In the main hall of the Soul Clan, Qian Nuo, the leader, was listening to the elders of the Soul Clan below reporting on the situation of the world.

It turns out that this world is similar to what he knew. It is the Dou Qi continent in the memory of his previous life.

Hedong in thirty years and Hexi in thirty years.

"Next, my goal is to unify the remaining seven ethnic groups. As long as you do a good job, this demon can make you a strong emperor fighter in this world in the future."

Qian Nuo said.

His first goal now is to unify the world.

However, the area of ​​​​this world is very large, which is not comparable to that of Douluo Star.

He can do it all by himself.

Simply, he first integrated the world's high-end combat forces and asked them to help him realize this dream.

"We will do our best!"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard it.

Doudi was very attractive to them, but not to Qian Nuo.

Even if the opponent is Dou Emperor, he can still raise his hand to suppress him.

"Lord Demon God, I recommend starting with the Ancient Clan. The Ancient Clan is the most powerful clan besides us."

"The remaining tribes are all a piece of cake."

Soul Emperor took the initiative to step forward and said.

Now it’s time to show your worth.

"In that case, let's start with the ancient clan."

"You come with me to the ancient tribe." Qian Nuo said.

"Yes!" Soul Emperor nodded.

The ancient clan, one of the seven ancient clans.

Today, within the clan, there is a competition among the younger generation. Everyone is showing off their talents and skills, and the fight is in full swing.

"The younger generation this year is pretty good, especially Gu Le. Not only can this kid sing, but his strength has also reached the Douwang realm at the age of twenty. Not bad."

"Gu Lingling is not bad either. This girl is also twenty years old and is already a fighting king."

In the audience, everyone was talking.

The growth of the younger generation has always been a major event in the clan.

After all, only when these people grow up can the ancient clan have a future.

These people are also the future flowers of the ancient tribe.

The clan leader, Gu Yuan, sat at the head of the table, looking at the competition below with a satisfied expression.

And he is also the strongest person in the ancient clan, a nine-star peak fighting saint.

He Hun Tian Emperor is both a ceiling-level super giant.

If it weren't for the lack of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi, the two of them would have become powerful Emperor Fighters within these three thousand years.

However, everything is a fate.

Without Origin Qi, they would simply not be able to step into that realm.

At their level, their cultivation and soul strength are already at the top level.

"Haha, it seems we came at the right time. The ancient clan is really busy today!"

At this moment, a cold and joking voice came from the ancient world.

The expressions of everyone in the Ancient Clan changed. They stopped what they were doing and looked up.

As a ceiling-level existence, Gu Yuan sensed it immediately and looked up.

There are really people in the sky, two people.

One is an acquaintance, Soul Emperor, and the other is unknown.

"Haha, Brother Hun, what's the reason for your sudden visit?" Although Gu Yuan had a smile on his face, a cold light shone in his eyes, and a wisp of murderous intent flashed through his eyes.

However, the next thing he looked at was the young man next to Soul Emperor. This guy felt very threatening to him. He seemed to be countless times more dangerous than Soul Emperor!

"Is he Dou Emperor?"

In an instant, an idea that even he himself found a bit ridiculous flashed through Gu Yuan's heart.

"Emperor Soul!"

The people of the ancient tribe did not welcome this guy very much, and everyone had a look of alienation and disgust on their faces.

The soul race is an alien race in their eyes.

It is a symbol of evil.

"This time, it's not that I'm looking for you, but that the Demon God next to me wants to see you or your ancient tribe."

Emperor Hun Tian looked at Gu Yuan and the descendants of the ancient tribe below with a trace of teasing. He took away the looks in their eyes, but he didn't pay attention to them. In his opinion, they are just a bunch of ants.

"Demon? Sir?"

Gu Yuan caught the key word and was shocked.

It is really unbelievable that someone as arrogant as Emperor Soul can be called "sir".

It seems that the guy in front of me is definitely not an ordinary person.

"I wonder why you are looking for me?" Gu Yuan said solemnly with a solemn expression.

"This demon god hopes that your entire ancient tribe will surrender and be loyal to me."

"Are you willing?"

Qian Nuo stood with his hands behind his back, looking down, exuding the absolute pressure of a superior.


An invisible pressure was released from him.

In an instant, all the people below Dou Sheng were suppressed and lay on the ground, with expressions of pain on their faces.

"What a loud tone! Don't be arrogant!"

Gu Yuan was angry.

He exploded with the strength of the nine-star peak fighting saint and struck Qian Nuo.

The other Dou Sheng elders were not idle either. They were equally angry and all struck the strongest blow at Qian Nuo!

A huge black hand covered the sky and the sun.

At the moment of contact, it is directly annihilated.

Then with one palm strike, Gu Yuan and other fighting saints were all knocked to the ground.

"Puff puff!"

Everyone looked horrified.

Blood spurted from the mouth.

"How is it possible? They defeated us so easily today."

"This black hand."

After Gu Yuan was critically hit, he immediately recalled the information about the black hand in front of him, and then showed a look of panic. The aura of this thing seemed to be somewhat similar to the aura that covered the sky and the sun before.

Even the sky of Dou Qi Continent can be covered and plunged into complete darkness.

The person in front of me is definitely a Dou Emperor-level existence!


"Master Demon God is a strong man at the level of Emperor Dou. You idiots, how dare you challenge the Emperor's power? You simply don't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

"No matter how powerful you Dou Sheng are, you can't defeat Dou Emperor! This is an insurmountable gap! You should still resist and surrender obediently!"

"Otherwise, today will be the day when your ancient tribe will be exterminated!!"

Emperor Hun Tian laughed wildly.

They had been bullied by Emperor Dou before and felt very aggrieved. Now that they saw their mortal enemy Gu Yuan and others acting like this, they suddenly felt relieved.

How can you not accept the humiliation I suffered?

Absolutely not!

"Dou Di!"

The whole audience was shocked and frightened.

The person in front of me is actually at the Dou Emperor level!

Even Gu Yuan and others, who had already guessed, were extremely shocked at this moment.

The shock you feel when you guess it yourself and when someone else says it yourself is completely different.

The gap between the nine-star peak Dou Sage and Dou Emperor is actually so huge.

It’s so big that he can’t do anything about it, and it’s so big that he can’t believe it!

"Come on, I'll give you one last chance. Choose to surrender or die?"

Qian Nuo raised his huge black hand, and the devil's hand covered the heaven and earth, shrouding the entire ancient world. The powerful force caused the ancient world to fragment and was in danger of collapsing.

"No! We surrender!"

Gu Yuan's expression changed drastically and he shouted immediately.

Those who know the current affairs are handsome.

Not strong enough, in order to prevent the annihilation of their clan, they could only choose to compromise and bow their arrogant heads to the dark forces.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

"Gu Yuan, you are defeated after all!"

Soul Emperor laughed. (End of chapter)

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