Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 188 188 Deprive the Rakshasa God of his position and inherit the position of the Good God! K

Demon God Qian Nuo ignored Qian Daoliu's cry.

The attack continues.

Qian Renxue also showed an expression of disbelief.

"This guy doesn't seem to be joking."

Bibi Dong looked terrified.

"Xiaoxue, stop meddling in other people's business! Get out of here!"

At the critical moment, she pushed Qian Renxue away with all her strength.

call out!

Black magic light penetrated Bibi Dong's body.


Bibi Dong screamed.


Qian Renxue screamed.

Bibi Dong's body fell instantly and hit the ground.

Qian Renxue rushed down.

Checking the injuries, I felt terrified.

Afraid that his mother would also die.

"If Bibi Dong hadn't pushed Xiaoxue away just now, were you really going to kill her too?!"

Qian Daoliu looked at Qian Nuo fiercely.

"Yes, and no." Demon God Qiannuo shook his head.

Qian Daoliu's expression was complicated.

Look below.

"Ahem. I'm not dead?"

Bibi Dong coughed dryly and realized that she was not dead.

Some confusion and confusion.

Get up from the ground.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Qian Renxue was pleasantly surprised, threw herself into her arms and hugged her.

Bibi Dong was moved.

"Xiaoxue me" she was also confused.

Don't know what happened.

He was obviously hit, how could he not die?

"If you hadn't pushed Xiaoxue away just now, you would have become a corpse now. You made a right choice."

Demon God Qiannuo stood above the two of them, looking at Bibi Dong indifferently.

Even if Qian Renxue was blocking him, it would be easy for him now to bypass him and kill Bibi Dong.

That magic light looked scary, but it didn't have any lethality.

He was just testing Bibi Dong to see if she really had no feelings for Qian Renxue at all.

But it can be seen from the other party's performance that he is not emotionless. With Qian Renxue's presence, he will not kill the other party.

The other party also passed her test.

"The position of Rakshasa God is not suitable for you. Abolish it. You are blinded by hatred. Rakshasa God will only make you angrier."

Demon God Qiannuo looked at Bibi Dong and said.

Qian Renxue is happy that her eldest brother did not kill her mother.

I really killed her just now, I really thought my mother would die.

It turns out that the attack won't kill anyone.

Qian Renxue looked at her mother.

Let’s see how the other party chooses.

At the most dangerous moment, the other party pushed her away, and her heart felt even warmer.

This also proves that the other party has her as a daughter in her heart. She has done so much just to reunite the family.

Although a father is missing.

But the father also deserved it.

If she had faced the humiliation at that time, she might have chosen the same hatred as her mother.

As a daughter, she was not qualified to blame her mother.

"I have worked hard all my life for the Rakshasa God, and you want me to give up just one word? How can I give up!"

Bibi Dong gritted his teeth and roared.

"Then what if you are allowed to inherit the position of the Good Goddess? This is a god-king level in the divine world. Your Rakshasa God not only has many shortcomings, but is also just a first-level god. Is the Good Goddess a perfect god or a god-king? .”

"I can help you inherit it."

"You choose."

Demon God Qian Nuo said.

"God King!"

Qian Daoliu, Qian Renxue, and Bibi Dong were all stunned, shocked, and their eyes widened!

"Okay! But how do I abolish it?"

Bibi Dong took a deep breath and nodded in agreement.

This is a divine king, and she is no fool.     “Very simple.”

Demon God Qiannuo mobilized the central ability of the God Realm, and injected a divine power into Bibi Dong's body, forcibly erasing the opponent's Rakshasa Divine Mind, and collecting all the soul bones, artifacts and other items of Rakshasa Divine Equipment into the Godhead. .

Forcibly hooked it out.


Bibi Dong showed pain.

After all, he was deprived of his divine status.

It's definitely not going to be easy.

Seeing the Rakshasa God's body coming out of her body, she felt extremely complicated inside.

Unexpectedly, the divine position was taken away by the other party so easily.

How powerful is the other party?

After the demon god Qiannuo devoured the Rakshasa godhead, he injected a soft-colored godhead into Bibi Dong's body.

Replace the vacant throne.

The divine thoughts inside that originally belonged to the kind goddess were destroyed by Qian Nuo.

Now, he has the final say on the succession of the divine throne.

Ignore the assessment and pass it on directly.


A soft divine light appeared from Bibi Dong's body.

The light of kindness forcibly erased the resentment in her heart.

It just neutralizes the resentment she has had for so many years.

Ultimately led by good reason.

After putting on the Godly Goodness Costume, light bloomed in her heart, condensing the super artifact belonging to the Good God King, the Kindness Heart!

In a flash of light, a brand new Bibi Dong appeared.

His body is no longer filled with coldness and evil.

But be kind and tolerant.

"Let the past be forgotten."

"From now on, I am the new me."

Bibi Dong took the initiative and spoke softly.

After becoming the Good God Queen, her body was also repaired.

Now she is a brand new body, no longer a broken body, but a perfect body.

"It's best if you can figure it out." Demon God Qiannuo nodded.

Seeing this scene, Qian Daoliu also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mom, do you recognize my daughter?" Qian Renxue asked anxiously.

"If I didn't recognize you, I wouldn't have pushed you away at the most dangerous moment."

"Son, it was the mother's fault."

"It was between me and your father before, and it shouldn't be involved with you. I will use the time in the future to compensate you Xiaoxue."

Bibi Dong reached out and touched Qian Renxue's face, showing a look of guilt and tenderness.

She looks more like her mother now.

Qian Daoliu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his worries were finally over.

"What happened back then was my son's fault. If you don't want to see me, I won't appear in front of you in the future."

In order to satisfy Qian Renxue, Qian Daoliu was willing to sacrifice himself and hide in the world again, waiting for the Spirit Empire to be in danger before coming out again.

"No, it's all in the past."

"Now that I have inherited the Good God King, I understand a lot."

"In the past, I was mostly misguided by the Rakshasa God's spiritual thoughts, which amplified all the evil in my heart, which led to such hatred."

Bibi Dong shook her head.

"Also, under the transformation of the kind god, my martial soul has also mutated, and my twin martial souls have also evolved in the right direction."

Bibi Dong summoned his two martial spirits.

It's no longer cold and gloomy.

The color has also changed to a soft light color, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Moreover, the spider is no longer ugly, but a mutation of the human form.

"This is a good thing." Demon God Qiannuo said.

For the next time, Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong doted on each other.

To compensate for what I have owed my daughter over the years.

The angel god already has one.

Inherited by Qian Renxue.

Therefore, Qian Nuo handed over the throne of Shura God to Qian Daoliu.

Directly let the local people inherit and become the new Shura God.

He found Bo Saixi and asked her to inherit the throne of Poseidon.

After that, he also found the right person for the god position.

Naturally, the personnel were first searched for in the Titled Douluo level of the Spirit Empire.

After that, he went to sea and looked for the core of Douluo Star.

Drop by and help the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King consolidate his status and become a god.

——(End of this chapter)

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