Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 185 185 Slaughter the gods and gather the demon ring! Refining the center of the God Realm,

"How dare a little shadow act so arrogantly in front of this demon?"

"If it were you who came here, I would still be a little more serious."

"It's a pity you can't."

Demon God Qiannuo looked at the phantom of the Creation God in front of him with disdain.

Slowly raising his hand, ten divine rings appeared.

The terrifying hands of the devil were drawn out layer by layer.

I want to have the momentum of raising my hands to cover the sky.

The moment he touched the attack of the God of Creation, the former's attack seemed to be vulnerable, and the energy was quickly absorbed and weakened by the black hand.

The demon god's hand came forward and completely swallowed up the creation god's world-destroying light wave.

The Creator God can create the world, and nature can also destroy it.

"Do not!!!"

Faced with such a terrifying and unexpected scene, even the Shadow of the Creation God panicked.

The enemy was too strong and he once again used all his strength.

Unfortunately, it was still annihilated by the hands of the devil.

In the end, the phantom of the Creator God was forcibly shot away.

"Devil, evil prevails over good, you will be punished by God!"

Before dissipating, it tried its best to leave behind these harsh words of curse.

"God's punishment? Curse?"

"Hahaha! This demon is the embodiment of evil and curse! My whole body is covered with curses! Are you afraid of your curse?"

"God's punishment? Come on then. Why should this demon be afraid of this?!"

Demon God Qian Nuo laughed disdainfully.

Laughter resounded throughout the world.

The God of Creation dissipated and the five seeds returned. They wanted to transform back into the five god kings, but they were suppressed by the demon god Qiannuo.

It's in your hands.

"Let my men inherit such a good thing."

Demon God Qiannuo no longer looks down on these gods.

But if you devour it, you might gain a lot.

So he gave up his previous thoughts and swallowed the five God King seeds.

You know, this thing can summon the phantom of the Creator God after fusion.


“So cool!!!!!”

The demon laughed happily.

An even more terrifying power emerged from his body, terrifying the other gods in the world.

"Creation God also lost."

"The devil is too scary!"

"We are no match for the Demon God!"

"It's over. He even swallowed the seeds of the five great god kings!"

"The divine world is facing a huge catastrophe!"

"Let's join forces now! Otherwise, if he absorbs five God King seeds, we will be dead!"

At this time, Poseidon, the god of the sea, took the initiative to stand up and shouted.

He has a grudge against the other party. The other party has even killed the King of Gods and the God of Creation, and will never let him go.

In this case, he would rather drag the entire God Realm to die.

What's more, now he is approving the evil devil from the highest moral point of view.

The gods nodded: "Okay!"

"Give me your power. Scattered power cannot defeat him. We need to unite all divine powers to help me break through the God King!"

"The center of the God Realm is crucial, and we also need its help."

Poseidon, the god of the sea, spoke.

As long as the demon god Qian Nuo is eliminated, then the God Realm will have his own speech hall!

He is the supreme king of all!

"Poseidon, the idea of ​​​​destroying this demon is beautiful, but the reality is cruel."

"This demon has lost patience with you ants. As for subduing you, let's forget it."


Behind Demon God Qiannuo, a five-color divine ring once again condensed.

It became his eleventh divine ring!


The Creator God only has ten divine rings!

The demon in front of me actually condensed the eleventh ray!

The aura on his body also expanded tenfold!

"Just use this trick to get rid of you all."

"The world of gods belongs to me!"

"The realm unfolds, the devil's purgatory!"

Demon God Qian Nuo just wanted to try out his newly learned moves.

He made a Thousand-Year Killing gesture with one hand, and a cold magic sound sounded.

His domain is not about pulling people in, but about magnifying his domain into the real world infinitely.

The world of demons, Shura's kitchen knife, and the flames of hell.

Time stands still!

The entire divine world turned into a dark prison. Burned by countless swords, swords, and demonic flames, this place became a real purgatory.


"Do not!!"

"Help me! It hurts! This damn flame!"

"Do not!!!"

The gods were burned to death and cut into pieces.

The emotions and sounds of miserable wailing, roaring, unwillingness, fear, anger, and despair are all being absorbed by Demon God Qiannuo like the energy of the ocean at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, the gods were destroyed.

Only traces of the divine personality remain.

The demon god Qian Nuo raised his hand and swallowed all the gods into his body.

His strength surged again.

"This is the feeling. It felt like something was missing before!"

"Now, I finally found it!"

"Gather for me!!!"

Powerful energy enveloped the eleven physical divine rings behind him.

Start crushing and merging.

I saw that the sound of clicking kept sounding.

The physical divine ring was broken into fragments, condensed and fused, and condensed back together.


Demon God Qiannuo vomited blood.

The body was shaking violently, and blood was constantly spurting out from the body.

The mouth, nose, ears, eyes and other facial features were constantly seeping with blood.

The whole body and clothes were stained with blood. This scene was very scary.

The feeling is extremely terrifying.

Is this guy hurting himself?

Buzz! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Demon God Qiannuo didn't pay attention to this, because he had a powerful and unsolvable magic reversal, and he could be resurrected even if he died.

He concentrated on gathering strength.

A lot of power from the gods gathered.

Under his unremitting efforts, a dazzling black magic light rose into the sky.

Let the entire God Realm tremble violently.

What was originally eleven divine rings has now turned into a huge divine ring with an even more abyss color.

Tightly suspended behind him.

Within this divine ring, various mysterious magic patterns appear, and there are stripes left by eleven divine rings hidden inside.

But the power is simply not comparable to the eleven divine rings.

The terrifying demonic energy enveloped the entire God Realm, and the God Realm was tearing apart, shattering, and collapsing.

"Brand new God Ring, what should I call you? Creation God Ring? No, let's call you Demon God Ring!"

A divine ring that truly belongs to the Demon God!

"Not even the God of Creation can do such a bold move!"

"Now I can explode with at least fifty times the power!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

"This trip to the God Realm is worth it!"

"It looks like it's about to collapse."

Demon God Qiannuo laughed and saw that the God Realm was collapsing. At this time, the center of the God Realm emitted a dazzling light.

It seems to be sending a distress signal to the other party.

"It's okay if you want me to save you, just be good and refine it for me, otherwise, I will kill you and then refine you!"

"You choose."

Demon God Qiannuo responded indifferently.

The center of the God Realm trembled, and obediently came into the hands of the Demon God Qiannuo, waiting for the fate of the punishment.

Demon God Qian Nuo refined it into his body.

Integrate into your own demon god realm.

Evolve the Demon God Realm into a separate divine realm.

The world of gods outside was completely shattered at this time.

"It's time to go back and refine the Douluo Star."

Demon God Qiannuo disappeared into the divine world in the blink of an eye.

The God Realm has also been officially crushed, and pieces of it are scattered among the planes of the heavens and the world.

Some became a sacred mountain, giving birth to countless treasures of heaven, material and earth.

Some turned into a mysterious lake, which also gave birth to powerful creatures.

These fragments all have their own abilities.

No matter what, it will bring great strengthening and changes to that plane. (End of chapter)

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