Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 145 145 When my enemies meet, they are extremely jealous and use my power to beat me? Yu Xia

Click, click.

The powerful impact caused the canyon to shake, and pieces of gravel fell.

"Tiled Douluo, who is he?"

At the same time, not far away, watching over here, a man dressed in beggar's clothes stood motionless in the strong wind, with a look of surprise flashing through his weathered eyes under the black robe.

He planned to lift the Clear Sky Hammer and rush towards Gui Mei and Yue Guan, but at this moment.


A dragon screamed into the sky, instantly breaking through the dust in the sky.

Tang Hao also stopped walking. He can't show up easily now.

He saw the black dragon turning into a figure in the sky, which made him shudder when he saw it.

"He is Yu Xiaogang?!"

Tang Hao was a little confused, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his expression changed drastically.

He never imagined that this black dragon would be Yu Xiaogang!

And he is also a titled Douluo!

"This guy really hid it well, but he also gave me a big surprise. With him here, I can feel more at ease."

Although Tang Hao was surprised by Yu Xiaogang's cultivation, he had no intention of pursuing it. Moreover, he planned to find a time to have a good chat with the other party to see if he could be brought into his camp to fight against the Spirit Hall together.

"He ran pretty fast!"

Yu Xiaogang looked at the empty sky behind the smoke. The figures of Yue Guan and Gui Mei had long disappeared. He frowned, a little disappointed that he did not take down the other party.

But after thinking about it carefully, forget it.

After all, those two people are from Wuhun Palace. If he really gets rid of them, Wuhun Palace may be furious. He is not strong enough to fight against the entire Wuhun Palace.

As the elder of Wuhun Palace, he knew that the water in Wuhun Palace was very deep and there were many titled Douluo.

Now that Mingjiao is still developing, he needs to continue to conserve strength and quickly push the cultivation levels of Flanders, Liu Erlong, Long Gong and She Po to the title of Douluo.

When the time comes, teaching five titled Douluo under one roof will also give him a lot of peace of mind.

However, just when he was about to turn around and land to check on everyone in Shrek, he suddenly felt something in his heart and immediately looked towards the center of a hill not far from the canyon.

Just then I saw the man in a beggar's black robe.

It looked familiar. Even though I hadn't seen him for so many years, I remembered him quickly.

"He is Tang Hao, Haotian Douluo!"

Yu Xiaogang happened to meet the other person's eyes.

The next second, Tang Hao disappeared from the spot.

"Now that Tang Hao has been expelled from the Haotian Sect, maybe I can use the reason of fighting against Wuhun Palace to let him join the Mingjiao and become a member of my great religion. By then, the strength of the Mingjiao will definitely soar, and there will be no need for him in a short time. I’m afraid of Wuhun Palace.”

Such a thought appeared in Yu Xiaogang's heart.

So it fell to the ground.

"Are you all right?"

Yu Xiaogang looked at Flanders, Liu Erlong, Long Gong and Snake Po to express condolences.

These four people are very important people in Mingjiao today. The death of any one of them is a huge loss to Mingjiao.

"It's not a big deal if he's slightly injured. Titled Douluo is really powerful. Even our martial soul fusion skills can't defeat him." Duke Long and Snake Po showed fear on their faces.

If it hadn't been for Breakthrough Contra, the defeat would have been faster.

Flanders sighed: "Yeah, we have to break through the Title Douluo as soon as possible, otherwise we won't be able to protect the children at all the next time we encounter such a situation!"

At this moment, he felt deeply powerless.

Liu Erlong said with a hot temper: "Damn it, where did these people come from to attack us!"

Although she lost, she was not convinced.

Yu Xiaogang recalled Bibi Dong's words, and suddenly there was a ball of anger in his stomach. He suppressed it and said in a deep voice: "They are people from Wuhun Palace, but they came in black clothes. They just don't want to be exposed, and they don't want to really break up with us. Shame, if we expose it, it will be in danger."

"Damn, it's indeed this group of people. Are they coming for Tang San?" Liu Erlong asked.

"Yes, there is also the Jiubao Team." Yu Xiaogang looked at each other.

The Shrek team members have also come over.

"Teacher." Tang San shouted immediately after seeing Yu Xiaogang.

"Well, mistress, are you okay?" Yu Xiaogang nodded.

"Thanks to the timely help of the four of you, it's not serious." Tang San shook his head and said.

"That's good." Yu Xiaogang was completely relieved.

Duke Long asked: "Then do we still want to go to the Spirit Hall?"

"Yes." Yu Xiaogang nodded. "Isn't this a sheep entering the tiger's mouth?" Liu Erlong said.

Flanders said: "Xiao Gang also said that the other party is wearing black clothes and does not want to reveal his identity, so he will not take action against us when we enter the Wuhun Hall."

"Yes, I won't take action, not to mention I'm here." Yu Xiaogang nodded.

"Long time no see, Master. I didn't expect that you have grown to this point in such a short period of time." However, at this moment, a voice rang out, surprising everyone.

Tang San and others turned to look behind them. At some point, a tall young man with black hair and black clothes, with his hands in his pockets, leaned against the stone and looked at them quietly.

There seemed to be an imperceptible smile at the corner of his mouth.

This is the first time for others to see this young man, so it may not be a big deal.

However, Yu Xiaogang is different.

The moment he saw this young man, Yu Xiaogang's heart palpitated. He didn't recognize who the young man was at first, but he felt very familiar. However, the next second, the figure that made him lose the pride of a man happened to be... It matched the young man in front of me.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank violently and his expression changed wildly.

A fierce murderous intention appeared, his hands were clenched, and the martial spirit appeared on his body.

"It's you!!!"

"I've been looking for you all these years!!"

"The pain you gave me back then, I will give it back to you today!!!"

After possessing the body, he rushed directly towards Qian Nuo.

The huge black dragon came to Qian Nuo first, with extraordinary ferocity.

"What exactly happened?"

"This is the first time I have seen the leader be so impulsive and lose his temper!"

"What did this young man in front of me do?"

Everyone was puzzled.

A young man actually provoked a ninety-fifth level titled Douluo to kill him?

Bang! ! ! ! !

However, faced with such a terrifying angry blow.

Qian Nuo just raised a finger and took it easily.


"I actually followed it with my bare hands!"

Everyone was shocked!

"What kind of shocking power is this? It's so terrifying!"

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.

It's just a tingling sensation.

You must know that the young man in front of you looks like he is less than twenty years old.

"Hit me with my strength."

"Your power is given to you by me, and I can take it back at any time."

"Yu Xiaogang, I will torture you slowly."

There was contempt in Qian Nuo's eyes, and in the next second, a ray of light shot out from his finger, instantly shattering Yu Xiaogang's attack, hitting him, and flying him backwards with him.

Boom! ! ! ! !



Tang San and others were all shocked.

Tang San looked at the figure in front of him with tears in his eyes, wishing he could twitch and skin him.

But he doesn't have the strength to fight against someone who can't even deal with the teacher.

"Let's go to Wuhun City."

"Bibi Dong, if you dare to violate my rules, then you will accept my trial."

Qian Nuo feels very boring. No matter how awesome Yu Xiaogang is, in his eyes, they are just ants that can be easily crushed to death. However, squeezing them directly to death is really too cheap. He wants to torture them slowly and finally kill them.

His eyes looked in the direction of Wuhun City with a fierce and cold light.

What he hates most in his life are people who disobey his orders and people who are self-righteous.

Bibi Dong is one of them! (End of chapter)

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