
Bibi Dong immediately displayed her ninth soul skill.

Facing this black hand that could easily crush her demigod's attack, she didn't dare to be careless.

Bang! ! ! ! !

The huge black hand slapped it down.

Make a huge noise.

Smoke flew and the Supreme Throne above collapsed.

There is a big depression below.

The black hand was raised, Bibi Dong was lingering in the pit, but his body was unscathed.

However, at this time, the death body effect on her was lifted.

The whole person became even more embarrassed.

Bibi Dong became fierce and launched one of her soul skills directly at Qian Nuo. This soul skill can ignore any defense and go straight to the body.

This tool penetrated the black hand instantly, which also surprised Qian Nuo.

The next second, it was in front of him and penetrated his body instantly.

Qian Nuo only felt that her body was a little cold, and her own defenses were no longer effective.

It really ignores all defenses.

"Hahaha! This trick is indeed effective for you!" Bibi Dong looked at the gaping wound on Qian Nuo's body and burst into laughter.

She found a way to deal with Qian Nuo.

Qian Nuo lowered his head and looked at his abdomen, where he happened to see a hole that had been penetrated.

If it were an ordinary person, he would be bleeding or even severely injured.

But he is Su Nuo, so this injury is unnecessary.

He raised his hand and slowly touched the wound, showing a ferocious smile: "Haha, it's interesting. You are the first person to hurt me in so many years. You are a great evil mother. It's a pity that you want to defeat me or kill me. ,Totally impossible."

The next second, I saw the reversal technique being activated directly on him.

The sky above was instantly filled and repaired.

There's nothing wrong with him.

"This is that move! It can restore all injuries to their peak!" Bibi Dong's smile disappeared when she saw this scene. She had forgotten it before, but now she remembered it, because she herself had felt restored by this power. The peak feeling, that feeling was amazing. If it hadn't been for this move, she would have died long ago.

If the other party can repair her, then he can repair himself.

Thinking of this, she suddenly looked desperate.

"No, I don't believe you can use this move indefinitely!"

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!!!"

Bibi Dong shook her head wildly, gritted her teeth, and launched the move she just did against Qian Nuo.

"Oh, do you really think I'm a wooden stake that can't move?"

Qian Nuo sneered, dodged, and disappeared in an instant.

Bang bang bang! ! ! !

Those attacks all hit the ground, walls, and doors.

Make an explosion sound.

However, these sounds would not spread, because before entering, he had set up barriers throughout the Papal Palace.

What happens here cannot be spread to the outside world. When people outside see it, it is just an illusion created by the obstacles.

Bibi Dong seemed to have forgotten that the huge black hand was still on her head.

At this time, he suddenly felt something pressing down on his head, and then he came back to his senses. The next second, his expression changed drastically, and he was directly photographed in the depression by the huge black hand.

Bang! !

The huge black hand turned into a fist and continued to hammer.

Bang! ! !

Blood splattered from inside.

The black hand disappeared, and the hall became completely quiet. There was no movement in the depression.

Qian Nuo happened to have arrived at the depression.

There was blood splattering around the depression, and the scene was very tragic.

Deep in the depression, there lay a dying man covered in blood.

It was Bibi Dong.

Even though she now has the power of a demigod, facing the monster Qian Nuo, she is just a very insignificant ant, not worth mentioning at all.

"You are too weak. In the face of true strength, you are nothing."

"Bibi Dong, you should not disobey my orders. I am the leader of the Alliance of All Realms and the real voice of Wuhun Palace. You have exceeded your authority."

"How are you going to die as punishment?"

Qian Nuo put his hands in his pockets and looked at the dying Bibi Dong with a playful expression.

Bibi Dong was dying, with endless fear and unwillingness in her eyes. She tried her best to spit out these words: "I am not willing to be God. One step away. I will become a God and kill you."

"Do you dare to make me a god?"

"You said God is an ant, then how dare you fight me as a God."

Bibi Dong is gambling.


"You are so stupid, but I have enough strength."

"I don't have to kill you, but this is not because of your vow to become a god, but because you gave birth to a daughter who loves you. Xiaoxue once asked me not to kill you, but this is the last time."

"If you want to become a god, I will help you. After you become a god, I will severely defeat the Rakshasa God you have always been proud of! But you have to remember that at that time, even if Xiaoxue begs for mercy, I will It will kill you too!"

"Bibi Dong, you only have one last chance!"

Qian Nuo ejected a force into Bibi Dong's body and activated the reversal technique.

Then his figure disappeared into the hall.

"Qian Nuo. I must kill you!!!"

"I, Bibi Dong, will not be a human until I kill you!"

"You wait, you will definitely regret it! You will definitely regret it!!!"

"I will become a Rakshasa God and kill you!!!!"

"I want you to know that God is the most powerful! No matter how powerful mortals are, they are still vulnerable to God!!!"

"This power is this power. It is rapidly and continuously repairing my body's injuries, even my soul! What a magical power. After I become the Rakshasa God and defeat him, I must plunder this power. Come and use it for me!! With this power, I will be completely immortal!!"

After Qian Nuo left, Bibi Dong's injuries recovered quickly under the repair of the reversal technique. Her eyes were bloodshot, she was gritting her teeth, and the look of madness in her eyes became even more intense!

The evil thoughts of Rakshasa god spread crazily in her heart, letting the darkest side of her heart be released!

She is tired of being hit by the other party one after another, and she must take revenge! ! !

In the Angel's main hall, Qian Renxue successfully defeated the other six worshipers under the pressure of Qian Daoliu, and has completed the sixth angel test.

The next step is to enter the seventh angel test!

"It's almost time. If I complete two more tests this time, I can become an angel god!"

Qian Renxue was bathed in the light of the angel god.

His cultivation level also improved rapidly.

From the peak of level ninety-five to the peak of level ninety-six!

Entering the ranks of Super Douluo!

What she didn't know was that all of this was caused by Qian Daoliu teaming up with everyone to release the water.

Because they don't want to delay it any longer.

"The seventh test of the Angel God, please the inheritor to pull out the Angel Holy Sword!"

At this moment, the voice of the angel god sounded.

Let everyone be solemn and solemn.

"Finally we have reached this level." Qian Daolun was filled with emotion. (End of chapter)

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