"How brave you are to dare to attack me!"

Qian Nuo said lightly.

"Ancestor? I never recognize him."

A golden spear shot out from the divine ring and hit the angel sword of the angel god Qian Yuhan.


The next second, the divine sword shattered.

The spear instantly penetrated the body of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

This is not the opponent's true body, but a spiritual clone.

Entering this golden world after death, the body cannot enter. Only the soul body, the so-called spiritual power, can enter.

And ordinary people can't get in.

"Damn it! You are so powerful!"

"You want to bully your master and destroy your ancestors!"

Qian Yuhan was shocked.

His body was penetrated, and his spiritual clone was gradually dissipating.

This is not a fight at all, it is simply a dimensionality reduction attack.

Complete crushing.

"Today, I might as well do something to deceive my master and destroy my ancestors."

"As my ancestor, you don't stand on our side, and you want to join the gods in the divine world to crusade and kill me. You let me down so much."

"Remember, when I step into the God Realm, it will be the day when the God Realm changes!"

After Qian Nuo said this coldly, the spear behind the Angel God turned around and penetrated Qian Yuhan's spiritual clone again. This time, it penetrated the head.


Qian Yuhan's clone instantly disintegrated and dissipated.

"Is this how you die?"

"That's the clone of a first-level god!"

Qian Daoliu's eyes widened and he said in disbelief.

"I have said that in my eyes, angels and gods are just ants that can be killed easily. Do you believe it now?"

Qian Nuo glanced at Qian Daoliu, wanting to see what he looked like now.

Qian Daoliu's expression was complicated.

In the end, he was taken away from the golden world by Qian Nuo.

The realm of gods, the realm of angels.


The angel god's spiritual clone was destroyed, and her body suffered a backlash. A mouthful of old blood spurted out from her mouth, and her whole person's spirit was a little sluggish.

"So strong. This guy can actually threaten me."

"Easily killed my spiritual clone."

"Damn it, why do such outstanding juniors turn out to be evil beings!"

"If it weren't for evil, I would definitely pass on the angelic status to him."

There was a hint of relief and regret in the eyes of the angel god Qian Yuhan.

Now all the gods are waiting for Qian Nuo to come up and kill him.

But now it seems that the opponent may not be killed easily, and there may be unexpected surprises.

In Emperor Wu's palace, Qian Nuo's spiritual power returned.

A golden figure appeared in front.

The nine divine rings wrapped Qiandaoliu's soul, and a powerful divine power enveloped his whole body.

"Big offering!" After Golden Crocodile Douluo and others saw this soul figure, they were immediately overjoyed.

"I am no longer a great priest, so there is no need to call me like this." Qian Daoliu looked at the six people and showed a smile.

"My father died in your hands, right!"

An ultimate sword energy appeared on Chen Xin's body.

The target was directly targeted at Qian Daoliu.

On his body, nine red 100,000-year-old soul rings appeared.

A Seven-Kill Sword also came from the sky.

The aura of Ken Dao Chen Xin has reached the ninety-ninth level of the peak peerless Douluo, and is only one step away from the one hundred level.

However, this step is huge, so huge that it may even be impossible to take it in a lifetime.

Even so, when he saw this person, he still showed hatred. That year passed and my father never came back. Anyone who is not a fool would understand that he must have died by the other party's sword.

This sudden scene of Kendo Chenxin also shocked everyone present.

What a good guy, you dare to release your martial spirit, hostility, and a trace of murderous intent in Emperor Wu's palace.

I'm afraid you don't want to live anymore.


"Chen Xin, you can't tell the difference between the big and small kings, can you?"

"Dare you reveal your murderous intentions in my palace?"

Qian Nuo's eyes flashed coldly and he said coldly.

Everything is given to the other party, and he can take it back at any time.

If the other party really thinks that they can fly by relying on these means, then this will be an extremely stupid idea.

There is no way that Chen Xin can be the opponent of the angel god's divine mind clone, but Qian Nuo can easily kill the latter, so killing the former is also a matter of looks.

"Uncle Jian, calm down. Don't be impulsive."

Ning Fengzhi was also startled and quickly sent a message.

Only then did Chen Xin come back from his hatred.

Realizing that he had gone out of line, he immediately restrained his aura, martial soul, and soul ring.

"Chen Xin doesn't dare!"

"Chen Xin just lost his composure, your Majesty, please punish me!"

Chen Xin immediately stepped forward and cupped his hands.

"It turns out you are his descendant."

"Your father has long been prepared to die."

"Your father died in the right place, because he was defeated."

"I told your father that as long as you challenge me, you will die if you lose. I wanted him to quit before the difficulties, but unfortunately he still chose to move forward bravely."

At this time, a light flashed in Qian Daoliu's eyes, and he remembered the guy he killed who had a talent for the sword that was not his.

So he said calmly.

"Your father has been dead for too long, and his soul is no longer in this world. Otherwise, I can resurrect him."

Qian Nuo said.

"When I didn't rule this continent, it was a world of the jungle and the strong. Even now, you have to understand that when the weak challenges the strong, they should be prepared to die at any time. It is not him, nor your father, who is wrong. , but this world.”

Qian Nuo said.

After hearing this, Chen Xin lowered his head silently and made no sound.

Because his father also said similar words when he left him, and the other party was indeed prepared not to come back.

"He challenged me three times that year. I could have killed him the first two times, but I didn't. I let him go, but he came back the third time. You can't blame me. After all, it only takes three."

"If I don't kill him, he will come to me in the future and I will be very annoyed."

Qian Daoliu said again at this time.

"Okay, give me some face, this matter is over. It's been so many years now, we have to look forward."

"My father is also dead, but his soul is no longer there, otherwise I can resurrect him."

Qian Nuo said.


"That's all his fault. It's an alternation of cause and effect."

Qian Daoliu sighed and shook his head.

Chen Xin retreated.

They didn't know what happened between Qian Xunji and Bibi Dong.

"Spell reversal."

"I haven't used this move for a long time."

"I wonder if it will be a bit unfamiliar."

Qian Nuo showed a unique smile, and the next second, he launched this technique on Qian Daoliu's soul.

As long as this move is used, even if the soul of a dead person is still there, it can be reversed and resurrected.

If it were Qian Nuo before, he wouldn't be able to do it.

But now that he has condensed nine divine rings, he has a deeper understanding of his own power and this method, so he has this ability. (End of chapter)

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