Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 163 163 The war begins and Haotian arrives!

After hearing what Bibi Dong said, not only the contestants were shocked, but even the arresting officers who were about to take action were also shocked.

Why do you want to arrest this kid suddenly?

They found nothing wrong with the child.

There is no way, this is because their cultivation level is not high enough.

Although Yue Guan and Gui Mei didn't understand the reason, they rushed towards Xiao Zi immediately.



However, at this most dangerous moment, Yu Xiaogang summoned his blackened martial soul, Black Dragon, and appeared in front of Xiao Zi, resisting the attacks of two titled Douluo, Yue Guan and Gui Mei.

Bang! ! !

Yue Guan and Gui Mei were knocked back.

"Yu Xiaogang, you are so brave!" Yueguan said angrily.

"This is a member of my Shrek Academy. It's too much for you to arrest someone without saying anything!"

"Martial Soul Hall, when did you become so domineering!"

Yu Xiaogang looked at Bibi Dong coldly and said.

He suspected that the other party was disgusting with him.

"That's right. If the Pope doesn't give us a reason and he arrests people randomly, we won't agree to it."

Ning Fengzhi also spoke up when he saw this, and stood on Yu Xiaogang's side.

They and Bibi Dong had never dealt with each other before, but now that they had the opportunity to embarrass each other, he naturally would not miss this good opportunity.

As Ning Fengzhi spoke up, the others also looked at Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong shouted coldly: "Since you want it so much, then let me tell you! That purple-haired girl is not a human being, but a soul beast that has been transformed for a hundred thousand years!"

The person the finger pointed at was Xiao Zi behind Tang San.

After hearing this, Xiao Zi showed a look of horror.

The rest of the team were also shocked and quickly retreated.

The transformed 100,000-year-old soul beast!

Except for Tang San, the rest of Shrek's people were also shocked, showing a hint of fear, but they thought that Xiao Zi didn't hurt them, so they weren't so scared.

"Impossible. If it's a hundred thousand year old soul beast that's transformed, it's impossible for us Titled Douluo not to be able to see it. You must be deceiving us!"

After Yu Xiaogang heard this, he was also shocked and looked at Xiao Zi, but he still didn't see any problem. According to his understanding of the theory, if it is really a human being who has transformed into a hundred thousand year old soul beast, he will not be able to escape the title fight. Luo's peek.

But there was indeed nothing on Xiao Zi.

"Yes, we didn't find anything wrong." Ning Fengzhi and other titled Douluo also looked over and found nothing wrong.

"Haha, that's because the secret method on her body can be hidden, even you can't, and my soul power is higher than yours, so you can naturally see it!" Bibi Dong said coldly and disdainfully.

"Fengzhi, what the woman said is true. This purple-haired girl is really the incarnation of a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast." At this time, Sword Dao Chen Xin on the side sent a message to Ning Fengzhi, and his expression also wrinkled slightly, Showing surprise.

Because Chen Xin now has the cultivation level of a ninety-ninth-level peak peerless Douluo, after careful inspection, he has indeed seen through Xiao Zi's true identity.

"What, it's actually true?"

"Why can't I see it?"

Ning Fengzhi was shocked, he was now a ninety-sixth level titled Douluo.

But still can't see anything.

"Perhaps it's just like what the woman said, his soul power is low."

"After all, we have fought against that woman before. She is as powerful as me as a peerless Douluo, or even stronger. She has reached the level of a legendary demigod. This woman is very hidden."

Chen Xin said.

He recalled the war over land area six years ago.

Bibi Dong is really powerful.

However, with the blessing of the 100,000-year-old soul bone suit, he was able to fight evenly with the opponent with the power of a demigod.

Without the blessing of soul bones, he felt that he would be defeated by the opponent.

"You must be deceiving us!" Yu Xiaogang pointed at Bibi Dong.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, stop him, and the others will take the girl." Bibi Dong gave the order.


The next second, a fight broke out.

Liu Erlong, Flanders, Dragon Man and Snake Woman also jumped out.

"Golden Triangle Turn!"

Among them, Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong, and Flanders directly used the trinity fusion technique.


A dragon roared for nine days.

A giant dragon emitting black light appeared, its strength reaching the terrifying level of a senior titled Douluo.

The powerful power knocked away the rest of the people and the titled Douluo who were rushing towards them.

"So powerful!"

"Is this the golden triangle's famous stunt?"

"It's really amazing!"

Everyone had to sigh. At this moment, many people retreated.

None of them wanted to get involved in this fight.

"Tang Hao, he should appear."

Qian Nuo's eyes flickered and she looked outside.

He is looking forward to it.

"Hmph, a small trick, an eternal creation!"

Bibi Dong sneered.

Use soul skills to shoot.

This soul skill can directly ignore all defenses and cause terrible and irreversible damage to people.

Bang! ! !

The next second, he collided directly with the black dragon.

Just one second later, the Black Dragon was broken through by the Eternal Creation.

Just when the attack was about to hit Yu Xiaogang, it exploded in mid-air.

The powerful force directly dispersed them.

The rest of the people also joined the battlefield, and a chaotic battle scene suddenly appeared in the square.

"So strong, Bibi Dong." Yu Xiaogang and others were shocked.

Yue Guan and the ghost disappeared.

He rushed directly towards Xiao Zi.

Tang San stood in front of Xiao Zi, protecting her.

"A little devil or a chrysanthemum wants to hurt my son?"

However, at this moment, as a deep sound sounded, a huge hammer fell from the sky and hit the ground.

Once again, Yue Guan and the ghosts were blown away.

Make them angry again.

A huge pit appeared ahead.

This scene also attracted everyone's attention.

"That's the Clear Sky Hammer!"

At this moment, someone shouted.

In the pit, the hammer rose into the sky, and everyone looked to the sky.

Above the sky, a man wearing tattered robes walked through the air. Ripples appeared in the air, and circles of soul rings appeared under his feet.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, red!

It was a titled Douluo with a hundred thousand year soul ring.

The Clear Sky Hammer returned to his hand.

A huge red figure appeared, picked up the huge Clear Sky Hammer, and smashed it directly towards the angel statue.

"Haotian Douluo! Tang Hao!!!"

At the end of the moon, ghosts trembled and shadows appeared.

They were hammered by the Clear Sky Hammer.

The Douluo in the Elder Hall also discovered it and rushed out directly.

Tang Hao was the target that their Wuhun Palace had been chasing, but he didn't expect to appear at this time.

They want to capture this person with all their strength.

"I didn't expect that Tang Hao would appear at this time."

"That's a statue of a god, no!"

Bibi Dong said in a deep voice.

In fact, she didn't think much of Tang Hao in her heart.

But he still rushed forward with the titled Douluo, holding the gem scepter and facing the real body of the Clear Sky Hammer that was smashed down.

This scene happened very quickly, like a dream.

The situation of the war changed drastically.

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The next second, a huge explosion occurred.

use this opportunity.

Tang Hao's figure was like a ghost, quickly taking Tang San and Xiao Zi away.

Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin and others saw this scene and did not stop them.

"This man has appeared, and the alliance leader should take action."

Ning Fengzhi said.

Because they all remember what they said six years ago.

The leader of the alliance intends to recruit Tang Hao's fighting strength, and then it depends on whether the other party knows what he is interested in. (End of chapter)

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