Qian Renxue's cultivation level has been raised to the ninety-sixth level of Peak Douluo.

"The sixth test of the Angel God is released: Inheritors, please defeat the other worship Douluo under the pressure of the big worshipper. Complete the reward."

As the Angel God's assessment was released, Qian Renxue and Qian Daoliu were also stunned.

"This is the first time for this assessment." Qian Daoliu murmured.

"You have already consumed a lot in the battle with me just now. Take a rest and start again later." Qian Daoliu said.

Qian Daoliu caught a loophole, that is, the pressure mentioned by the Angel God did not say how great it was, and it did not say that it was worshiping Douluo with all his strength.

So he rolled his eyes and thought of a cheating technique.

Smile inwardly.

"Yes!" Qian Renxue nodded and immediately sat cross-legged, not daring to raise her eyebrows.

Qian Daoliu left this place, found the other six worshippers, and discussed with them a mysterious way to release the water.

On the other side, Qian Nuo's VIP room attracted four guests.

It was Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, Gu Rong, and Shi Jiang.

"I've met the leader! The leader's wife!"

The four of them immediately saluted Qian Nuo and Gu Yue.

He was very sad to see the two again after six years.

"Dad!" Ning Rongrong rushed directly in front of them.

Ning Fengzhi and others were also very shocked when they saw Ning Rongrong and others who had not seen each other for six years and had grown beyond their expectations.

"Rongrong, your cultivation has reached level [-] Soul Emperor?"

Everyone was a high-level titled Douluo, so naturally they could see through Ning Rongrong's cultivation level at a glance.

Yes, not long after coming out, Ning Rongrong's cultivation level had broken through, and Qiannuo had found a good hundred thousand year soul ring for her.

Now she is a genuine Level [-] Soul Emperor!

"Isn't it a surprise?" Ning Rongrong said with a smile.

Now the murderous aura in her body has subsided. After playing for a year, she is no longer as murderous as before.

But the maturity and stability on his face made Ning Fengzhi and others very satisfied.

The other party has completely lost his naughty temper, and Ning Fengzhi can safely hand over the position of sect leader to the other party.

"Yes it's a surprise!"

"The thirteen-year-old Sixth Ring Soul Emperor! Hahaha!!"

Ning Fengzhi laughed.

"I am very pleased that you still remember me. I thought you didn't take me seriously either." Qian Nuo said suddenly, making the atmosphere at the scene become heavy.

"Leader, we don't dare!"

"I'm really ashamed. Since you left, Bibi Dong has been restless and taken away a lot of territory from us. This is also because there are too many titled Douluo in Wuhun Palace. We only have four. Uncle Jian was killed by Bibi Dong. Containment, I didn’t expect that Bibi Dong is also a peerless Douluo, and very powerful! Even Uncle Jian couldn’t defeat the opponent, and could only fight [-]-[-].”

"After Uncle Jian was restrained, the other titled Douluo of Wuhun Palace launched an offensive against the three of us. We ourselves were too busy to take care of ourselves, but in the end we broke out of the siege and forced the other party to the negotiation table, thus retaining the territory of the current kingdom. .”

Ning Fengzhi lowered his head in shame and told everything that had happened in the past six years.

Everyone was ashamed and lowered their heads.

"You all have a hundred-thousand-year-old soul bone suit. You can't beat this one. You're too weak."

"Could it be that the people from the Enshrinement Hall of Wuhun Hall also participated in the battle?" Qian Nuo said.

"Well, we don't know that anymore."

Ning Fengzhi and others did not dare to say more.

"Uncle Gu happened to be busy at that time and was out of the country. There were only three of us." Ning Fengzhi said.

"That's all, these are just small things, but I think it's more interesting now." Qian Nuo was too lazy to listen. The matter was already like this, and it was useless to say more.    Next, he will take back all the territory with his own hands.

"Where will the finals of the Continental Elite Soul Master Competition be held this time?" Qian Nuo asked.

"Alliance leader, it will be held in Wuhun City of Wuhun Kingdom." Ning Fengzhi said.

"Very good, this finals is also the time for me to clean up my family and regain my territory." Qian Nuo nodded.

He decided on this matter.

Everyone took a deep breath, and they all understood that something big would happen next.

The world structure that has been maintained for nearly six years will soon be forcibly changed by the return of the man in front of me!

Team Jiubao faced off against Team Shrek.

"Jiubao Team, they just swept all the way up. It is said that they didn't even use their martial souls or soul skills, and they didn't even use their soul rings. They are mysterious and powerful."

"We also watched their battles before, and they were indeed very powerful."

"This group of people all have strong murderous intent. Is it really something that people our age can possess?"

Everyone in Team Shrek spoke up.

The leader is Dai Mubai, and the strongest person in the team is Tang San.

Tang San now possesses the strength of the Soul Sect.

She has been training with her teacher for these years, and now she is a senior brother of Mingjiao.

In recent years, the Mingjiao has secretly made a fortune by taking advantage of the turmoil in the country. It has also recruited many talented disciples to join and train them, and it has already developed a force of its own scale.

As the leader of the Ming Cult, Yu Xiaogang's strength has reached the level of a titled Douluo.

"Xiao Gang, this team is very powerful and must be related to the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect."

"But I still have confidence in our Shrek team!"

In the stands, Flender and Liu Erlong spoke.

The leader, a short-haired man dressed in black, had a feminine look in his eyes. He was obviously a man, but he gave off an enchanting aura that was neither male nor female.

Really weird.

This person is Yu Xiaogang.

The two people beside him are now also elders of the Ming Cult.

With his help, the two's cultivation also reached the level of Contra.

They are the two most powerful people besides Yu Xiaogang, the titled Douluo.

"Don't worry, although this Jiubao team is so powerful from nowhere, Xiaosan and the others will never lose."

Yu Xiaogang's eyes showed a confident look.

"After this competition is over, our Mingjiao will also take action to improve your cultivation as soon as possible. By then, our Mingjiao will have three titled Douluo, and by that time, they will be available to the public."

"From now on, there will definitely be a place for our Ming Cult on the mainland!"

"My Mingjiao wants to interfere in everything on the mainland!"

Yu Xiaogang's eyes flashed with extremely terrifying ambition.

Now that he has the strength, he no longer hides his ambitions.

He was weak before and was powerless.

Now that he is powerful, he must turn the tide!

"Don't worry, Xiaogang, we will all stand by your side. We will not hold you back, and we will definitely get it up quickly."

Both Liu Erlong and Flanders have also practiced the Sunflower Book, and their cultivation levels are already high-level Soul Douluo, and they are very close to being titled Douluo.

This technique is the most powerful technique in Mingjiao, and it is also the fastest technique to practice.

If they hadn't practiced this technique, they wouldn't have been able to break through to this level in such a short period of time!

Soon, under the leadership of Gu Yue, the battle with the Shrek team began! (End of chapter)

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