Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 154 154 Wuhun Team Instant Heaven Dou Royal Team

"Tian Dou Royal Team or Wuhun Team, who do you think can win?"

Team Jiubao and others, who returned to their seats in the audience, were discussing.

"The Wuhun Team, I know the Tiandou Royal Team, and they lost to the Wuhun Team several times."

"Who knows, maybe there will be an accident. Let's see."

"Maybe something unexpected will happen."

"I don't think so. The winner is Team Wuhun."

On the ring, the Tiandou Royal Team and the Wuhun Team were already standing on it.

"We are defeated, do you want to jump down on your own, or will you die in our hands!"

Yan said disdainfully to Yu Tianheng and others.

"Asshole, stop looking down on others!"

Yu Tianheng said angrily.

"Haha, it's not that we look down on you, but we haven't looked at you at all. What qualifications do our defeated generals have to deserve our attention?"

"I'm just afraid that killing you will affect our two kingdoms."

Xie Yue and Hu Liena mocked.

For the weak, as the strong, they have no sympathy at all.

"This is a competition, do you dare to kill me?"

"Kill us, and your qualifications will also be cancelled. With so many people here watching, you don't think you can be spared, right?" Yu Tianheng said coldly.

"Hmph, I can't kill you, but I can cripple you!" Yan said disdainfully.

The other party was right. They really didn't dare to kill anyone with so many people watching.

If you are disqualified, you will lose more than you gain.

"Stop talking nonsense and get going!"

Yu Tianheng summoned the martial spirit, and so did all his teammates.

They were already angry.

With the cooperation, he took the initiative and rushed towards the Wuhun team.

They are already weak and must win quickly.

"Let's make a quick decision."

Xie Yue and Hu Liena looked at each other, and they both understood each other's eyes.

They fit together and completed the martial soul fusion skill.

A new figure wearing armor and a helmet appeared, and a scarlet red mist enveloped the entire place.

"Full moon!"

A low magnetic voice sounded. I couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman. It was probably equal parts male and female.

The next second, the body rushed forward.

The others were watching the show from behind.

To deal with the defeated Tiandou Royal Team, there was no need for them to take action.

Xie Yue and Hu Liena's martial soul fusion skills, coupled with the fact that the two of them are already soul kings, will at least have the combat power of a soul emperor after the explosion.

Yu Tianheng and others were soon shrouded in red mist.

The next second, I saw people rushing over, harvesting them quickly.

"Haha, interesting. I didn't expect that they also have martial soul fusion skills."

"This combat power has at least reached the Soul Emperor level. It seems we have to be a little more careful."

A member of the Jiubao team saw it and said slowly.

Although they said they should be careful, their faces looked very casual.

It seemed that Hu Liena and Xie Yue's martial soul fusion skills were not taken to heart at all.

Because they are also using their own martial soul fusion skills.

And very powerful.

In addition, their own strength has not been completely exposed, so they are even less likely to be afraid.

"The results are out. This Tiandou Royal Team is weaker than we thought. It's over." Nami said.

Everyone looked at it and saw that it was really happening on the stage.

The members of the Tiandou Royal Team were crushed by the newcomers after the fusion of Xie Yue and Hu Liena, and they all lay on the ground and lost the ability to fight.

There was blood on the ground.

However, these people's hands and feet are still there and have not been disconnected. The red mist dissipated, and all the members of the Tiandou Royal Team fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight.

"A defeated general is a defeated general. A boring battle."

"You are so weak, I don't know how you got here."

"It seems that the teams you met before were not that good either."

The newcomer, wielding two scimitars, taunted, turned and walked towards his team.

Looking at the bloody scene, everyone thought that the people from Wuhun Team were too serious.

Ning Fengzhi suddenly couldn't stand it. No matter what, the Tiandou Royal Team was their Tiandou Kingdom's team. As the acting king of the Tiandou Kingdom, how could he look on indifferently?

Looking at Bibi Dong, he said indifferently: "His Majesty the Pope, this is just a game, your people really don't attack lightly or harshly."

"Haha, King Ning, this is a competition, and attacks are naturally blind. Who told you to let such a weak person come to participate in the competition?"

"Can't you afford to lose now?"

After hearing this, Bibi Dong mocked in turn.

She is very proud now.

Let the other person feel deflated, and she is in a good mood.

"Hmph, don't forget, we are all members of the alliance, which means these are also members of my alliance. I hope you can understand this." Ning Fengzhi said coldly.

When they mention the word alliance, what they can think of is the Alliance of All Realms.

Moreover, Wuhun Palace had already announced this matter to the outside world.

This made Bibi Dong look ugly.

I wanted to refute that the Alliance of All Realms was nothing.

But after seeing Qian Nuo not far away, she obediently held back what she wanted to say.

If he couldn't defeat the opponent, why would he be so frustrated?

After this competition, she will go into deep seclusion. If she doesn't become a god for one day, she will not come out!

After she becomes a god, the first person she will deal with is Qian Nuo, the evil beast who is against her!

The second one to deal with is Qianjia!

The third one is Ning Fengzhi and the others!

Seeing that the other party remained silent and suffered the loss of being mute, Ning Fengzhi immediately showed a proud smile.

It seems that we still need to use the name of the Alliance of All Realms to suppress the opponent.

"Alliance of All Realms."

After hearing this, the others were muttering silently in their hearts.

Some people have heard of it, but it was only six years ago. In the past six years, they have never heard of it again.

It seems to be an alliance force that only exists in legends.

But now seeing Bibi Dong's appearance, it seems that the Alliance of All Realms really exists.

"Teacher, what kind of force is the Alliance of All Realms?" Tang San asked Yu Xiaogang beside him.

Yu Xiaogang shook his head after hearing this: "I don't know very well as a teacher."

"A force that even Bibi Dong is afraid of. It seems that the origin of this Alliance of All Realms is definitely not simple." He thought to himself.

He was very curious about it, but he didn't really want to get in touch.

His intuition told him that this Alliance of All Realms was probably the strongest enemy of his Ming Cult.

"Okay, now it's your turn to compete, go ahead."

Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San.

"it is good."

Tang San nodded.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing in the team looked at each other and could see the seriousness in their eyes.

Then he looked at the Star Luo team on the opposite side.

They happened to meet the eyes of Davis and Zhu Zhuyun.

"This battle is inevitable after all."

The two looked at each other and thought to themselves.

In fact, the two of them don't want brothers and sisters to kill each other.

But the family's mission has to do this.

Royalty is always cruel.

In order to fight for the sole imperial power, they could only fight desperately.

If you don't fight for it, you will be overtaken and killed.

Their power is not yet strong enough to fight against the royal family. (End of chapter)

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