Douluo: I have a relationship with Nuo, Qian Renxue’s dear brother!

Chapter 206 206 Recovering territory, an era of rapid development!


Deathly silence!

No one dared to speak.

Everyone is thinking about the problem.

However, upon reflection, I found that even if they objected, it seemed to have no effect at all.

Because the other party even calls Hong and Lei Shen Big Brother.

The terrifying aura on the other side was not that of an ordinary person at all.

"Let me boldly ask, after reunification, how should we arrange the forces and personnel we have today?"

Even East, the most respected person in the HR Alliance, felt that his mental power was being suppressed crazily in front of the young man in front of him, making him feel like he was facing a powerful enemy and could die at any time in the next second.

If he wasn't in his soul body right now, he would be sweating profusely.

His question is what everyone wants to ask.

"You are all under my control. I will establish the Elder Pavilion. You are members of the pavilion and a national force under me in the Martial God Empire. In the pavilion, I will set up a contribution treasury to keep your contributions to the Martial God Empire. Obtain contribution points, and the contribution points can obtain the treasures in the treasure house.”

"Those who are capable will live here. Since you are the elders of the empire, you must protect the empire and build the empire. This is also a new era, an era of evolution for all mankind!"

Qian Nuo said.

"Elder Pavilion! Contribute to the treasure house!"

Everyone was shocked.

However, Qian Nuo's words also made them relieved. What they were most worried about was the fear of being exploited in their current status, which was their own great benefit.

Although I couldn't resist, I didn't want to see it either.

"Now, I will show you the contents of these treasure houses."

Qian Nuo raised his hand and waved, and a column appeared above, which read Contribution Treasure House, Elder Pavilion.

This also shows that there will be other treasure troves of contributions.

Many of the treasures above have appeared.

Classification of soul guides

Soul bone classification

Classification of sacred bones

Classification of medicinal herbs

Classification of elixirs

Different fire classification

Classification of exercises

Fighting skills classification

It slides all the way down, a lot.

Click on it and look at each category.

So many treasures.

such as.

Click on the soul bone classification, and there are 100,000-year-old soul bones and million-year-old soul bones, many, many.

The name and introduction of each piece, as well as its contribution value, are presented.

Anyway, it's something they can't think of.

Everyone watching was dumbfounded, eager, and swallowing saliva.

"Good babies, all good babies!"

"Sir, can this really be exchanged for everything? All of them? Isn't it just a picture?"

Jia Yi asked incredulously.

"Of course, everything is shown above."

"In my place, there is nothing you can't think of, and there is nothing I don't have."

"So, from now on, you should actively contribute to the Martial God Empire, protect the empire, build the empire, and unite as one."

"If I find you engaging in internal strife, I will personally kill you."

Qian Nuo’s voice was calm, but his words were unquestionable.

"Okay, we will definitely cooperate well!"

Seeing this, everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

After making some more plans, the meeting ended.

The next day, a piece of news appeared that subverted the entire world's political power.

The Martial God Empire was established, and all forces were merged into the empire and under unified management.

And all the land belongs to the Martial God Empire.

From now on, we will unite the front to protect the Martial God Empire, build the Martial God Empire, unite to fight against foreign enemies and monsters, and restore a peaceful society in the new era of mankind.

Speakers and parliamentarians from all over the world jointly issued a statement.

This news shocked the world.

Many were extremely happy.

Moreover, the emperor and supreme ruler of the Martial God Empire, Qian Nuo, also appeared, with powerful power that shocked the world.

People can't help but worship.

"Today, the Martial God Empire is established, and from now on it will be Martial God for one year!"

In the following time, all the elders worked together to exterminate the monsters in many places, rushed back to the ocean, and regained human territory.

He provoked the anger of several beast kings under the sea and launched a beast tide against humans. Several beast kings attacked human society together.

It was at this time that the Martial God Emperor showed his power.

With a raised hand, kill all monsters and beast kings, calm the turmoil, and appease the people.

Live broadcast around the world, shocking everyone.

The reputation of the Martial God Emperor Qiannuo has reached its highest level! With the powerful attack of Qian Nuo, the God of War, these monsters were killed, and everyone quickly regained the lost territory.

The Martial God Emperor used his great power to forcibly connect all the continents together.

It turned into a huge circular continent.

Beyond is the sea.

Moreover, a huge moat was built and a national defense array was arranged.

In order to develop future human warriors, some places with no development value were specially circled to raise monsters in captivity to provide warriors with experience.

There were countless magical beasts in Dou Qi Planet, Qian Nuo picked some out at random.

Next, the Martial God Empire entered an era of super-high-speed development.

The external version of Contribution Vault is also promoted among the remaining powers within the Empire.

Everyone can use contribution points or exchange them with the corresponding Martial God currency.

This contribution treasury is a weakened version, and the exchange conditions are also much relaxed.

If it is in the Elder's Pavilion, it must be exchanged with contribution points.

Whatever is available outside is available in the Elder’s Pavilion, and whatever is not available outside is also available in the Elder’s Pavilion.

Anyway, in one sentence, whatever is available outside, Elder Pavilion has it, and whatever is not available outside, Elder Pavilion has it all.

Luo Feng also spent half a year to become a planet-level powerhouse and successfully joined the Elder Pavilion.

During this period of time, Qian Nuo, the God of War Emperor, was not idle either, but took care of the major alien ruins on the earth.

Kirishima, his arrival made Babata excited.

I have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Quickly attract the opponent down.

According to his memory, Demon God Qian Nuo locked onto the Death Ink Star battleship in an instant and escaped immediately.

Come to the battleship.

Inside, Babata became nervous when he saw this.

The door opened automatically.

When I walked in, I saw corpses stored in containers.

Some are big and some are small.

"I have met Lord Fenghou!"

Babata took the initiative to show up and saluted in front of Qian Nuo.

Facing an existence at the level of a feudal lord, it didn't dare to be too big.

It's just a little intelligent life.

The opponent can be wiped out by raising his hand.

"Fenghou, has my strength reached the level of Fenghou?"

After Qian Nuo heard this title, she thought to herself.

But he felt that he was far more than just a prince.

"Don't you know your own strength?" Babata was a little surprised.

"I really don't know."

"How far are you testing my strength?" Qian Nuo asked.

"The peak of the title of Marquis!" Babata said.

"The peak of the title? Maybe it's just the limit of your equipment, not mine."

Qian Nuo said so.

Babata was stunned. The other party had not considered this issue at all. It had been too long, so he had forgotten this detail.

When he thought of this, he was immediately frightened.

Could it be that the other party is a king-level expert? !

If it is true!

"Tell me about your civilized things." Qian Nuo said lightly.


Babata quickly told the story about the Death Ink Star.

"I can resurrect your dead. As long as I find the body or the soul, I can do it."

"But I have one condition. All of you, Death Ink Star, will be loyal to me."

Qian Nuo said.

Earthlings are still too weak.

He needs such a formed alien civilization to quickly cultivate earthlings.

People on Earth can't give him much help in space, but these people are different.

they can.

He also doesn't want to be a polished commander.

He even wanted to take down the Blue Silver Empire and use it as his first cosmic base to conquer the universe. (End of chapter)

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