Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 166 166 Shura God makes a move, Tang San is reincarnated as Dou Qi Star

Just after Qian Nuo killed Tang San, there was movement in the God Realm.

In the Poseidon God's Domain, Poseidon, the first-level god, is fishing here.

He is still a salty fish as before. There is no way, life in the God Realm is so boring and boring, without any novelty.

However, at this moment, a bad feeling swept through his heart, making him feel very surprised.

Look up.

The star of destiny dimmed in the sky.

He stood up abruptly.

"The star of destiny has become dim. Could it be that my opportunity has disappeared?"

Poseidon was a little surprised and immediately scanned the lower plane with his spiritual mind.

Especially the Douluo Star plane where there have been a lot of changes recently.

It was the first place he looked.

However, the next second, I saw a huge barrier with many people standing outside the barrier.

"I can't even see through it."

"The variable is a big variable."

"Could it be that my successor is dead?"

Poseidon murmured, but there was no basis for this.

After sitting down again, he remembered someone.

That is the huge variable of Qian Nuo.

At the same time, Shura Divine Realm.

God Shura opened his eyes, and a murderous intention flashed through him.

"The twist is that the heir to the destiny is dead."

In one thought, he found the obstacle.

"This barrier looks very familiar. I can't see through it. Could it be related to that person?"

"Tang San!"

"By the way, it's him."

God Shura's expression changed drastically. Tang San was the one he brought over, and he was also the biggest variable.

He was supposed to let the other party inherit his Shura God status after growing up step by step.

But he didn't expect that he would be killed by the even bigger changer Qian Nuo.

Taking advantage of this moment, he used his divine power to search for Tang San's soul.

In that ethereal space, he found three souls.

These three souls are still sleeping.

It was Tang Hao, Tang San and Xiao Zi.

"He is indeed dead."

"You bastard, Qian Nuo, you have gone too far. You just took advantage of the God Realm's loophole by condensing the Divine Ring and refused to ascend to the God Realm. You also rejected my Shura God inheritance! Now you have killed my original candidate!"

God Shura was furious.

It turned out that Tang San was the one he got here.

But later on, a bigger variable was found, Qian Nuo, who wanted to pass the throne of Shura God to the other party.

But I didn't expect that the other party refused and destroyed his inherited consciousness.

He finally turned his mind back to Tang San, but now he is dead.

If it weren't for the rules of the God Realm that gods could not interfere with matters in the lower realm, he would really rush down now and kill Qian Nuo with his Shura Divine Sword.

But Qian Nuo was stronger than he expected.

Your own lower realm will be suppressed, and you may not be able to beat the opponent.

So they set up a dragnet in the God Realm.

As long as Qian Nuo ascends, he will be sniped and hunted.

"No, if Tang San disappears like this, how long will I have to wait before I can pass on this Shura god status?"

"He didn't deserve to die. This was not his fate. He was killed by big changes. It seems that I have to help him."

"But after resurrection, we can't let him get close to that guy, it's too dangerous."

"And the Killing City was also harmed by that guy. Damn it, he even lost his body. It seems that he needs to be reincarnated in another way."

God Shura fished out the souls of Tang Hao and Tang San from the ethereal world.

As for Xiao Zi?

Originally, he had no good impression of soul beasts.

So there is no fishing.

If you die, you will die.

So he ignored it. "In that case, let Tang Hao become the great worshiper of God Shura. I will directly give the throne to Tang San and let him rise as quickly as possible. At that time, maybe I can use his body to defeat Qian Nuo. kill."

God Shura's expression changed slightly.

A scarlet light flashed in his eyes.

This ray of light divided into two energy bodies and entered the bodies of Tang Hao and Tang San.

"Wait a minute, that soul beast girl, let her be directly sacrificed to become Tang San's one hundred thousand year soul ring. As for the vigorous energy, you can seal it first."

God Shura's expression changed slightly, and he realized that Xiao Zi still had some uses, so he fished it out of the misty space world.

"That continent is not simple, and it is extremely close to Douluo Planet. As long as I move my hands a little, I can merge this world with Douluo Planet."

God Shura looked down from the God Realm, and suddenly an idea appeared in his mind.

Now that he has done it, he might as well upgrade Douluo Star and integrate the elements of that world into it to become a brand new planet.

He can also play bigger pieces.

But doing so is against the divine realm.

It's okay that he wasn't discovered secretly, but if he was discovered, he would also be punished.

But the real punishment was to be executed at the meeting of the God-Kings.

At the same time, a ray of light fell from the God Realm and arrived at the Dou Qi Star next to the Douluo Star.

The system here is much more advanced than Douluo Continent.

Northwest Continent, Wutan City, Tang Family.

Today the wife of the head of the Tang family gave birth.

Tang San was reincarnated into another world again.

At the same time, between his eyebrows, there was a red Shura Divine Sword pattern.

And he was reincarnated retaining all his memories.

Memories appeared one after another, filling his eyes with hatred and anger.

"Qian Nuo, just wait for me, I will definitely make you regret it!"

He thought to himself.

"The Shura Divine Examination has begun."

A deep voice appeared in his mind.

In front of the red light pillar, two figures appeared.

His pupils suddenly shrank.

It is his father's soul body and the little purple soul body.

"Tang San, I am the Supreme God of the God Realm, God Shura, one of the five great God Kings. You have been chosen by me to be the successor of God Shura. Your father was saved by me, but because he is dead, I can only keep the soul body. There is your lover.”

"She is the incarnation of a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, and now she will sacrifice herself to become your power. This is also your first test, absorb her."

"And your father will be the first soul to be enshrined by God Shura. When you complete the ninth test, he will contribute his own strength to help you hit the final level."

The person speaking was naturally the Shura God himself.

"No! They will all die again! I don't want it!"

Tang San's face flashed with pain.

"Don't you want revenge?"

"Only when you are strong can you avenge your father and Xiao Zi. Your enemy is very powerful!"

God Shura used this move.

But it was indeed very useful, and Tang San was moved.

"This is their choice and their mission, otherwise they will just disappear between heaven and earth." God Shura said.

Only he himself knows what the specific situation is.

"Then I'm still in Douluo Continent now? Then if he finds out that I haven't been reincarnated, wouldn't I be dead?" Tang San said.

"No, the continent you are on now is Dou Qi Star. The cultivation system of this world is a little different from Dou Luo Star. It does not rely on soul rings and soul power, but Dou Qi. But I only need to simply change the system, and you can You can get used to it.”

"As long as you grow up, I will slowly integrate Dou Qi Star and Dou Luo Star into one, which will take about ten years."

"That is to say, you need to become Shura God within ten years before you have a chance to take revenge."

Shura God said.

"Of course, I can also avenge you."

"No! I want to take revenge myself!"

Tang San said angrily.

"But don't worry, the passage of time on Dou Qi Star is different from that on Dou Luo Star. One day on Dou Luo Star is equal to one year here. You still have enough time."

At this point, God Shura was also very surprised.

"Okay, I understand." Tang San clenched his fists and started his own road of revenge. (End of chapter)

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