in charge of such a large Tiandou Empire, you must not be able to hide it. I, Wuhun Palace, are willing to help manage the realm on your behalf. What do you think, Sect Master Ning?"

Ning Fengzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, he knew that the other party was coming to claim territory.

He spoke slowly: "I'm sorry. I am the appointed leader to take charge of the current Tiandou Empire. As for the power to divide the territory and give it to Wuhun Hall, I need to inform the leader and he agrees before I can let go."

The meaning is obvious. I have no real power. If you want, just go to the alliance leader Qian Nuo and stop arguing with me on this topic.

When it comes to Qian Nuo, Bibi Dong doesn't know what to say.

There was only deep resentment in her eyes, it was all her fault that all her plans were disrupted because of this damn bastard.

"Then Sect Master Ning can go and ask for instructions. We will wait here." Bibi Dong said.

Ning Fengzhi shook his head: "I'm sorry, the alliance leader is not here. No one knows where he is now."

"But as long as the alliance leader shows up, I will definitely tell him."

"I wonder if there is anything else, Master East Palace? If there is nothing else, I am very busy managing a large empire here and have many affairs, so I can't chat with you."

Ning Fengzhi said forcefully.

Even if you don't agree, the other party can't do anything.

The people they are now are not the people they were before.

He has become hardened and is not afraid of Wuhun Palace.

In the words, the order to expel the guest was directly issued.

The negotiation failed, which made Bibi Dong very unhappy, but she didn't show anything.

"Nine Treasures Glazed Sect, don't go too far. We are all members of the Alliance of All Realms. Why are you the only one to manage such a huge empire? I will put my words here today, and we, the Spirit Hall, also want a share of the pie. !”

At this time, Yue Guan couldn't help but said coldly.

"Yes, the Spirit Hall should also have a share!" Gui Mei said coldly.

"Are you here to fight?"

Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin's expressions darkened.

Wuhundian is indeed a gangster and bandit, and he can't help but use this little trick.

With one step forward, Chen Xin's aura of Peerless Douluo was instantly released, forcing Yue Guan and Gui Mei back, making both of them look pale.

So strong!

The two of them are absolutely no match!
  "Master of the East Palace, is this the etiquette of Wuhun Palace?" "If you have the ability, you can find the leader of the alliance yourself! Don't act wild here!"

Nine treasure glazed towers also appeared on Ning Fengzhi, and nine shocking soul rings appeared.

Yellow yellow purple purple black black black red red!
  "Two hundred thousand year soul rings!"

The pupils of the three people suddenly shrank, their expressions changed drastically, and they said in horror.

"All of this was given to us by the alliance leader."

"If you want to fight, we will fight until the end!"

Ning Fengzhi's voice was low.

"We are all members of the Alliance of All Realms, so we must not hurt our harmony."

This is also his warning.

He didn't want to completely break up with Wuhundian.

"As expected, it's that scoundrel Qiannuo! He actually helps outsiders but not his own people. He is really a white-eyed wolf!" Bibi Dong cursed inwardly.

But she said verbally: "Let's go."

Today they are exhausted.

Bibi Dong didn't want to continue to care about this matter. After she went back, she would quickly complete the Nine Rakshasa God Examinations and become a god. By then, the entire continent would be hers!
  Ning Fengzhi looked at the backs of the three people leaving, took a deep breath, and said coldly: "The wolfish ambition of Wuhun Palace, even if it belongs to the Alliance of All Realms, I have to accept it. This matter must be proposed to the alliance leader, otherwise , If the other party is absent for a long time in the future, won’t the Wuhun Palace be turned upside down? What I hate most is people who do little things secretly. "

"Indeed!" Chen Xin nodded solemnly.

"When you make such a fuss, they will become even more wary of us."

On the way to the Wuhun Hall, Bibi Dong slowly spoke.

Now most of the people in Wuhun Hall have obeyed Qian Nuo.

But the three of them were still very unconvinced and wanted to gain some benefits for themselves or Wuhun Palace.

"We really can't take this breath, it's so frustrating."

"In the Nine Treasures Glazed Sect, there are not as many titled Douluo as we in the Spirit Hall, but they dare to talk to us like this! They used to shy away from us when they saw us! They behave with their tail between their legs! Now they are really fighting against each other!"

Yue Guan and Gui Mei clenched their fists and said with anger in their eyes.

After hearing this, Bibi Dong shook her head: "Chen Xin is already a peerless Douluo. One person can challenge you, including all the Douluo in the Elder Hall."

"Peerless Douluo!" The two of them were extremely shocked.

"This! How is it possible!" Yue Guan said.

"This is all related to the alliance leader. Don't worry about this matter for the time being. I will personally discuss it with the great minister. You can go back and take care of your affairs first."

Bibi Dong knew that the Alliance of All Realms was now in full swing, and it was not something she, who had not yet become a god, could resist.

So I chose to accept my fate temporarily.

"Yes!" Yue Guan and Gui Mei nodded.

After returning to Wuhun Hall, they were divided into two groups: east and west.

In the enshrinement hall, Qian Renxue is receiving training from Qian Daoliu.

At the same level, if it weren't for Qian Daoliu's many years of combat experience, it would be difficult for him to be his opponent.

The criterion for the assessment is to allow Qian Renxue to defeat Qian Daoliu in his heyday.

For Qian Renxue, this is not something that can be achieved in a short time.

"How long will it take for me to defeat Grandpa like this?" Qian Renxue said.

Qian Daoliu said with a smile: "Don't worry, there is no time limit for this. As your cultivation level improves, it will be fine when you reach the title Douluo level."

"I'm just the Soul Emperor now, I'm still far from it." Qian Renxue sighed.

At this moment, Qian Daoliu sensed something and suddenly frowned.

"Why is she here?"

He thought to himself, and then looked at Qian Renxue. (End of chapter)

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