Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 198 198 Traveling through the black hole, the reward is to swallow the world!

After ten years of fighting, ancient ruins were revealed, and there were many, including land ones, ocean ones, and the inheritance of various ancient fighting emperors.

In the star core space, Qian Nuo forcibly obliterated the consciousness of heaven and refined the star core.

This was already three years ago.

In the past three years, the main body has been here, and the avatar has taken charge of the overall situation outside.

The star core of Dou Qi Star is indeed much more powerful than that of Douluo Star, and it took Qian Nuo three years to refine it.

After refining it today, he officially became the master of Dou Qi Star.

The combination of Dou Qi Star and Dou Luo Star completed an epic great migration.

During this period, he returned to Douluo Planet and stayed with his family. Now the technology and force value of this planet have reached a very advanced level.

Using power, he forcibly rewrote the rules of the world of Douluo Star, so that the soul master does not need to absorb soul rings. Instead, after the soul master reaches a greater realm, he will condense a soul master that is most suitable for him based on the characteristics of the soul. Use the soul ring, and the soul ring can be continuously upgraded.

After this rule comes out, it will be a good thing for everyone in Douluo Star.

Today, Douluo Star and Dou Qi Star merged together to make the world more powerful.

Now there is no so-called two stars and a divine center, only the devil star.

Inside the Demon Star is the center of the God Realm, and there is a God Realm inside.

The divine realm within the body.

As the star core of the refining planet at the center of the God Realm becomes stronger, Qiannuo, as the main body, will also benefit a lot and become stronger.

This is a good stove.

After fighting for a hundred years, Qian Nuo traveled through the universe and found a black hole that led to an unknown place, so he rushed in to take a look.

He originally wanted to find the world of the Great Overlord, but he didn't find it.

Inside the black hole, he realized the secret of the black hole.

The constant decomposition and reorganization of his body gave him a better understanding of black holes, and thus he understood the laws of black holes.

When he appeared again, he had arrived in a strange world.

He appeared on the horizon.

The energy fluctuations emanating from his body were so powerful that people on this planet discovered it and became wary.

Energy abnormality notifications appeared on the command computers at the top of the HR Alliance, Extreme Martial Arts Hall, Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts Hall, China Military Region, and Europa.

In the Extreme Martial Arts Hall, at this moment, Lei Shen, who was wearing a blue thunder suit, was facing Hong, a man in red clothes in front of him, drinking tea and chatting.

However, he was confused by the warning that suddenly appeared.

This power appeared for a while and then disappeared.

But it was captured by their satellite.

"The power just now emanated from the waters of the Australian continent."

"Turn on the satellite and see who it is."

"Other forces must have checked it out and are watching. We can't lag too far behind."

Thor became a little interested and immediately spoke.

Hong nodded after hearing this.

If everything that happens on the earth is beyond their control, it is likely to bring crisis to the earth.

This is something they will never allow.

Soon, satellite surveillance was called up.

Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, many satellites have been launched. Their goal is to monitor areas around the world, especially dangerous places like sea areas.

After all, there is a Beast King, which is very dangerous.

The satellite picture came out.

But the screen display is a bit blurry.

However, it can be clearly seen that Yi Yi is wearing a black robe with a black dragon pattern on it, and a supreme glazed crown on his head. His whole body shows the feeling of a supreme emperor.

One look at it will inexplicably inspire admiration and awe.

This man was lying on the vast sea, but he did not sink, and the sea water did not soak his clothes. It was as if there was an inexplicable force that separated him from the water.

They obviously look like they are fused together, but they are in the same place, but not in the same dimension.

"It's a person."


"Where did it come from?"

"The picture is disturbed. How about we go over and take a look."

"The sea area from the Australian mainland is not really too far. Get on your ancient fighter plane and you will arrive there soon." Thor suggested.

"it is good."

Hong was also curious about who this person was.

So, above the Extreme Martial Arts Center headquarters and Hongning Base City, a large smart fighter jet flew quickly towards the waters of the Australian mainland.

At the same time, the top leaders of other forces also arranged for their own speaker-level presence to go there.

Mysterious Kirishima, underground world.

Hidden in a triangular spacecraft that violated the laws of physical conservation, an intelligent life also sensed something.

He immediately turned on the monitor to view the outside world, checked, and found the designated target on the vast sea.

"This man is so strange. He is just like an earthling, not an alien, but I can feel the terrifying aura released from him. Let's test the breadth of his brain. If you can, accept him as my fallen ink. Descendants of the Star.”

Babata spoke.

After scanning, the results appeared quickly.

After seeing the numerical value in front of him, Babata was startled and thought he had seen it wrong.

I also thought there was something wrong with the equipment.

The brain width of the person in front of me has reached 70%!

"Fuck! Seventy percent of the brain's width!?"

"Oh my God, this is definitely not an Earthling! How could an Earthling be so tall?"

"Let's look at the opponent's strength."

"When the master was alive, he was not this tall!"

Babata's eyes widened, and at this moment, his desire to accept the man in the picture as his disciple became even more intense.

Tested the opponent's cultivation level.

The peak of feudal lordship

"What, he is actually at the peak of the title of feudal lord! It's over, the earth is over, he's even more advanced than my master!"

"I hope he won't destroy the earth."

After Babata saw this value, he was immediately frightened.

Instead of rejoicing, I prayed that the other party would not destroy the earth.

How could the existence of the peak feudal lord appear here.

The other person looks exactly like the people on Earth.

The other human races in the starry sky are not like this.

Could it be that his body was taken away?

No, it must have been taken away!

"If I could hold his lap"

Suddenly, Babata thought of a possibility.

Perhaps you can ask the other party to help you find a more suitable successor.

It's better than waiting on earth.

So it started to be planned.

However, at this time, it detected that on the human side, several smart fighters had been dispatched, flying quickly towards the Australian mainland in the direction of the man in black.

Australian continent and sea.

The man in black lying here is the demon god Qiannuo who came through the wormhole.

"Well, where is this?"

"It seems that the black hole brought me to this world."

Demon God Qiannuo slowly opened his eyes.

A quick corridor of memories.

He is not only the Martial Emperor, but also the Dou Martial Emperor!

He is also the supreme master of the divine world.

In order to find a world with more powerful dimensions, he escaped into a black hole alone. After countless decompositions and reorganizations, he understood the secrets of black holes and thus the realm of black holes.

Then, the next second, he appeared here.

And he also learned that the black hole he entered was no ordinary black hole, but a very terrifying king of black holes.

No wonder that with such cultivation, his body would be decomposed.

If it weren't for the powerful passive of Double-faced Su Nuo, perhaps even it would have fallen.

But it's not a big problem now. The divine world in his body is still running normally, and all his cultivations are still there. (End of chapter)

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