"Come on, make your proper gestures and let me see your determination."

After killing the two Soul Saint Ant Queens, Qiannuo said to the two people in front of him.

In his opinion, the division of realms in this world is very problematic.

"I wonder who you are?" Davis quickly calmed down and asked.

The man suddenly appeared in front of them, talked to them a lot, and killed two more soul saints, but they really didn't know where the other party came from.

"I am the leader of the Alliance of All Realms!"

Qian Nuo spread his hands and said.

"The Alliance of All Realms! You are the leader of the Alliance of All Realms!"

Everyone was shocked, they had just heard of this name.

But we still don’t know where this force is.

But I didn't expect that it would be the young man in front of me who said famous classic quotes.

"I'll pay my respects to the leader of the alliance!" Davis and Zhu Zhuyun looked at each other and saluted immediately.

The five team members behind him were already stunned, and they also saluted together.

"Very good, you two will come with me. The other five are too weak. If you want someone, come back and ask for someone from the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance."

"Although you cannot join the Alliance of All Realms now, if you can survive into the future, you can become my subjects of the Alliance of All Realms."

Qian Nuo said.

"What do you mean?" The five people were confused.

"In the near future, I will unify the entire continent." Qian Nuo said it without concealing it.

"Hiss!" Everyone gasped, shocked by Qian Nuo's ambition.

"Let's go." Qian Nuo didn't continue to talk nonsense and left with the others.

"You guys go back." Davis looked at the other five team members and explained, and then returned to Wuhun City with Zhu Zhuyun.

"Do we really want to go back?"

"What else?"

"Are you going to take their bodies back?"

"Take a chicken feather and let's go."

The five people were talking and envious, but they were helpless because they were too weak and could only leave the place quickly.

After returning to Wuhun Hall, they saw Davis and Zhu Zhuyun who had left and followed Qian Nuo back.

Bibi Dong and others were very surprised.

"Why did they get together?" Bibi Dong murmured.

"It looks like it's been incorporated?" Ghost said.

The others also noticed that there were two more familiar people on the chairman's balcony over there, and they were also a little puzzled.

They were all discussing in private.

The people from Team Shrek also noticed this and looked over.

He quickly informed Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

It happened that the two people's eyes met with Davis's.

"What on earth is going on?" Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing frowned, confused.

These two people probably don't know each other, so why are they getting together at this time?

"Don't worry about it, the time is coming."

Yu Xiaogang's voice came, and the next second, it was time to burn incense.

Time just flies by so fast.

Salas came out and said: "The time is up, please arrange for someone from the third team to come and draw cards."

Still the same.

All three teams have arranged people from before.

Team Shrek took the time.

Team Jiubao won the draw against Team Wuhun.

Tang San breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

It's really great that they got into second place for no reason.

Ning Rongrong and Hu Liena looked at each other, with provocation in their eyes.

"Your luck is really good." Ning Rongrong looked at Tang San and said with a half-smile.

"It's not bad." Tang San was stunned. He didn't expect that the other party would talk to him. Feeling up close, Ning Rongrong, the auxiliary soul master, gave him a great sense of oppression.

Is this really something an auxiliary soul master can do?

It's really weird.

Tang San turned around and left. “The first game of the championship begins, Team Nine Treasures vs. Team Wuhun!”

shouted Salas.

Everyone in the audience was excited.

This scene has really come!

It was so good!

Jiubao Team never showed its true strength from beginning to end.

Maybe you can see it this time!

This was the first time that Team Wuhun was a little nervous.

After all, they were facing a team that was all in the Soul King realm.

But thinking about the existence of martial soul fusion skills, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a martial soul fusion skill that can fight against the Soul Emperor.

"Wait a minute, do you want me to directly interrupt their martial soul fusion skills?"

When the seven members of the Jiubao team came on the stage, Liu Xueqing in the team asked softly.

"No, just let them fuse together. This is what they are proud of, and we will destroy their capital."

"When the two of them merge, the rest of you will fight quickly. All of you will show your true skills, open the field, and kill everyone except them in an instant."

"It's time for the Wuhun Team champion to conclude from this term."

"The championship belongs to our Jiubao team."

Ning Rongrong said.

The girls also had some small expectations.

Soon people from both teams arrived on the ring.

At this moment, everyone in the audience watched carefully.

"Well done mistress, you are so lucky!"

"We picked up first and second place for nothing."

"No matter who wins among these two, we will face each other later."

"Whatever, let's live the present moment first."

Everyone in Shrek was praising Tang San, and Tang San was also very impressed.

He came to Yu Xiaogang and asked, "Teacher, do you think an auxiliary soul master can become a powerful and offensive soul master?"

Along the way, he was thinking about this problem.

This was also discovered from Ning Rongrong.

“It wasn’t possible before, but it’s not necessarily possible now.”

"Ning Rongrong's spirit is not aggressive, but her spirit ring configuration has subverted our understanding of the spirit master world. Perhaps this is a battle that can let us see their true strength. "

"This is also a new record in the soul master world."

Although Yu Xiaogang didn't want to admit it, the reality slapped him hard in the face and forced him to admit this phenomenon.

At this moment, he suspected that there might be something wrong with his theory and needed to be corrected.

Of course, it would be even better if you could get these people to be your research subjects.

But the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect behind him was not easy to deal with.

Let's take a look first and then talk. If there is a chance, he will naturally not throw it away.

"Team Wuhun, when you meet us, your title of consecutive champions ends here. This championship belongs to our Nine Treasures Team!"

On the stage, Ning Rongrong took the lead to step forward and said to them.

"Hmph, it's hard to tell until the end. Maybe you guys will capsize in the gutter?"

"Don't think that just because you are the Soul King, you can defeat us!"

Hu Liena didn't dare to be weak, so she stepped forward and spoke back.

"Okay, then let's see the real photos under my hands. Let me see your martial soul fusion skills. You'd better use them quickly, otherwise you won't have a chance!"

Ning Rongrong said.

"Haha, very good, since you want to see it, then we will satisfy you!"

Hu Liena sneered.

"When the competition starts, no killing is allowed! Otherwise, you will be disqualified from the competition!" Salas reminded.

"Sisters, activate the martial spirit!"

Ning Rongrong said.

"We also open martial arts!"

Hu Liena said. (End of chapter)

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